SUB-BID REQUESTED SUB-BID REQUESTED Coos County Wastewater Treatment Plant Contract No. 1 BID DATE: November 17.1987 2 PM BID DATE: Novem ber 24,1987 7 PM HYLAND CONST. IN C ‘S*‘-VGFNfNa. CuHTNAC Klamath County Jail HYLAND CONST.. INC. P.O. Box 7867 Eugene, OR 97403-6606 (503) 345 8100 P.O. Box 7867 Eugene, OR 97403-6606 (503) 345-8100 W e are an equal o p p o rtu n ity em ployer and request sub bids from small business and small disadvan­ taged business su bcontractors and w om en and m in ority business enterprises. W e are an equal o p p o rtu n ity em ployer and request sub bids from small business and small disadvan taged business sub co ntractors and w om en and m in ority business enterprises. SUB-BID REQUESTED SUB-BID REQUESTED Coos County Jail Phase 3 BID DATE: November 18, 1987 7 PM Linn County Jail BID DATE: Novem ber 12,1987 3 PM JOHN JOHN HYLAND CONST., IN C GENERAL CONTHACTQ^ P.O. Box 7867 Eugene, OR 97403-6606 (503) 345-8100 W e are an equal o p p o rtu n ity em ployer and request sub-bids from small business and small disadvan­ taged business su b-con tracto r and w om en and m in o rity business enterprises. ECONOM IC DEVELOPMENT A D IV ISO R Y C OM M ITTEE MEETING NOTICE The Econom ic D evelopm ent A d visory C om m ittee IEDAC) fo r the C ity o f Portland w ill m eet on M o n ­ day, N ovem ber 16, 1987 at 4:00 p .m . in the: Blue Room M ayor Clark's Office 1220 S.W . Fifth A ve., Room 303 The C om m ittee w ill be discussing issues related to updating the C ity's econom ic developm ent policy. ’age 8, JOBS, November 11, 1987 HYLAND CONST.. IN C G tNEHAi CONTHACTOR P.O. Box 7867 Eugene, OR 97403-6606 (503) 345-8100 W e are an equal o p p o rtu n ity em ployer and request sub-bids from small business and small disadvan­ taged business sub-contractors and w om en and m in o rity business enterprises. SUB-BID REQUESTED Portland Airport Parking Structure Bid Date: November 25,1987 10 A M M .A . MORTENSEN P.O. Box 1867 Bellevue, Washington 98009 (206) 822-7744 W e are an equal o p p o rtu n ity em ployer and request sub-bids from small business and small disadvan taged business sub co ntractors and w om en and m in o rity business enterprises.