October 28, 1987. Portland Observer. PageS (L-R) M ichael Thom pson. Diana Pierce Carl Kelly, Darren Johnson, Louie Chavez, and Reggie Carter Photo by Richard J. B row n Lip-Sync Contest Reveals Excellent Local Talent The Royal Equire Club in NE Portland was the scene of the annual Motown lip-sync contest recently, and patrons got more than the price of admission from contestants. While first place was awarded by the judges to Margaret Hart and Marvin Mimms tor their soulful and beautifully per formed rendition of Stephanie Mills' and Teddy Pendergras' hit single Feel The Fire" the sister duo of Likindra and Char stole the hearts of the crowd with a dramatic performance of Levert's "Cassanova" Equally exciting was Dion Morgan performing the Anita Baker hit Same Old Love Unquestionably, all contenstants gave a truly o u ts ta n d in g exhibition of the fantastic local talent available. United Negro College Fund Benefit Single w om an, singing is the leader o f the M am a Beyeke Chorale, Mama Beyeke herself. Since 1954 she has w ritte n songs and lyrics based on Zairian m usic. Full choral group: (R-L) N tete Yolo; Eoka Loiti Yonguele; Bondjemba Nkoso; Ndlondi M b o kolo ; Mama Beyeke B ofii; Yema Bolilo; Mbo- kolo Elima. The Zaire River is in the background o f this photo taken Semper Fidelis Club is having their annual -all Tea, Autumn Roaring 20’s November 8, 1987, 1:00 to 5:00 P.M at th horn, f Mr F oestme Wiseman, address: 5225 N.E. Rodney Donat.,-tv frt rth e p ru ce e d sw .il at Bolenge. be contributed to the National Negro College Fund African Chorale to Perform In Portland The Mama Beyeke Chorale of Zaire, Africa, will sing in Portland on November 15, 1987. Led by a 58-year-old widow named Mama Beyeke Bofii, the group of seven musicians sings with accompaniment from tradi­ tional instruments of Zaire. , Mama Beyeke Bofii composes much of the music performed by the group. Her music calls for instruments such as the "elefo, made from the nut of a palm tree, the "isanga,” pear-shaped bells filled with seeds and bottle tops, and a drum made of leather and wood from the Bofeko tree Travel to the United States by the Mama Beyeke Chorale is arranged through the Division of Overseas Ministries of the Christian Church (Disci­ ples of Christ). The chorale performed for the General Assembly of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the U.S. and Canada this month in Louisville, Kentucky. A subsequent tour will bring the group through Oregon. Daniel and Sandra Gourdet of the Zairian Christian Institute of Bolenge will travel with the singers. Appearances in Portland will follow concerts by the group throughout Oregon. On Sunday, Nov. 15, the Mama Beyeke Chorale will sing in three locations. The public is invited to an afternoon concert at 3:00 p.m. at Mal­ lory Avenue Christian Church, 126 N.E. Alberta. The Chorale will sing for a worship service at Lynchwood Christian Church at 10:45 a.m. and for a district meeting of Christian Churches at 6 p.m. at First Christian Church. A free wil) offering will help to defray travel expenses. Good, g o o d n ew s! Something good is cooking at S T E E N ’S K I T C H E N 7332 NE Union Portland, OR O ne b lo c k s o u th o f L o in b a td Specializing in homestyle cooking Soup, Pies, Cakes, Rolls b biscuits Breakfast served all day. A Call For Peace in Central America A rally wiil be held Saturday, November 7th at 1:00 p.m. at Pioneer Courthouse Square, Broadway and Morrison, in support of the Central America Peace Plan and in support of ending Contra aid. The rally is sponsored by the Central America Network. There will be O pen 6 a m lo 9 p m . d a ily speakers and entertainment. The rally will call on the U.S. Government to restore trade and end destablization of Nicaragua, to stop both direct and disguised military aid to El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala and Costa Rica, and to normalize relations and negotiate directly with Nicaragua. For more information, call 236-7916 (PCASC Office). PCC Class on Budgeting to Meet in Northeast Portland "Budgeting: Too Much Month at the End of Your Money?", a two week class presented by Portland Community College, will start Novem­ ber 2 at Gregory Heights Community School, 7334 N.E. Siskiyou St. The new course will be taught by Don Bell, who has an extensive back­ ground in financing and business. The class will meet from 7 to 9 p.m. in Room 121 at the school Cost is $5 50 Further information is available from PCC Community Education at Cascade CamDus. 244-6111, Ext. 5205. From le ft to rig h t: Julie Roberts as H ipployta, Gray Eubank as Val dez, and Richard W illiam s as G unther in " A t This Evening's P erfor­ m a n ce" by Nagle Jackson, d irected by Jan P ow ell at Firehouse Theatre, 1436 S.W. M o n tg o m e ry, Portland, OR 97201. Playing Fri­ days & Saturdays at 8 p.m ., Sundays at 7 p.m ., November 6 through December 6. A dm ission. $8 opening night; $7 other perform ances Call 248-4737 fo r reservations. A Modern Farce by Nagle Jackson Opens on Stage at the Firehouse Theatre This hilarious farcical play blends romantic entanglements, political intrigue and a wildly funny skewing of "< lassie drama into a non-stop romp. The action centers around a threatrical troupe on tour in rural Dunsk, a country recently annexed by the hated Socialist State of Strevia. "A t This Evening's Performance" plays November 6 through Decern ber 6; Fridays and Saturdays at 8:00 p.m., Sundays at 7:00 p.m. Tickets are on sale for $8.00 opening night, which includes a champagne recep tion, and $7.00 all other performances. There is a senior citizen discount, and group rates are available. Reservations are recommended and can be made by calling 248-4737, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a m. to 4:30 p.m., and Saturdays & Sundays of performances 3:30 to curtain. The Firehouse Theatre is located at 1436 S.W. Montgomery. Public Meeting The next meeting of the Desegregation Monitoring Advisory Commit­ tee (DAMC) will be held on Tuesday, November 10, 1987 at Tubman Middle School, 2231 N. Flint, Portland, OR 97227 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. NOW OPEN The Neighborhood Toy & Gift Shoppe 5429 N.E. 42nd Portland, OR 97211 284-8970 10-6 p.m. 9-2 p.m. * Closed Sundays Special foo d fo r senior citizens on request. Fast service not fast food Reservations welcom e fo r large groups For in fo rm a tio n , call 285 5847 or 240 9227