Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 11, 1987, Page 9, Image 9

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    November 11, 1987. Portland Observer, Page 9
"Bethel Bakers" Sale
Please Drive Carefully
The “ Bethel Bakers" of Bethel Lutheran Church will hold their annual
Bake Sale from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Saturday, November 21, 1987, at
the church, 5658 N. Denver & Jessup.
Baked goods, lefse and Scandinavian pastries will be for sale. There
will be demonstrations of lefse-baking and Krumkake-making.
Lunch of homemade soup and sandwiches, pie, coffee or tea will be
served. Everyone is welcome.
In 1985, almost 20 percent of all pedestrian injuries involved children
under 15 years old. Oregon AAA asks motorists to drive very carefully.
Remember, many youngsters are still learning the pedestrian safety rules.
Students to Hold Forum
The Organization of International Students will hold a forum on
regional conflicts and United States Policies on November 18, 1987 at
6:30 p.m. in the Smith Memorial Ballroom on the Portland State University
Panelist include: Canon Colin Jones: Advisor to the Arch Bishop Des­
mond Tutu of South Africa; Mudar Yaghi: Former President of the General
Union of Palestinian Students - United States chapter and President of
Organization of Palestinians for Return; and Dr. Dick Clinton: Department
of Political Science at Oregon State University specializing in Latin Ameri­
can Politics and International Relation.
The discussion will focus on the current and historical conflicts which
remain unresolved in the areas of South Africa, the Middle East and Latin
African Chorale to Perform
in Portland Sunday
Portland Black Catholic Lay Caucus
11th Annual Meeting
The Mama Beyeke Chorale of Zaire will present a concert in Portland
on Sunday, November 15. The group takes its name from their leader, a
58 year old woman named Mama Beyeke Bofii. Singing original songs
of Christian faith, the Chorale performs on traditional instruments of Zaire.
The concert begins at 3:00 p.m. at Mallory Avenue Christian Church,
126 N.E. Alberta. There is no admission charge. A free will offering will
defray expenses.
For more information, contact Douglas Wirt, 288-5173 (mornings) or
284-5470 (afternoons).
The Portland Black Catholic Lay Caucus will hold its 11th Annual Meet­
ing, Saturday, November 21, 1987, at Holy Redeemer Church, located at N.
Portland Blvd. & Williams Ave. Mass will be celebrated by Bishop Paul
Waldschmidt at 5:30 p.m. followed by the meeting to be held in the Small
Hall at 6:30 p.m.
The agenda will include: Video of Pope John Paul Il's visit, presen­
tation and discussion of Black Catholic Pastoral Plan, and election of offi­
cers for 1988.
The Caucus' purpose is to plan and coordinate activities for Black
Catholics in the church environment, train and sensitize white clergy and
religous providers, provide advice and guidance for the Bishops on pro­
grams and strategies that affect the Black community.
Everyone is welcome to attend both the Mass and the meeting.
125th Church Anniversary
The First African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church of Portland, Ore­
gon, celebrates their 125th Church Anniversary. Rev. Willie B. Smith is
the present Pastor. The celebration will take place November 18-22, 1987,
at their present location 4304 N. Vancouver Avenue. Theme: Jesus the
Light of the W orld.''
The Rt. Rev. Herman L. Anderson, Presiding Bishop, Ninth Episcopal
¡District of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, will be the guest
■speaker of this honorable milestone on Sunday, November 22, at the 11:00
a.m. morning worshop service.
This historic Church formed in Portland, Oregon, in the year 1862 in
nhe home of Mary Carr, would graciously like to invite past members and
community of the Greater Portland area to join them during this prestigious
event. Worship programs are planned Wednesday through Friday evenings
beginning at 7:00 p.m. On Saturday, NovembdV 21, in the social hall of
this great church, a banquet honoring present members with Thirty years or
more of faithful service will be held at 6:00 p.m.
For further information, you may contact the Church Office at 287-
J. t
The Metropolitan Human Relations Commission will be soliciting pub­
lic testimony and input from public officials at a workshop/forum entitled
"Maintaining a Strong Civil Rights Presence in Challening Times," featur­
ing Dr. Dorothy Porter, Director of the Colorado Civil Rights Division, on
Saturday, November 14, 1987 at the Portland Community College Cascade
Center located at 705 N. Killingsworth in Portland.
The workshop/forum will feature testimony from leaders of commu­
nity based organizations from 9 to 11:30 a.m. Testimony from the public
is invited from 1 to 2:30 p.m. City and County officials are invited to discuss
the role of the Commission from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m.
Dr. Porter's visit is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Justice Com­
munity Relations Service
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