v.y<»A ■ ' ». ''•jSEfi’ïîlËvfc V • * M ETR O PO LITAN SERVICE D ISTR IC T (M etro) REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL CONSULTING SERVICES A p p lic a tio n due 5:00 p .m ., D ec em b e r 4, 1987 M etro and the C ity o f Portland are establishing a Public-Private Task Force or> Future Transit Finance in the Portland region and w ish to engage consulting services to act as Project C oordinator. The C oor­ dinator w ill act as a co n tra ct center, clearinghouse and inform a tion resource to assist the Task Force in reaching their recom m endations. For a com plete Request fo r Proposal, co nta ct: Karen T h ac ks to n T ra n s p o rta tio n D e p a rtm e n t M e tro 2000 S .W . First P o rtla n d , OR 97201 (503)220-1159 Proposals m ust be received by 5:00 p .m . on Friday, December 4, 1987. Postm arks are n ot acceptable. IPUBLIC NOTICE The H ousing A u th o rity o f Portland has been given approval by the U .S . D epartm ent o f H ousing & Urban D evelopm ent to purchase 30 three bedroom units under their C onventional Housing Program , A cquisition w ith o u t R ehabilitation. These homes should be located w ith in the city lim its o f Portland, on im proved streets and connected to sewer. Pre­ ference w ill be given to hom es b uilt w ith in the last ten years or recently rehabilitated w ith energy c o n ­ servation measures. All hom es m ust be free o f lead base paint. All purchases w ill be either vacant houses at the tim e o f the o ffe r or ow ner occupied. Pursuant to Federal Regulations 24 CFR subpart B, "fh e sale by the ow ner to the Housing A u th o rity is voluntary, and if a m utu ally satisfactory agreem ent cannot be reach­ ed, the H ousing A u th o rity w ill n ot acquire the p ro ­ p e r ty ." This pro visio n rem oves any resp on sibility from the H ousing A u th o rity to the house ow ner fo r relocation assistance. Interested p roperty ow ners should co nta ct: J e a n e tte S an d er t H ousing A u th o rity o f P o rtla n d o ffic e by phone: 249-5549 or by m ail to P .O . Box 13220 P o rtla n d , OR 97213 Proposals w ill be accepted th ro u g h December 1, 1987. Joan B ro w n A c tin g E xecu tive D ire cto r H ousing A u th o rity o f P o rtlan d N o v e m b e r 3 ,1 9 8 7 Pnnr H m p r r I t T C IT Y OF P O R T L A N D B U R E A U OF T R A F F IC M A N A G E M E N T D O W N T O W N P A R K IN G PLA N A N D C IR C U L A T IO N U P D A T E PROPOSALS DUE 4:30 P.M., DECEMBER 11,1987 NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS The C ity o f Portland, Bureau o f T ra ffic M anagem ent, is seeking the services o f a qualified co nsu ltan t or consulting team to develop the 1988 D o w n to w n Parking Plan and C irculation U pdate. The Plan is intended to rem edy deficiencies in data and to deve­ lop recom m endations fo r strategies to m eet short range and fu tu re parking and related c ircu latio n needs o f d o w n to w n P ortland w ith in the fra m e w o rk o f existing policy. Required w o rk elem ents include design, p e rfo r­ mance and analysis o f parking utilization and parker surveys to assess current parking co nd itio ns and create profiles fo r each parking sector w ith in d o w n ­ to w n and selected fringe areas; project additional parking dem and by type and sector; recom m end strategies to m eet the dem and; reveiw d o w n to w n circulation in regard to enhancem ents related to parking, pedestrian and bicycle amenities; and eval uate parking scenarios fo r air quality and circulation im pacts using the C ity's air quality o ffsets and dow n to w n circulation m odels. The plan w ill include proposals th a t m axim ize e ffi­ cient use o f existing parking facilities, and w ill recom ­ m end alternatives to d o w n to w n parking. The study w ill investigate w hether additional parking facilities should be b uilt or acquired by the C ity and recom ­ m end o ptim al public fa c ility rate structures. The estim ated co nsultant budget is $100,000. The Request fo r Proposal (RFP) w ill be available fo r d is tri­ bution Novem ber 6, 1987 from : The Bureau of Traffic Management 1120 S.W. Fifth Avenue, Suite 730 Portland, OR 97204 The C ity has established a goal o f 9 percent p a rti­ cipation fo r M in o rity Business Enterprises (MBE) and 9 percent participation fo r W o m e n 's Business Enter­ prises (W BE) on the to ta l dollars spent fo r p rofes­ sional, te chnical, and expert services. Participation o f M B E /W B E as subcontractors, in jo in t ventures, or by a to ta l aw ard, w ill be considered to w a rd this goal. In evaluating proposals, participation by M B E / W BE is one o f the criteria fo r determ ining awards. The Bureau o f T ra ffic M anagem ent especially en­ courages proposals fro m qualified m in o rity and w om pn-ow ned businesses. C ontact: Francie Royce Project Manager (503) 796-5183 for more information. r '.-.AtrL.irïr.; V-Î1.-Î-À