SERVICE TECHNICIAN ted to those described herein) DUTIES: Send resume to: • Run service problems from subscriber's tv to bridger amp. • Able to identify cable defects, explain services, resolve probs. • Complete all daily work orders and report as required. • Assist in line maintenance, and prev. maint. of system plant. • Perform all duties of an instal­ ler. • Maintain and care for test equipment, tools, supplies and vehicle and observe all safety practices. • Practice good customer rela­ tions. M INIM UM QUALIFICATIONS • Specialized technical training or equivalent in work exper­ ience and self study. • One to three years cable exper­ ience. • Valid driver's license with good driving record. • Willingness to be on call and able to work with public and co-workers. PREFERRED QUALIFICA­ TIONS • One year as Installer Techni­ cian. This position is not limited to the duties described here. BENCH TECHNICIAN DUTIES Perform trouble shooting, repair, cleaning and test of equipment, converters, amplifiers, power supplies, test equipment and other electronic devices. M IN IM U M QUALIFICATIONS One to three years work exper­ ience. Good attitude toward ser­ ving the public and working with others. Valid Oregon driver's license and good driving record. PREFERRED QUALIFICA­ TIONS Two years of technical school, specialized technician training or equivalent in work experience and self study. (Duties not limi­ Mike Hallock TCI Cablevision of Oregon, Inc. 3439 S.W. Bond St. Portland, OR 97201 An Equal Opportunity Employer EDUCATION SENIOR ASSOCIATE Western Center for Drug Free Schools & Communities NW Regional Educational Lab The Center is funded by a grant from the U.S. Dept of Education to provide assistance to public & private school personnel, stu­ dents, parents of the students and other community members, in the area of prevention of drug abuse. The Center serves Ala­ ska, Hawaii, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, California, Nevada, American Samoa, Guam, North­ ern Mariana Islands, and Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. The Senior Associate will be directly responsible to the Center Director. Duties include pro­ viding conceptual leadership in the planning & implementation of training Et technical assistance for educational agencies, deve­ loping resource materials for use in the delivery of Center services, designing Et developing confer­ ences, coordinating the Western Resource Network which serves as demonstration sites for com­ prehensive programs. Qualifications include: Doctorate in education or related discipline, w-emphasis in educational ad­ ministration; however, a Masters degree w-exceptional training Et experience may be considered. 2 yrs recent experience in a lead­ ership postion within a school setting. Demonstrated ability to work effectively w-educational Et community organizations. Ex­ perience in planning, analyzing and/or formulating comprehen­ sive programs in drug Et alcohol. Demonstrated effectiveness in providing technical assistance to schools. Able to communicate effectively, work independently or with minimal supervision, work effectively as a team mem­ ber, travel frequently & exten­ sively by air and own car. Salary $32,023-$36,000 dep upon qualifications Et experience — excellent benefits. Letter of application and resume must be received in the Person­ nel Office by 3 pm, Friday, 11/13/87; in letter, indicate the position for which you are apply­ ing. Selected candidates will be interviewed during the week of 11/16/87. Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory 101 SW Main St. Suite 500 Portland, OR 97204 NWREL is an Equal Opportunity Employer, and encourages wo­ men Et minorities to apply. POSITION WANTED FEATURE WRITER/ BUSINESS REPORTER A nationally published feature writer and business reporter seeks similar position on small town daily or weekly. Qualified as an editor, writer and photo­ grapher, and am currently using these skills as Director of Mar keting and Media for Datasphere Computer Systems in Portland. Served as editor of the 35,400 circulation journal "Farm Smart,"' responsible for layout and de sign, securing features, writing, editing and circulation I have published over 100 articles on a variety of subjects including fin ancial management and tax re lated articles. Contact: Dick Landis, 1011 Lake Shore Road, Lake Oswego, OR 97034; (503) 635 3711 ______________ OPPORTUNITIES 1000 Sunbeds, Toning Tables: Sunal W olff tanning beds. Slen- derQuest passive exercisers. Call for free color catalogue. Save to 50%. 1 800 835 3826. November 4, 1987, JOBS, Page 15