■ , ,É ià SUB-BID REQUESTED SUB-BID REQUESTED Coos County Wastewater Treatment Plant Contract No. 1 BID DATE: November 17.1987 2 PM Klamath County Jail BID DATE: November 24,1987 7 PM JO H N JO H N HYLAND HYLAND G t N f R A C j N T » A C IO R ] G IN f R A i CONTRACTOR CONST.. INC CONST.. IN C P.O. Box 7867 Eugene, OR 97403-6606 (503) 345-8100 P.O. Box 7867 Eugene, OR 97403-6606 (503) 345-8100 W e are an equal o p p o rtu n ity em ployer and request sub-bids from small business and small disadvan taged business subcontractors and w om en and W e are an equal o p p o rtu n ity employer and request sub bids from small business and small disadvan taged business sub contractors and w om en and m in ority business enterprises m inority business enterprises. SUB-BID REQUESTED SUB-BID REQUESTED Coos County Jail Phase 3 BID DATE: N ovem ber 18. 1987 7 PM Linn County Jail BID DATE: N ovem ber 12.1987 3 PM JO H N HYLAND CONST.. INC. /J O H N ( HYLAND GFNCAA l CONST.. INC. contractor P.O . B o x 7867 E u ge n e, OR 97403-6606 tGTNtRAl CONTRACTO«] (503) 345-8100 P.O. Box 7867 Eugene. OR 97403-6606 (503) 345 8100 W e are an equal o p p o rtu n ity em ployer and request sub-bids from small business and small disadvan­ taged business sub contractors and w om en and m in ority business enterprises. W e are an equal o p p o rtu n ity em ployer and request sub-kjids from small business and small disadvan­ taged business sub co ntra cto r and w om en and m in ority business enterprises. Job Information Line SUB-BIDS REQUESTED (503) 220-2434 Linn County Jail in Albany, Oregon BID DATE: Nov. 12,1987 at 3 PM H .A . ANDERSEN CO . INC. A direct dial number tor employment information at P.O. Box 6712 Portland. OR 97228 (503) 283 6712 NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS W e are an equal o p p o rtu n ity em ployer and request sub-bids from small business and small disadvan­ taged business sub co ntractors and w om en and m in ority business enterprises. Page 14, JOBS. November 4. 1987 MSNBfi k ’ T 'T * * 4 • ¡ME " • 1r ; ‘J /:/../ 'f*.* '