Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 28, 1987, Page 6, Image 6

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    How Others
Try To
Control You
Page 6, Portland Observer, October 28, 1987
by Jane Wilson
It s a push-button society, or so it has often been said. But this may e
more true than we previously might have suspected.
Much like a computer, you have push-button impulses, key wore
phrases that can compel you to do things against your better judgment, or
which can repress you from doing what you want. Even without under­
standing the mental mechanisms involved, people frequently try to control
you by discovering and using these phrases to manipulate your reactions
According to the current best-selling book ' Dianetics The Modern
Science of Mental Health” by L. Ron Hubbard, “ The 'handling of human
beings' and what people have been calling, roughly, 'psychology have
been actually push-button handling of a person's aberrational phrases and
"Children discover them in their parents and use them with a
vengeance." says Hubbard. "Wives may find that certain words make the
husband wince or make him angry or make him refrain from doing some­
thing and so they use these 'push buttons.' And husbands find their wives
push buttons and keep them from buying clothes ot using the car.
In fact, everywhere we are manipulated by button words.
tising frequently tries to discover general public words and to use these to
make people buy. In the advertising field, they even talk about impulse
But just what are these button words and why do they have such a
power over us?
Hubbard discoverd that these buttons are in fact words connected to
past experiences of pain and emotion. But until the effects of these phrases
are released through "Dianetics” technology, a person generally is not
Photo by Richard J Brown
C om m ittee to Elect Susan Graber to the
Supreme Court
Susan Graber, a well-known and experienced trial and appellate attor­
ney from Portland, announced that she would seek election to the Oregon
Supreme Court, Position Four. The incumbent, Justice J.R. Campbell, is
expected to retire at the end of this term.
Former Supreme Court Justice Betty Roberts said:
In 1985, Susan
Graber was one of only two lawyers in private practice whose names were
submitted by the Oregon State Bar to then-Governor Atiyeh for considera­
tion to fill the vacancy that my resignation created on the Supreme Court.
I am delighted that she has agreed to run. She is the best qualified person
for the jo b ." Justice Roberts is joined on the campaign committee by for­
mer Supreme Court Justice Randall Kester.
Ms Graber's professional activities have included service as a pro tern
District Court Judge, an arbitrator, and a mediator, and she presently chairs
the Executive Committee of the Ninth Circuit Judicial Conference. Ms.
Graber also has -arved as a member of the Board of Governors of the City
Club of Ponlanc. She is a 1972 graduate of the Vale Law School
Campaign chairman Clifford N. Carlsen, Jr., who has twice chaired
successful statewide judicial campaigns, said that Ms. Graber is an excep­
tionally well-quaiified candidate. Ms. Graber said. I consider myself to be
a legal scholar, not a politician, but I intend to win this race.
aware of the connection.
Is there a defense against manipulative efforts of others to control you
with buttons? "Dianetics" actually details a method to gain full control over
your own responses.
But simply recognizing the phenomenon could be a step toward clearer
thinking. If, for instance, you find yourself getting particularly uspet for no
reason about something someone says, realize that they probably just
pushed a button of yours. If you find yourself reac mg in a way you don't
understand, this could be button words at work.
84 N E. K illin g s w o r t h • 281 0499
"A warm spirit of fellowship always"
\r k of
h of (¡od in Christ
Bible Band
C hoir Rehearsal
S unday
■ S und ay S chool
M o rn in g
W o rsh ip
11 15 a m
N oon Day
The Pastor S pears
7 30 D n i.
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8 00pm
S aturday
M o rn in g Prayer
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W o rsh ip
Tuesday Friday
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Protesters, outraged over the kidnapping of American Paul Fisher
of Witness for Peace by Contra in Nicaragua, demonstrated in front
of U S. Federal Building Tuesday evening. Martin Gonzalez, Central
America Program Director w ith American Friends Service Com­
mittee, in addressing the group said, "Paul Fisher s kidnapping by
• ‘.r'.'Wt
, • • .
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Corner of 8th and Skidmore
Sunday School 9:15 a.m.
Sunday Worship 1:00 a.m.
^Christian Youth Fellowship 6:00 p.m.
(second and fourth Sundays)
Phillip S. Nelson (Pastor)
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“Convenient. affordable dental care for your family.
the Contras in Nicaragua, and the assassination of Ernesto Anaya,
President of the Human Rights Commission of El Salvador, are re­
minders of the Reagan Administration's support for terrorist activi­
ties in Central America. We must end Contra aid and stop U.S.
Photo by Richard J. Brown
intervention in Central America.
Drug (Crack)
Drug (Crack) counseling for abu
sers is available starting November
30 at 7:00 p.m. There will be films
and group discussions. For infor­
mation, call 289-4915.
C o x F u n e ra l H o m e has a s ta ff d e d ic a te d to th e fa m ilie s in
th e ir h o u r o f n e e d w ith lo w c o s t fu n e ra ls , d ig n ity an d lib e ra l
te rm s
It's out of this w orld—a nebula,
that is These masses of glowing
gas, millions of miles across, are vis­
ible from 900,000 light years away.
Each is as large as an entire galaxy
like our own
This explosive best seller deals w ith the stress-
creating problems you face every day—problems
that can shorten your life!
Find out the only proven, safe, 100% workable
w ay to erase the causes of stress and gain
Buy, read and use Dianetics: The Modern
Science of Mental Health by L Ron Hubbard
Class for Children
Home Alone
As part of a special outreach pro­
gram for north/inr.sr northeast area
residents, the American Red Cross
is sponsoring a "When I'm In
Charge" workshop for children, 6 to
10 years old, who spend time alone
at home, either before or after
school. The workshop is on Thurs
day, October 29. from 3:30 to 5:00
p.m. at the Univeristy Park Commu
nity Center, 9009 N. Foss.
"W hen I'm In Charge" provides
useful information about: Increas
ing self-esteem, first aid skills, home
safety, fun and safe activities while
alone, emergency help, tasty and
nutritious snacks (recipes included).
There is no charge for the work­
shop but pre-registration is encour­
aged. Call Michelle Sharpe, Ameri
can Red Cross Youth & Community
Services, 284 1234x176.
Shipping • Cremation • Buriel
2736 N E. Rodney • (503)281 4891
Portland, Oregon 97212
Just fill out this order form and send it w ith your
check or money order for $5.00 to
Portland Celebrity Centre
and Dianetics Center
709 S W Salmon
Portland. Oregon 97205
503 228 0116
Handle stress
before it handles
hat are the hidden causes of stress and
How can unwanted emotions affect your
happiness and success?
In today's world, gaining peace of mind can be
difficult But when you read and use Dianetics:
The Modern Science of Mental Health by L Ron
Hubbard, you ve got the kn ow -ho w to help get
rid of stress'
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