N o v e m h a r 9A 1QA7, P o rtla n d Observer, Page 11 JOBS & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids for the construction of Household Sewer Hookups for the Charleston Sanitary District, Coos County, Oregon, will be received until 11:00 A M , PST, December 4, 1987. Bids submitted prior to the opening will be received by Charleston Sanitary District, 4570 Eel Avenue, P.O. Box 5522, Charleston, Oregon. Bid opening will be conducted at the Charleston Sanitary District Office, and publicly opened and read aloud. The project, entitled Phase 2 — Household Sewer Hookups, Charleston Sanitary District/Coos County, consists of two schedules with approxi­ mately 217 houses to be converted to service laterals. No bid will be received or considered by the public contracting agency ' the bid contains a statement by the bidder as a part of this bid that provision» of ORS 279.350 shall be complied with. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS JANUARY 28, 1988 Sealed proposals on the following project will be opened and read by the Highway Division in Room 122, Transportation Building, Salem, Oregon, at 9 a m „ on Thursday, January 28. 1988; Proposals shall be submitted to Fran Neavoll, Office Manager, Commission Services, prior to 9 a.m. on the above date. For this project, bidders shall be prequalified in the class of work Schedule A 1. Houshold Sewer H ookups...............................................104 Each Schedule B 1. Household Sewer H ookups.............................................113 Each indicated. FEDERAL AID PROJECTS (FAP) NOW REQUIRE A SINGLE GOAL FOR ANY DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (DBE) PARTICIPATION. THE NEW FEDERAL DEFINITION OF DBE INCLUDES WOMEN OWNED BUSINESS ENTERPRISES (WBE) Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of H G.E., INC., Engineers and Planners, 375 Park Avenue, Coos Bay, Oregon, and at the following locations: Charleston Sanitary D istrict................................ Charleston, Oregon Coos County..............................................................Coquille, Oregon Bay Area Plan Exchange.......................................Coos Bay, Oregon Eugene Builders Exchange........................................ Eugene, Oregon Contractor's Exchange ..............................•’ ............... Salem, Oregon Builder Exchange......................................................Medford, Oregon Josephine County Builders Exchange..............Grants Pass, Oregon Douglas County Builders Exchange.....................Roseburg, Oregon Oregon Builders Exchange.................................... Roseburg, Oregon Builders Plan Exchange............................................ Portland, Oregon Northwest Plan C enter............................................ Portland, Oregon , Construction Data News.......................................... Portland, Oregon Portland Observer...................................... Portland, Oregon One copy may be obtained by prequalified prospective bidders upon receipt of cash or check in the amount of $25.00 made payable to the Engineer. De, posits made upon procurement of drawings, specifications, and forms of Contract Documents will be non-refundable. Individual sheets and specifi­ cation pages may be purchased for the cost of reproduction, $0.25 per sheet. Bidders must prequalify with Owner, on Standard APWA Prequalifications forms ten (10) days prior to bid opening. Prequalification forms may be obtained from, and should be submitted to the Engineer. If a prequalification form is on file with the Engineer and is not over one year old, refiling is not necessary unless there has been a substantial change in Contractor s status. The Offeror's or Bidder's attention is called to the "Equal Opportunity Clause” the “ Standard Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Construc­ tion Contract Specifications", and “ Section 3" Requirements set forth herein. The Contractor's compliance with the Executive Order and the regulation of CFE Part 60-4 shall be based on its implementation of the Equal Opportunity Clause, specific affirmative action obligation required by the sPec'f|c a l'°ns set forth in 41 CFR 50 4.3(a), and its effort to meet the goals established for the geographical area where the contract resulting from this solicitation is to be performed. The hours of minority and female employment and training must be substantially uniform throughout the length of the contract and in each trade and the Contractor shall make a good faith effort to employ mino­ rities and women evenly on each of its projects. The transfer of minority or female employees or trainees from Contractor to Contractor or from project to project for the sole purpose of meeting the Contractor goals shall be a v.o_ lation of the contract, the Executive Order and the regulations in 41 CFR Part 60-4. Compliance with the goals will be measured against the total work hours performed. The Contractor shall provide a written notification to the Director of the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs within 10 working days o award of any construction subcontract in excess of $10,000 at any tier of construction work under the contract resulting from this solicitation. The notification shall list the name, address and telephone number of the sub­ contractor, employer identification number, estimated dollar amount of the subcontract; estimated starting and completion dates of the subcontrac , and the geographical area in which the contract is to be performed. As used in this notice, and in the contract resulting from this solicitation, the covered area is the Coos Bay area. Prospective Contractors for work in connection with Section 3 covered pro­ jects will be required to provide, prior to signing of the contract at preliminary statement of work force needs (skilled, semi-skilled, unskilled labor and trainees by category where known, where not known, such information shaH be supplied prior to the signing of any contract between contractors and their subcontractors. This project is being financed by Community Development Block Grant Funds from the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Coos County is the recipient of the funds in behalf of the Charleston Sanitary Dis­ trict and Coos County is responsible for administration of the grant funds. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive all infor­ malities. No bidder may withdraw or modify his bid after the hour set the opening and thereafter until the lapse of sixty (60) days from the bid. Ken Bastendorff, President November 26, 1987 and equal employment opportunity (EEO) work force composition reqwtro- ments contained in the contracts affirmative action special provisiqp. STATE OF OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HIGHWAY DIVISION ON STATE-FUNDED PROJECTS, HOWEVER. SEPARATE DBE AND WBE GOALS WILL CONTINUE TO BE SET WHEN APPROPRIATE (1) LINCOLN COUNTY: Alsea River (Waldport) Bridge Section of the Oregon Coast Highway near Waldport. FAP No. BRF-2-4(24). ($30,000,000 $50,000,000). Req. approx. 94 000 cu. yds, emb.; 28,000 tons aggr. base; 7,650 tons asph. conic QP''r|n t' (470 tons asph. cement in mix); 6 cone, manholes; 44 cone, inlets; 1,800 lin. ft quard rail- 3,400 sq. yds. cone, walks and driveways; 5,000 lin. ft cone, curbs- 560 cu. yds. cone, in walls; 53,000 lbs. reinf. in walls; 655 sq. ft. signs; 40 ilium poles and luminaires; 4 signal poles; 1 Model 170 controller; 10 ve^ hide signals (2 programmed); 8 ped. signals; 3 int. ilium. signs; 6 acresseed and mulch; 33 trees; 7,370 shrubs; 815 groundcover; (Alt. A ); 26,000 cu. yds struc. exc.; 8,515 lin. ft. steel pipe piling (116 piles); 50,160 lin. ft. pre- stressed cone, or steel pipe piling 1456 piles»; dynamic monitor 0 piles: 36,700 cu. yds. struc. cone.; 8,745,000 lbs. coated reinf.; 1,540,000 lbs. pre stressed steel; 23 prestressed beams; 20,660 sq. yds. 'atex-mod. con^ ove''' la y 93,000 lbs. strand hangers; 6,000 lin. ft. bridge rail; 5,845 lin. ft. pe _ rail; (Alt "B "); 25,600 cu. yds. struc. exc.; 8,150 lin. ft. steel pipe piling (116 oiles)- 48 250 lin. ft. prestressed cone, or steel pipe piling (438 piles); dynamic monitor 10 piles; 34,900 cu. yds. struc. cone.; 7,080,000 lbs. coated reinf.; 1 360 000 lbs. prestressing steel; 20,660 sq. yds. latex-mod. cone, overlay; 2 475 000 lbs. struc. steel; 57,000 lbs. strand hangers; 6,000 tin. ft. bridge rail 5 845 lin. ft. ped. rail. Completion Time: 1,200 calendar days. Requires a CPM Network schedule and computer analysis printout. Class of Work. Reinforced Concrete & Structural Steel Bridges & Grand SeParat'on Strucc tures THIS PROJECT CONTAINS A DBE/WBE GOAL. THE DBE/WBE ENTERPRISE IS SUBJECT TO COMMERCIALLY USEFUL/UNCT'O N (CUF) REQUIREMENTS. A nonmandatory prebid meeting will be held at tne Bayshore I each Club located at 1512 Oceania Drive in WaldP°’2 atA^ 2 a.m. on December 15, 1987. THIS PROJECT CONTAINS ALTERNATIVE The policy of the Oregon Department of Transportation is to P*® ***® *^^ opportunity for participation in its contracting activities to all person? ana firms in compliance with applicable Federal and State laws, rules and tions The State Highway Division hereby notifies all bidders that it w matively insure that DBE/WBE will be afforded full opportunity«» bids in response to invitations to participate in any contract entered into i suant to this advertisement. In consideration for an award, persons or will not be discriminated against because of race, age, color, sex, fBl»L national origin, mental or physical handicap, political affiliation, or merit»« status. • • • Plans and specifications may be inspected at this time at the Transportation Building in Salem; AGC Offices in Seattle and Spokane; PTS Business Deve­ lopment Center, Builders Exchange Co-operative, Northeast Business Cen­ ter, Northwest Plan Center, Portland; and Eugene Builders Exchange. THERE IS A NON REFUNDABLE CHARGE OF $50 FOR EACH SET OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS ORDERED. THIS MATERIAL WILL W . SENT POSTAGE PAID. REQUESTS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BT EITHER A CERTIFIED CHECK, CASHIER'S CHECK, COMPANY CHECK, OR A POSTAL MONEY ORDER DRAWN IN FAVOR OF THE OREGON STATE HIGHWAY DIVISION. Plans, specifications, and proposal forms can be obtained in Ro^ J - TrM* ' portation Building, Salem, Or 97310 or by telephoning (503) 378-6293. Prequalification by prime contractors will be required by the Department O< Transportation 10 days prior to the bid opening date A $50 filing fee moet accom pany the p requalification application, a fte r January 1. is proposed tha t the filin g fee w ill be $100. The last day for filing for ttw» letting will be January 19, 1988. The Department of Transportation may reject any bid not in compliance with all prescribed public bidding procedures and requirements, »nd may reject for good cause any or all bids upon a finding of the Department of Transportation it is in the public interest to do so. STATE OF OREGON BY AND THROUGH ITS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HIGHWAY DIVISION Larry W. Rulien State Highway Engineer ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID BIDS. “ BUY AMERICA" requirements apply on this Federal Aid Project except for Sealed bids for the 625 SW 16th Street Revised project will be received* the Oregon State Board of Higher Education until 2:00 PM, PST, Decem­ ABB pile splices. Where the Department has assigned a DBE/WBE participation goal on a contract, the contractor and subcontractor must comp'Y w'th the commer cially useful function (CUF) provisions which require that the DBE/ WBE actually perform, manage, and supervise all assigned responsibilities. Where the Department has assigned on-the-job training (OJT) participation goa s, the contractor must comply with the relevant special provision requirements. Additionally, the contactor and subcontractor are subject to contract wage ber 15, 1987. EXPLORATION FOREMAN (HIGHW AY MAINTENANCE FOREMAN 2) $1735-$1904 MONTHLY The Oregon State Highway Divi­ sion has a challenging opportu­ nity for an Exploration Foreman headquartered in Roseburg. The Exploration Foreman is respon­ sible for the supervision and ope­ ration of equipment used to ob­ tain subsurface exploration data. Position requires equivalent to three years of progressively re­ sponsible experience in highway maintenance or construction work including one year exper­ ience in drilling operations. Con­ tact ODOT Personnel, 419 Trans­ portation Bldg., Salem, OR 97310, for employment applica­ tion and recruiting announce­ ment. Apply soon, since this recruitment may close at any time without notice. The Oregon Department of Transportation An EEO/AA Employer Additional information may be obtained by contacting. ret down payments Lower interest. a r ig a H U D l ball game. INFORMATIONAL ADVERTISEMENT PORTLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS CALL FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received until 1 00 p.m on the dates indicated in the Purchasing Department, Multnomah County School District #1 J, 501 N Dixon. Portland. Oregon for the items listed herein: BID FILING DATE DESCRIPTION Aprons and Bar Towels tor Warehouse Stock, 1987-88 Dec. 8. 1987 Art Supplies for Warehouse Stock. 1988-89 Dec 8. 1987 Physical Education Supplies and Equipment tor Warehouse Stock. 1988 89 Dec 8. 1987 Formal announcement, detailed specifications and biddino document may be obtained at the above address. F o r’ a d d itio n a l in fo r m a tio n , p le a s e c o n ta c t M ich a e l J. H u tch e n s, D ire c to r o f P u rch a sing , 249-2000, Extension 581 DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT Full-time for comprehensive pro­ gram of financial support. Re­ quires documented experience and successful in development activities. Closing date: 1987. OSU Physical Plant 606 SW 15th Street Corvallis. OR 97331 or telephone 503 754-4921 December 31, For information and application materials, call: 667 7645 or write M t. Hood Community College 26000 S.E. Stark Gresham. OR 97030 EEO/AA Buy an FHA-insured HUD-owned home now and enjoy a lower down payment urtd interest rate with our all new Double Play offer. Now for a limited time. HUD has dropped the down payment to just 3% for owner-occupants and 10% tor investors on all HUD-owned properties eligible for FHA Mortgage Insurance. Plus. HUD will pay up to 6 additional points to help cut your interest rate up to one full percent . or more' Check the HUD listings ad in the classified section of your Friday or Sunday Oregonian. Then for details, see any real estate agent. Lower down. Lower interest. Our all new Double Play will help you come home a winner. HUD and your real estate agent. We’re The Home Team.® HUD® « •r ■ 1 •**. -.'AC. OtPARTMENT OF I - ANO URBAN DEVELOPMENT I • iiaSNiii*