Page 12, Portland Observer, November ?h, 1987 J k - A J W Since Ihe beginning of Pmjeel Help, thousands of people have been wanned by dtmalionsfmm people lihe you. . Here’s how you can lend a hand. Project Help provides emergency assistance to the elderly, disabled anc 1 unemployed who, because of an emergency, need heat this winter. ® Last year, thousands of you together with the shareholders of Portland General Electric and Pacific Powt contributed nearly half a million dollars for emergency assistance. Over 4,000 homes were kept warm. Whether they needed wood, oil, gas or electi icity. But all too soon Old Man Winter is going to knock on the door once again. So look for donal ion envelopes in your next electric utility statement and please give as you are able. Applicants for one-time emergency assistance will again be screened by the Salvation Army or a d e s ^ B ignee. Beginning in January approved checks will be issued directly to the appropriate fuel supplier, and ^B you’ll have helped a family through a tough ordeal. Which, we suspect, might even warm you a little too. H E L