October 28, 1987, Portland Observer, Pc CL A S S IF !E D A D VER TIS IIV G B U IL D IN G M A TE R IA LS FOR SA LE T Y P IS T S D.J. GENERAL CONTRACTOR INC. Hundreds weekly at home! Write: P.O. Box 17, Clark, NJ 07066 Dewey Taylor II Varityper CompSet 500. $400 or best offer. Richard Keller. (503) 777 5436. High Point Com­ munications, P.O. Box 8279, Portland, OR 97207. Pole Building Kits. Complete building package, 1/sliding door, 4 /colored walls, 6x6 poles, 24x36x10 $1,875; 24x48x12 $2,512; 30x60x12 $3,533. Many other sizes. Labor and financing available. 1 800-331-0155, (503) 263-1805. Builders' Board No. L44526. FOR SALE PERSONAL MASTERCARD. No one refused. Re­ gardless of credit his­ tory. Also ERASE bad credit. Do it yourself. Call 1 619-565 1522 Ext. C30260R 24 hrs. Pole Building Kits: Fall specials. 24x36x12, $1999; 24x48x12, $2446; 30x60x12, $3378; 40x 60x12, $4165. Financing, labor, delivery, other sizes available. Free color brochure. (503 ) 263 6953; 1 800 872-0070. OR 40703. W A N T E D TO B U Y B U IL D IN G M A T E R IA L S PMT reproduction camera. times, (503)390-1051. W A N T T O LOSE W E IG H T ? Need 50 overweight people who seriously want to lose pounds. Finally a program that works. 100% money back guarantee. Call Claire (503) 233-3865. DBA: P A IN TIN G -IN TE R IO R & EXTERIOR W A L L & FLOOR COVERING OF A L L PH ASES FREE ESTIMATES LICENSED, BONDED 10 YEAR S OF EXPERIENCE A F FO R D A B LE R E M O D E L IN G !!!!!! CALL TODAY G' \6°/° 288-9629 6 ^,co’ HOMES FOR SALE B U S IN E S S O P P O R T U N IT Y $154,950. Happy Val­ ley: View Mt. Hood. 1- % acre near Golf Course. Custom 6 bed­ room, 3 bath. Swim­ ming pool. Excellent terms. TK Realty, (503) 669-0503. 1000 SUNBEDS: Sun- al-Wolff. Save up to 50%. Call for FREE color catalogue and wholesale prices. M/C &Visa. 1-800-835-3826. B U S IN E S S FOR SA LE RESTAURANT seats 50. Best place in town. 8 lane Bowling center, 11 leagues, great hunt­ ing and recreation area in Eastern OR. After 7:30 pm (503 ) 676- 5442. B U IL D IN G M A T E R IA L S Weekly newspaper in growing community on beautiful Oregon Coast. 1,450 paid circulation. 1986 gross over $80,000. Priced for rapid sale, $60,000 firm; $10,000 down, owner will finance balance. No brokers. Write: Bruce Allen, 25 N.W. Cedar Avenue, Warrenton, OR 97146. HOUSES Call Les, Keizer- FOR SALE GOVERNMENT HOMES for $1.00 (U Repair) BUY DIRECT! Repos & Tax REPORTER '84 graduate of Lewis & Clark College with degree in international affairs and concentra­ tion in journalism seeks general assignment re­ porting position. In college reported for campus newspaper on a variety of issues, and worte features and re­ views. Also freelanced for local weekly and completed several in­ ternships before mov­ ing to New York City for three years to work in editorial department of publishing. Exper­ ienced in photojourn­ alism and layout. Con­ tact: Sam Bennett, i 10634 S.W. Hedlund, i Portland, OR 97219; (503) 635-6462. SEIZED Properties. Call TODAY for FACTS! 1 518 459 3546 EXT H6061A (TOLL Refundable) 24HRS. CATLIN GABLE RUMMAGE SALE November 5, 6 p.m.-9 p.m. November 6 - 7, 10 a m. - 9 p.m. November 8, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Multnomah County Expo Center. 60,000 Square Feet of bargains. See it to believe it! M O B IL E H O M E S FOR SALE S C H O O L IN G ENJOY CHILDREN? Study at nationally re­ cognized nanny train­ ing school. Free na­ tionwide placement, in­ credible demand. Con­ tact NNE, 2100 N.E. Broadway, Suite 3F, Portland, OR 97232. (503) 284-1240. Call collect. Lower down payments Lower interest. AFFORDABLE HOUS­ ING? 1700 sq. ft. top quality 3 section manu­ factured home. Com- j pare to site built or mo­ dular! Statewide instal- ation included. $39,995. Santiam Homes, (503) 769-7744, Stayton. ' 1 kA Z ■ < We’ve made buying a HUD home a whole new ball game. Buy an EHA-insured HDD-owned home now and enjoy a lower down payment ond interest rate with our all new Double Play offer. Now for a limited time. HDD has dropped the down payment to just 3% for owner-occupants and 10% for investors on all HDD-owned properties eligible for EHA Mortgage Insurance. Plus, HDD w ill pay up to 6 additional points to help cut your interest rate up to one full percent . . . or more' Check the HDD listings ad in the classified section of your I riday or Sunday Oregonian. Then tor details, see any real estate agent. Lower down. Lower interest. Our all new Double Play w ill help you come home a winner. HDD and your real estate agent. We're The Home Team.® d ll!) DEPARTMENT of mousing AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT Need Money? Equity loans on all types of real estate, easy qualifying! Rapid funding! We buy contracts. Call now! Toll-free, 1-800-537-5498, Oregon Land Mortgage. P IC K U P S /C A N O P IE S 500 Totem Tops: Warehouse prices. Totem, Stampede, Brahma. Over age units less. Free price list. Phone free, 1 800 452-9113, 9-5:00, 7 days. Totem Mfg, Salem, Oregon. nr B U IL D IN G M A T E R IA L S POLE BUILDING KITS. Complete building pa­ ckages, 1/sliding door, 4/colored walls, 6 x 6 poles, 24 x 36 x 10 $1,749; 24 x 48 x 12 $2,349; 30 x 60 x 12 $3,249. Many other sizes. Labor and finan­ cing available. 1-800- 331-0155, (503) 263- 1805. M O B IL E H O M E S Huge Selection of the first homes. From $16 square foot. wide. Foundations, garages, etc. available. Santiam Homes, 1969. (503) 769-7744, collect. C O M M E R C IA L P R O P E R TY FOR SALE mobile/modular Installed state­ land financing, Stayton. Since B U S IN E S S O P P O R T U N IT Y FIGURE SHAPING AND SUNTANNING EQUIPMENT: Open your own figure or sun­ tan salon or add these features to your exist­ ing business. Buy fac­ tory direct; (312) 234- 9547. VETERAN OREGON COAST: Beautiful 4 bedroom, 2 bath; large fenced landscaped lot; near beaches, lake, rivers, hunting, fishing. $38, 900. (503) 332-7505; Box 955, Port Orford, OR 97465. You can save money owning this 2 or 3 Bed­ room home. Com­ pletely renovated, New Natural Gas Furnace, Good Roof, New Wall to Wall Carpet, Fenced Yard, Ready to occupy. $300 per m onth P.l. FHA Mortgage. Seller pays most clo­ sing costs. Approxi­ mately $800 total move in costs. $20,250 234 0501 or 288 1678 L O A N S & F IN A N C IN G M O N E Y T O LE N D CONTRACTS & M ORTGAGES 28 SPACE MOBILE PARK, 16 mobiles own­ ed by park. Located in Medfore, Oregon. De­ tailed package avail­ able. Owner carry at B U S IN E S S 9% A.P.R. (503 ) 826- O P P O R T U N IT IE S 2661 or 1-800-422-0341. RETAIL CABINET STORE. Excellent ca­ binet and ceramic tile displays. Full Remodel- i'g . Good location. Owners retiring. Tran­ sition assistance. P.O. Opportunity for qualified Box 963, Hood River, veteran (acceptable credit OR 97031. & earnings) to acquire a HOMES FOR SALE lb * Barbed Wire Special: 12-Vi ga. 4 point, while supplies last, $24.50 a roll. Fox Fence Co., 4330 S.E. Division Street, Portland, OR 97206. USA phone 1 800 235-4188, »TO I PAYING RENT. VETERAN Opportunity for ’ qualified veteran (acceptable credit & earnings) to ac­ quire a tw o family home at no cost. Call M ackie or Jack 252-3366 Smith & Associates HOUSE FOR SALE 1 Vi story, 4 BR, 1 BA, FIRPLC, DR, Weather­ ized, New Kitchen and Bath. Pay $800 down & qualify to take over $37,000 FHA at 8 Vi%, $396 per month PITI. Near Peninsula School. 289 1424 or 653-7490. tw o family home at no cost. Call Mackie or Jack 252-3366 S m ith & Associates M IS C . FOR SALE SEWING MACHINES: COPY EDITOR 1987 new school mo­ Recent graduate from dels. "Due to budget the University of Hou- cuts." Constructedwith HELP W A N T E D stan with bachelor's "metal gears," for hea­ EXPERIENCE OF A vy duty. While they degree in journalism LIFETIME: Learn about | last! $139! "Free-arm seeks copy editing pos­ other cultures. Be­ model, $149! List $399! ition. While at college, reported awhile, then come a host family for i Latest stitches, button- a high school exchange holer, stretch, 2 over­ relized copy editing was where his talent student arriving August locks, etc. 20 year Within a few 19. Telephone Inter­ guarantee. Check, cre­ was. months, he was assoc­ national Education Fo­ dit cards. COD or lay­ iate editor of the col­ rum: Yvonne Bokovoy, away. Free delivery! lege paper and looking (503) 386-2223. 1-714-548 4425, any forward to his Dallas time. Morning News intern­ HELP W A N T E D ship. This summer, NEEDED IMMEDIATE­ he's a Dow Jones ed­ EDITORIAL LY: Welders, carpen­ iting intern at the Aus­ ters, electricians, plum­ Award winning ex­ tin American —States­ bers, management po­ publisher seeks mana­ man. He wants to find sitions, technicians, ger, editor, or news work in the Northwest, mechanics, machinists, desk position. I know along with his fiancee, drivers, equipment op­ all phases of news, Emily Smith (see re­ erators. Entry level, have worked in other porter). Contact: Oscar degreed, up to $32.60 departments. Publish­ Martinez, 1607 Fulton, hour. Call Transcon­ ed Sun-Enterprise three Houston, Texas 77009; years, left for economic (512)443-8680. tinental, (308) 647-5555. reasons. Edited Sierra Fee. Sun (Truckee, Calif.) 17 months, left for R V SA LES P IC K U P S / higher-paying job; laid PRE-OWNED 24' C A N O P IE S off from last paper BUNKHOUSE SPE­ 5 5 0 C A N O P IE S (Cresent City, Calif.) in CIAL: Large selection! CHEAP: Totem, Stam­ reorganization. Track 84 month financing a- pede, Brahama. Save record of improving vailable, OAC. Ocean- big at Totem. Free news products. Con­ Way RV. Hwy 18-99W mount. Free price list. tact: Herbert E. Swett, Dayton Junction (Lin­ Phone free, 1 800 452- P.O. Box 683, Smith coln City cut-off), M c­ 9113, 9-5:00, 7 days. River, CA 95567; home Minnville, OR (503) Totem Mfg., Salem, (707) 487 1575; messa- 434 6505 noc 17071 4K4-2141 M A R IN E S A L E S 28 FOOT FIBERGLASS CABIN CRUISER: Twin engines, video sound­ er, Loran C, CB, trailer. Extras, parts, equip­ ment, electronics. P.O. Box 3376, Harbor, OR 97415; (503) 469-3518. COMM UNITY PUB — LISHER/Managing Editor/Ad Manager Multiple award winner, all catagories. Builds ad volume, readership, paid circulation, quality, profits. Effective com- munity/econ., devel./ business activist. Staff motivator, recrits qual­ ity people, trains, re­ trains, crosstrains, builds quality, efficiency, prof­ its; controls costs. Started letterpress, pio­ neered offset 1959. Knows Oregon. Con­ tact: Dan McGrew, 843 St. Anne Drive, Salinas, CA 93901; (408) 758-4947. COPY EDITOR Recent graduate of Portland State Univer­ sity seeks position re­ quiring use of strong writing skills and ability to communiciate well with public and peers. Contact: Justin Huff­ m an-Kerr, 031 S.W . Caruthers, Apt. D, Portland, OR 97201;