Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 25, 1987, Page 7, Image 7

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    November 25/1987, Portland Observer, Page 7
Send notice o f your church
activities and events to:
Religion Editor, Portland Observer
P O Box 3137
Portland OR 97208
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Community Dentistry
BY Dr Edward Ward
Sealants Deter Cavities
Threats to Freedom
We are particularly proud that our dental office presently has over 400
children under our care. This number reflects our true concern for the dental
health care of children.
The intent of this article is to inform you of the benefits of pit and fissure
sealants in the prevention of tooth carries (tooth decay) in the pre-molars
and molar teeth cf children The ages when sealants are most effective are
6 years to 18 years ' During that period of time, children do not brush their
teeth as effectively as they might - and at a tune when they may be indulg­
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ing in larger amounts of sugar.
’ Sealants work by actually coating the rough chewing surfaces of teeth
will) a plastic like covering. This prevents the food and sugars from lodging
on these rough and grooved pit and fissure surfaces, the application of the
sealant, combined with proper diet, tooth brushing, flossing and regular
checkups, helps our children have an excellent chance (betfer than 90 4.1 of
reaching adulthood without cavities For you, the parent, this translates to
Rear Karen W althenson (Grant HS), Justine Flynn (Jefferson HS)
Dieter Ratzlaf (Grant HS), M argaret Richen (G rant HS), M ark St
John (Grant HS), Lisa W althen (Giant HS), Emma Shook (Grant HS).
Front Row: Shannon W illiam s (Jefferson HS) Linda Bailey (PSU),
Dawn H ofstad (PSU)
Dr. O B W illiam s Rev Ralph A bernathy, and Dr John Jackson
Photo by Richard J B row n
Edited by Nyewusi Askari
EDITOR'S NOTE: On Novem ber 18. 1987. the Honorable Rev. Ralph
A bernathy was the guest speaker at tire Greater M t Calvary Church
o f God in Christ. The Portland Observer is proud to present excerpts
fro m his speech, " The Four Threats to Freedom
"I need not pause to tell you how delighted I am, and how privileged I
am to return to the State of Oregon and to the city of Portland I will always
remember you very fondly and dearly, because you have inspired me on
other occasions. I am so glad to be with people I dearly and truly love Dr
and Mrs John Jackson, Dr. and Mrs. O B Williams, Bishop and Mrs. H B
Daniels, and so many others I have come to love.
"M artin Luther King was correct when he said that we ie all tied to
gether in one common bond of mutuality; and what affects some of us
directly, affects all of us indirectly You see, a threat to justice anywhere is
a threat to justice everywhere, and you can't be what you ought to be unti
I am what I should be
"Let me assure you that charity begins at home and then spreads
abroad. And I believe that the first thing we have to do is get ourselves tight.
We have to free America, because the world is looking at America saying
that we cannot heat what you are saying for seeing what you do
"In A m e rfc tM & m Irving theUrfe of a hypocrite that preaches one thing
and does another. We have to live a life consistent with our teachings, I
said to a radio commentator this afternoon, I'd rather see a sermon anyday
than hear one ’ What is wrong with tire world today is an absence of ove.
We don't love anybody. We don't love our neighbors. We don't love our
lower dental care costs.
Because I practice preventive dentistry, I have been placing sealant
whenever and wherever possible. And I will otter a five-year guarantee if all
home care instructions and six month checkups are observed. Hopefully,
this gesture will demonstrate how effective and valuable the pit and fissure
come to know Christ.
"W e have come a long way in our struggle, and those of you who say
we haven't made progress, have no understanding
you have never been
denied the right to drink from a water fountain. You have never been.denied
the right to stay in a hotel or walk through the front door of a hotel You
have never been denied the ugh, to ride an elevator. You have never been
denied the right to use a bathroom. You have never been denied the ugh,
to si, in a restaurant and had to go around to the back door.
"And now we have state legislatures that are dominated by Black men
and women. We have Black mayors in the biggest ct.es of America But
these positions did no, come on a silver platter Somebody had to die Black
r t w h ite men died white women died, and Black women died in
order that'we may oe here this evening Sombody paid the price Sombody
Ten Northeast Portland student musicians will be performing in the Port
land Youth Philharmonic's sixth annual presentation of the Sing Your Own
Messiah", conducted by Jacob Avshalomov, on Fuday December 4, 1987,
in the Civic Auditorium.
Jane, Howland, well know choral director, with Cynthia Rampone as
accompanist, led the way in polishing up rusty vocal chords in preparation
for the event at a free brush up session for the aud.ence/chorus that was
held Sunday, November 22. at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 1624 N.E.
Hancock. Portland. This optional practice session, with scores provided,
was open to the public. It is one of six being held throughout the city.
The local students performing in the December 4 audience participation
event range in age from 15 to 20 and were among the 264 who auditioned
for a spot m this internationally acclaimed orchestra. During its 64 year
history this educational organization has trained over 4,000 student musi
cians and entertained thousands throughout Oregon, the United States,
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Edward E. Ward, DMD
General Dentistry
Prevention oriented
Friendly professional staff
Insurance gladly accepted
Sedation for sensitive patients
Fees discussed prior to treatment
Visa Mastercard accepted
Convenient downtown location
New patients welcome
. All bus lines/validated parking
. ADA member
D r. Edw ard E. W ard
Phone (503) 228 3009
Hours: MF 7 AM 7PM, SAS. SAM-5PM
Soup Labels Needed
N.E. Portland Daycare Bible Club needs your Campbell Soup labels
to buy a much needed van Pie se mail labels to P McClendon. Box 10575,
Portland OR 97211 Labels will be collected from November, 1987 through
February 1988
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“Convenient, affordable denial care for your family.
Wm. Temple House
Seeks Donations
William Temple House counsels and provides emergency assistance to
those in need. Winter and the holiday season brings greater demands. The
following donations are urgently needed: men’s shoes and coats, women s
large sizes (16 & up) clothing, children's coats, shoes & all clothing (sizes
6, 8, 10), money for emergency fuel, travel, overnight housing, etc., blan
kets, canned protein rich foods (chicken, peanut butter, meat, sauces, etc.),
toiletries (soaps, toothpaste, toothbrushes, etc ).
Items may be taken to William Temple House, 2023 N.W. Hoyt, any
weekday, 9 a m. to 4 p.m. Most gifts are tax deductible.
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Grace Collins
Memorial Center
Day Care
Cox Funeral Home has a staff dedicated to the fa.m lies in
their hour of need w ith lo w cost funerals d ig n ity and liberal
te r ms
Shipping • Cremation • Bun I
2736 N F Rodney • 1503) 281 4891
Portland Oregon 97212
• Pre-School
‘Latch Key Program ’
Children 6 wks.
Corner of 8th and Skidm ore
Sunday School 9:15a.m.
Sunday Worship 1:00 a m.
^Christian Youth Fellowship 6 00 p.m
(second and fourth Sundays)
to 11 yrs.
• Breakfast
• Hot Lunches
• Snacks
P h illip S Nelson (Pastor)
for his long-standing commitment to freedom
1 hursday
C hoir Rehearsal
84 N F k illin g s w o rth • 281 0499
A warm spirit of fellowship always"
fA s
I lie Ark of Safety
Chrirr h of God in Christ
128 N.E. Russell St.
3605 N E 10th St
284 8904
289 9569
B iW c
8 00 p m
N o o n Day
•folloti' peace tvilh
all men f. holiness
tvilhoul which no
man shall see the
Call atte. 6 00 P M
P ortland OR 97211
Th»* Pastor Speaks
7 30 p m
fy d
S aturday
M o rn m q Prayer
n* O to lta
9 00 a m
xje bn tot. to i
l u t i ) A M
Stotovt V AA« i <R a AM O to
S ix to »
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5 year old kids at Grace Collins
study hard on sch o o l w o rk
before going outside to play.
y p w w
t yanqehsttr
ty 1 ''l a y
4-year old kids at Grace Collins
M em o rial C en ter learn h o w to
make cookies.
6:30 am 6.00 pm
S unday Sf h o o l
M ovtim q
Grace Collins
High Quality Service Hot Meals,
Sliding Fee Scale
•- i 7 • ••'
*-• y
610 S.W. Alder, Suite 1008
Rev Abernathy's trip to Portland was sponsored by the Albina Mm.
sterial Alliance, the American Freedom Coalition and other civic organ.za^
lions After his introduction, Rev Abernathy was presented with a bronze
sculpture by world renowned Portland artist. Lorenzo Gh.glierl. The sculp
,ure entitled "Commitment To Freedom ", was awarded to Rev Abernathy
North East Redeemer
Day Care Center
Europe and Japan
suffered. Somebody placed their all on the alter
r ’
sealants are.
Audience/Chorus Prepares for
December 4 Event
friends. And many people don't love themselves
"A serious threat to freedom is that awful and crippling disease known
ac racism Throughout the United States of America, and I have found
abroad and all over the world, there is this crippling problem of racism. We
don't love and we don't care for each other beyond our race. We must >n
come color blind. Surely, I want to see Jesse Jackson become President of
the United States of America not because he is Black, but because he s the
most qualified person. He is the person who is concerned about the pro
blerns, and he's not afraid to address the problems that are facing America
today. That is the reason why, and no, because he's Black. We must grow
up and kill racism in this nation
"America must deal with its religious bigotry We must deal with this
old false and unfounded idea that nobody will be saved but in my churr
When we ge, to heaven, if we get there, there will be Baptists, Methodists,
Catholics. Jews and everybody who loved the Lord. We ought to 'earn that
lesson and stop hating on the basis of religious bigotry Jesus said, here
are other sheep I have tha. are no, of this (old. . You see. I know that
can't see the face of God by hating people simply because they have no,
Memorial Center
Day Care