N ovem ber 25, 1987, Portland O bserver, Page 5 W alker, Chatman to Receive Awards for Service to Youth Troy Beyer: From Rebellious Runaway to Socially Conscious Actress Actress Troy Beyer o f "D y n a s ty " fame, has led a life as dram atic as the pi ime tim e series she has starred in . Beyer, w hose Black M oslem m other and Jew ish father divorsed w hen she was very young, recalls, "T h ere was a tim e w hen I was a very confused little chocolate g ir l." The 23 year old explains that she was a very rebellious and strong w illed child, m ainly due to her acting debut at age three on "S esam e S tre e t." " I w as out there perform ing, and I knew that m y m oney w as paying the r e n t," she recalls. She " g o t a little u p p ity " and ran away from hom e w hen she c o u ld n 't have her w ay. " I just needed a little discipline u ntil I could get out on m y o w n ," Beyer says. She g ot that discipline at age 12, w hen she w en t to live w ith her father in Idaho. As the only Black student at her school in Idaho, she g o t her first taste o f racism w hen her W h ite boyfriend o f tw o years was "p re s s u re d " to break up w ith her, and a W h ite girl at school called her a derogatory name. How ever, the love and support o f her parents and nine brothers and sisters, in ­ cluding half Asian and half-Spanish siblings, taught her, " I d o n 't have to w o rry about w ha t it's like to be any c o lo r." Beyer, whose acting credits include S h ow tim e Cable's "U n c le Tom 's C abin" and the m ovie, "D is o rd e rlie s ," says o f her career, " I d o n 't w an t to be a star, I w ant to be an a rtis t.” The socially conscious actress also w ants tc help troubled teens and becom e a U S. senator one day to "g iv e som ething track" to the w o rltj. Carmen W alker and Vern Chatm an have been selected to receive the first annual Bow m an A w ards to be presented by Jefferson High School to recognize persons in the co m m un ity w ho have w orked w ith the c o m m u n ity's T ro y B e yer o f " D y n a s ty " fa m e , re ve a ls h o w she re c o v e re d fr o m a tr o u b le d c h ild h o o d to fin d s u c c e s s in a c tin g . Galaxy of Stars to Sparkle on UNCF Telethon Jones. Tickets fo r the perform ance are now on sale at Jefferson in the b oo k­ keeper's office from 8 a.m . to 4 p.m . daily. ■ I This Coupon Good For I I I I I 4 I « young people. The awards, nam ed in honor o f Dolores and Joseph B ow m an, w ill be presented during the finale o f’ the opening n ig ht perform ance o f "H e llo , D o lly !" December 3, 1987. The public is invited to the perform ance w hich features several o f the co m m un ity's m ost talented young people. ' A cco rding to Nate Jones, principal,- it has been the goal o f Je ffe rso n's Project Pride since its inception five years ago to im prove student achieve­ m ent, attendance, and behaviof. "W ith o u t the support o f the co m m u n ity, Project Pride w o u ld not be w ha t it is to d a y ," he said. "W e have established the Bow m an A w ards to recognize the e ffo rts o f those w ho e xem plify the goals o f the p ro je c t," com m ented M r. Jones. He w ent on to say th a t the w inners dem onstrate a special kind o f dedication. Dolores and Joseph Bow m an have w orked in the Portland schools ser­ ving youth fo r m ore than 40 years at King Elementary School, Roosevelt High S chool, W a s h in g to n High S chool, M onroe High S chool, Portland Evening High School and Jefferson. C urrently Mrs. Bowm an is the vice­ principal in charge o f student services at Jefferson and Mr. Bow m an is the prinicipal o f the Portland Evening High School. Carmen W alker is being honored fo r her lifetim e dedication to young people as a teacher, counselor, and volunteer since her retirem ent from J e f­ ferson's counseling departm ent a fe w years ago. She has been instrum ental in Project Pride's inception and im plem entation. Vern Chatm an is being recognized fo r his service through the Urban League, particularly fo r his e ffo rts in coordinating the Career Day each fall. "W e urge you to see w ha t promises to be another outstanding p ro d u c­ tion and join us fo r the presentation ceremonies opening n ig h t," stated M r. JAZZY FM ‘ $100 ri ri ANY REGULAR PRICED | A L B U M . C A S S E T T E OR | C O M P A C T D IS C IN S TO C K I I I I I I I s I I I I I u I I •Excludes Red Tag M erchandise I I I I I I M U S IC I M IL L E N N IU M I Ki I l f I I I k K Tvl ’ • ♦ • f H Ì F W » < f- M JW M f < F AST P O R U AND 32nd b f B u rn s id e N W POR TI AN; 2Ts» b N W J o h n s o n 231 8943 248 0163 Limit 1 per customer I I I I Ed M c M a h o n M any ot the entertainm ent w o rld 's m ost e xciting singers, d an ­ cers and actors w ill illum inate mil lions o f television screens across the co u n ty w hen a galaxy o f stars appear on the 1987 "L o u Rawls Parade o f S ta rs " telethon to bene fit the United Negro College Fund. This annual holiday extravaganza, n ow in its eighth year, w ill air coast to coast on Saturday, D ecem ­ M a rily n M cC oo presents ',l° oli» Lou R a w ls and Al Jarreau. Leading the w ay on the fun- filled entertainm ent special w ill be telethon host Lou Rawls, joined by co-hosts M arilyn M cCoo and Ed M c ­ M ahon. N oted entertainer and talk show nost Clint Holmes w ill join the trio as co-host this year from the g littering Tropicana Hotel in Los ber 26. Over 51) stars representing a w ide range o t e nte na inm en t categories w ill appeiit on the seven-hour spe­ cial, including m any w ho have volunteered their talents to this w orth y cause year after year. A m ong the greats returning to this year's show w ill be Sam m y Davis, Jr Patti LaBelle, Bob Hope, Ben Vereen, Nancy W ilson, Alan Thicke Vegas. D.J. Dr. Rock e v e ry T h u rs d a y N ig h t 5700 N.E. Union 281-1176 • FRIDAY NITE LIVE NOV. 2 7 th young people! FLIRT ROMEO and Dec. 3 - 7:30 pm Dec. 4-5 8 pm Jefferson Auditorium $ 5 .0 0 tickets: $4, $2 available at: Jefferson 8 am -4 cm Stevens & Son Lloyd Center PLUS LIV E D .J. THE MELODY LANE BALLROOM 615 S.E. ALDER 9 P M T IL L 2 A M A D M IS S IO N NO MORE ROLLING NO MORE DRYERS THE U N TO U C H A B LE KREW at The Look of a Relaxer withthe Maintenance of a Curl! Leisure Curl products are designed to get the hair to a healthy state which will promote growth. with Don't miss this chance to see some of our community £ most talented MT HOOD COMMUNITY COLLEGE M ary's Place Presents PROJECT PRIDE JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL "V f I Stark r *i4«r 1 N»Jmcr(t NO MORE COSTLY TIME NO MORE WET HEADS NO MORE DRIPPING ON CLOTHES NO. NO, NO MORE PLASTIC BAGS D istributed by: D B B Enterprise (503)287 8981 or 284 2359 tic k e ts on s a le at th e s e lo c a tio n s ... HOUSE OF SOUNDS MRS. C.s WIGS ONE STOP RECORDS THE NEW BIRTH IN HAIR CARE! I