Page 12, Portland Observer, December 9, 1987 JOBS & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ADVANCE NOTICE TO BIDDERS CONTRACT NO. 88-658B PORTLAND DEVELOPMENT CO M M ISSION ENGINEERING SERVICES Proposals Due 5:00 p.m . December 22, 1987 The Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon (Tri-Met) will advertise for bids on December 10, 1987 for Printing of Transportation REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS The Portland Development Commission is seeking proposals from qualified consulting engineering teams to provide civil, structural and geotechnical engineering, surveying and landscape architecture design services for the structural construction of major roadways and related utilities and major untility relocation within the South Waterfront Area of the Downtown Waterfront Urban Renewal District of the City of Portland. The improvements are generally described as. Three- and five-lane boulevard roadway, two-lane temporary road­ way; substantial geotechnical fill and retaining wall; water, storm water and sewer utilities to serve the future development, trunk sewer relocation, and storm sewer outfall; and street lighting, signage and intersection signalization for two intersections. The Portland Development Commission encourages participation of mino- rity/women business enterprise contractors in its projects. Established Com­ mission goal for participation is 9% for minority business enterprises and 9% for women business enterprises. PDC expects the consultant to meet or increase these goals. A completed RFP package is available from Marla Miller, Portland Develop­ ment Commission, 1120 S.W. Fifth Avenue, Suite 1102 Portland, Oregon 97204-1968, 1503) 796-5323. Proposals are due at the PDC office no later than 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, December 22, 1987. Guides, Contract No. 88 658B. The Request for Proposals may be obtained from the Contracts and Legal Services Department, Tri-Met, 4012 SE 17th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97202, after December 11, 1987, (503) 239 6466. OF SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Office Building Addition Housing Authority and Community Services Agency of Lane County Bid Date: December 16, 1987 at 11 A .M . JO H N HYLAND CONST.. INC g T n T r a l CONTHAC >0« 1 Written comments can be submitted in advance of the hearing by writing to Tri-Met Board of Directors, 4012 SE 17th Avenue, Portland, OR 97202. W rit­ ten comments can also be presented at the hearing. Further information can be obtained by calling Ken Zatarain, Tri-Met Manager of Service Planning at 238 4970. TRI-COUNTY METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT OF OREGON Douglas L. Capps, Executive D irector o f Public Services December 6,1987 N.E. 111th Drive to N.E. 181st Avenue Columbia River Highway Oregon Department of Transportation Bid Date: December 17, 1987 at 9:00 A .M . KIEWIT PACIFIC CO. P.O. Box 1769, Vancouver, W A 98668 (206) 693-1478 or (503) 285-4687 FAX 206-693-5582 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from women and minority owned business enterprises. DITION" by December 22, 1987. Oregon State Board o f Higher Education A rt M ancl D irector o f Campus and B uilding Planning Eugene, Oregon December 7, 1987 Oregon Correctional Institution Saturday service would operate hourly instead of every 30 minutes. SUB-BIDS REQUESTED We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business and small disadvantaged business sub contractors and Notice is hereby given that the Withycombe Hall Room 303 Fume Hood Pro­ ject that was to be opened on December 8, 1987 has been cancelled. Depo­ sits on contract documents will be refunded on their return in GOOD CON­ for NOTICE is hereby given that the Tri Met Board of Directors will conduct a public hearing during the regular monthly Board meeting on December 23, 1987, at 3:30 PM, Room C, Portland Building, 520 SW Fifth Avenue, Port­ land, Oregon, to receive public comment on proposed bus route revisions, additions and/or deletions which may impact riders on those routes. The proposed changes will be effective April 3, 1988 and affect service as follows: P.O. Box 7867 Eugene, OR 97403-6606 (503) 345-8100 B ID SUB-BIDS REQUESTED NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 22-Parkrose: women and minority enterprises. C A N C E L L A T IO N TRI-COUNTY METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT OF OREGON (TRI MET) pitch... you make your best hit with us SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Eastern Oregon Correctional Institution Bid Date: Decem ber 17, 1987, 3:00 P.M . Make a grand slam in sales through newspaper advertising! We re your best bet as tar as readership (the bigger our circulation, the larger your audience!), economics (it's the most economics way to promote business), and effectiveness (you'll get results you can bank on!). Let's discuss your advertising future soon. DRAKE Bid Date: December 17,1987 at 3 p.m. PO R TLA N D JO H N HYLAND CONST. INC. TR AC T Q W j P.O. Box 7867 Eugene, OR 97403-6606 (503) 345-8100 1740 N.W. Flanders Portland, or 97X9 O BSERVER OREGON'S AWARD W INNING BLACK NEWSPAPER 283-2486 Construction Company (503) 226-3991 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business and small disadvantaged business sub contractors and women and minority business enterprises. We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business and small disadvantaged business sub contractors SUB-BIDS REQUESTED National Safety In The Workplace Week Eastern Oregon Correctional Institution Bid Date: December 17,1987, 3:00 P .M . Safety? You bet your life! It’s a catchy phrase. But it’s more than just a slogan for National Safety in the Workplace Week. It’s a fact. Lower down payments. Lower interest. ^31 M cC O R M A C K /E M E R IC K CONSTRUCTION CO. P.O. Box 66100 Portland, OR 97266 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business and small disadvantaged business sub contractors and women and minority business enterprises. SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Selwood Middle School Portland School District No. 1 Addition and Remodel Bid Date: Decem ber 22,1987 at 1:00 P .M . ROBINSON CONSTRUCTION CO. P.O. Box 23248 Tigard, OR 97223 (503) 639-8021 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business and small disadvantaged business sub contractors and women and minority business enterprises. SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Eastern Oregon Correctional Institution Bid Date: Decem ber 17, 1987, 3:00 P.M . ROBINSON CONSTRUCTION CO. P.O. Box 23248 Tigard, OR 97223 All year long workers bet their lives on safety. Every time a machinist steps up to a machine, every time a carpenter picks up a saw, every time a chef fires up the stove, safety is vital. That’s why workplace safety should be an everyday concern for every American worker and em­ ployer. It can’t take a back seat to productivity or profit. It can’t be an afterthought at a board meeting or simply a poster on a bulletin board. The US Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the Amer­ ican Society of Safety Engineers and the Associated General Con­ tractors are observing National Safety in the Workplace Week to help make everyone aware of the need for strong workplace safety and health programs Employers can review company safety and health policies, make self-inspections and provide safety and health training and equip­ ment. Workers can help too. They must know and comply with safety rules, be alert for hazards and wear re­ quired protective equipment (503) 639 8021 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from small business and small disadvantaged business sub contractors and women and minority business enterprises. Is safety worth it? You bet your life. For more information, write OSHA, Room N3637, Washington, We’ve made buying a HUD home a whole new hall game. Buy an FHA-insured HUD-owned home now and enjoy a lower down payment and interest rate with our all new Double Play offer. Now for a limited time, HDD has dropped the down payment to just 3% for owner-occupants and 10% for investors on all HUD-owned properties eligible for FHA Mortgage Insurance. Plus, HUD will pay up to 6 additional points to help cut your interest rate up to one full percent . . . or more! Check the HUD listings ad in the classified section of your Friday or Sunday Oregonian. Then for details, see any real estate agent. Lower down. Lower interest. Our all new Double Play will help you come home a winner. HUD and your real estate agent. We’re The Home Team.® a HUD DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING ANO URBAN DEVELOPMENT TT