Page 8, Portland Observer, November 25, 1987 Living Christmas Trees Available Holiday Travel Requires Extra Time at the Airport If a living Christmas tree is your choice for holiday decoration, it s time to start thinking about making your selection. A living Christmas is preferred by many people, because the tree isn t discarded after the holidays,” said Ray McNeilan, Oregon State University Extension home gardening agent. "The tree is moved to become an To avoid lines, traffic congestion, and missed flights, PDX travelers are urged to: • Obtain airline tickets prior to the travel date. • Verify flight inform ation before leaving home. • Arrive at least an hour before flight time. • Use the parking hotline 288 PARK • Utilize curbside baggage check in if possible • Use the economy lot to save money and avoid traffic congestion. • Try an alternate form of transportation like taxis or buses. attractive additional to the home landscape.” Licmg Christmas frees are now available at many nursery stores and other retail outlets. These trees usually come in a tub of soil or in balled and burlapped condition. If the tree is in a tub. keep it watered until the time comes to move it outdoors. If the tree is balled and burlapped, set it in a large tub or other container and keep the burlap moist until the tree is to be moved outside. McNeilan warns against keeping a living Christmas tree indoors oo long A living Christmas tree is in a dormant state, and if kept indoors where temperatures are much higher than outdoors, the tree w ill break dormancy and begin active growth. This will be a problem when the tree is finally moved outside again, McNeilan said. The suddent temperature change may cause the tree to die. Come celebrate the and Fred Teifel will be playing the 1860 Gaveau Grand Piano. As a special treat on Sundays a short program of Christmas music will be performed by the Jubilee Singers at 1:30 p.m. Guests are welcome to join in Christmas Caroling at 5 p.m. - a reminder when this historic house was known as the Multnomah Conservatory of Music. Contact Mary Sauter, 284 5893, for more information. ourdoor temperatures gradually. The pine fir and blue spruce trees that are available as living Christmas trees in Oregon will eventually grow to be 30-35 feet tall. Avoid planting them too close to homes because their roots may cause damage to cement ot the 'i WC A's NORTHEAST CENTER foundations. , . ___ . A living Christmas tree can be used in the landscape as a windbreak tree, or as a barrier tree to divide the yard or add to the privacy of the home. z 5630 N.E. Union Avenue I hursdav f (U n ity o f / rrr 3- 7 p in. Program 30 p m O« o • • 13r4 0 M *o o~w »«»o k n 0om .« < H • CaUlph H SI ill» »•««« 631 SW Aider (Just off Broadway) • taka OtwoO* •« • *’ « 226-0624 aaaao w wx'ii («xtli k Wigs, Hairpieces and OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK NE Columbia Blvd -Jfc. 4* 320 P 1 ortland. OR 97211 O IA T o 2 8 2 -9 7 0 7 (206) 6 9 9 -4 5 5 0 (503) t? KING New Radiators New Cores s7 ■ 5 **and 9?* up Lifetime warranty on above honored at any Radiator King in U S on all non commercial cars and trucks to 3/4 ton Sale & Restyling 4 I 4 $64.’ ” u; Rebuilt Radiators W IN T E R IZ A T IO N SPEC IA L Power Flush plus up to 2 gals -4 gg Chemical Clean & Repair up FREE R A D IA T O R CHECK HEATER SALES SERVICE Rod Out & Repair $48” * ‘ Additional charge Io remove and replace radiator^ Open Mon thru Fri 8-5 • Sat by Appt 2 84 8970 Eva Gabor • Born Free Rene of Paris • Andre Douglas Zurv and more • Carefree Mon Fri 10 6 p.m Store Hours 10:00 a.m. 'til 6:00 p.m. Monday Thru Saturday 1105 N .E . B r o a d w a y 4 4 4 4 4 T o p ro m o te the h o lid a y trad ition T o sa v o u r th e h o lid a y trad ition and o ld -fa sh io n e d x -m a s T o ad d a w a rm an d g lo w in g c e n te r to y o u r h o m e d u rin g Q u ality an d fr e sh n e ss D isc o u n t p rices F ree an d tim ely d elivery S A N T A ’S X M A S F R E E S TREES NOBLE • • P erso n a l and friendly serv ice STANDS • DOT ITI AS WREATHS • i .R AND (5 0 3 )6 2 0 - 9 4 31 O r e g o n g r o w n tree “ B u y O r eg o n 7T 4 2 2 2 N . W illia m s N. Williams £t Skidmore Next to Geneva's Restaurant Closed Sundays » » .-V . ■3 V *‘ * .’i * BBSS? • Sun 11 5 QUALITY C H R IST M A S W REATHS AVAILABLE ;ioss from Safeway U oytl Center! T e l 282 1664 HRS: Mon-Sat 9 6 BEN EFITS O F BUYING A C H R IST M A S TREE FR O M US The Neighborhood Toy & Gift Shoppe 5429 N .E . 4 2 n d Almost Am thing »T ools » B a u « • Jewelry • Cameras • Co,ns • Sportmg Goods • Collectables »Appliances .E lectro nics .F u rn itu re • Musical Instruments »M ore the h o lid a y se a so n NOW OPEN Portland, OR 97211 • I rade natural tree ca n g iv e Complete Cooling System Service for Trucking of ant ’ reezR/cootant_______________ ■ I 4 tANEf'CS’ »a "•de'n«'» and », - sy, e-’t . anti a uWd * À T o d eligh t in its natural b ea u ty and fu lln ess I T o fill y o u r ro o m w ith th e sc en t o f th e h o lid a y s that o n ly a $QQ95< W ina.p Heavy Equipment Manne Auto and Light Trucks Beauty Supplies H dçe pw0 t i l c n t Arsye FS 4 VÖ0.’ ’ WHY YOU SH O ULD B U Y A LIVE X M A S T R E E DOWNTOWN I Th« * r>«r»dl>«»l • IllnO * H.l. «liton • soto a ».I. #*»••••" | S*or»l In Town • N LwnOonO •» Onwloy • 33«4 a Wo« BomtlOo i-n t« 190« a 103x4 «. Wvlatan a Kin« City I _ •a.a afie Te S' ee t* C i ' à F u r n it u r e — O u r S p e c ia lt y 711(1 \ F Gl IS W IENOWS IEN 709 S W SALMON STREET PORTLAND OREGON 97205 15031 228 01 16 Do Your X-Mas Shopping Bargain Tree We Bin • Sell Second Hand Store WE DELIVER NO CHARGE t ____ _ J SHOP __ _ Dianetics Center •1985 by C S A m»rh O*n«d 0» »*• W u pe"" on P» "fed " u S * Only $ 1 2 .5 0 ! Corne in or call fo r in fo rm a tio n : K Name Address City State/Prov Order your copy today from : * * * I . 7 .. ■ ‘ ’ -. ■ > A