HELP WANTED HVAC Service Technician, ex­ perienced residential and com­ mercial. Cottage Grove, Eugene area. Full, part-time. Resume to: P.0. Box 186, Cottage Grove, OR 97424. SENIOR LOAN OFFICER Senior Loan Officer with the Ore­ gon Department of Energy. Loan Officer in this position evaluates, recommends and directs se­ cured, long-term commercial, in­ dustrial, and municipal loans. Some loans exceed several mil­ lion dollars and may be of con­ siderable complexity and varia­ tion. Applicant must have com­ mercial and secured lending ex­ perience, including financial statement and business opera­ tion analyses. Salary $2094 to $2656. Contact: Personnel Manager Oregon Department of Energy 625 Marion St. N.E. Salem, OR 97310 Telephone 378-4912 or toll free within Oregon 1-800-221-8035 by November 8,1987 Minorites, women and handi­ capped are encouraaed to apply. R.N. PATIENT CARE MGR. For 90 bed ICS facility. Do you want flexible benefits? 1 p.m. to 9 p.m., 2 p.m. to 10 p.m., 3 p.m. to 11 p.m., Recognition low-staff turnover, positive work environ­ ment, education benefits, free life insurance, well paid plan, gener­ ous vacation plan, medical and dental insurance. Salary competi­ tive and negotiable depending on experience. Contact Del's Care Center, Inc. 319 NE Russet St. Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Phone 289-5571 JOBS Trade Magazine 288-0020 or 288-0033 Page 4, JOBS, Octqfcier 28, 1987 MENTAL HEALTH SPECIALIST II N/NE Community Mental Health Center, Inc. seeks a creative, personable individual to work in developing a day program for accessment and treatment of the mentally ill. Will consider MSW, OTR, COTA or other dependent on experience and interest. Comprehensive salary and bene­ fits. Qualified candidates send resume to: Rodney R. Harry, Personnel Officer N /N E C M H C 310 N.E. Oregon St. Portland, OR 97232 Phone 503-239-8871 Closing Date: Nov. 12, 1987 TRANSIT OPERATOR PART-TIME Operating transit buses on an "A s needed” basis. Must be available for work on a fairly regular basis five out of six opera­ ting days (Monday through Sat­ urday). Must have a valid Chauf­ feur's or Class 2 license or per­ mit, experience in operating buses, driving record acceptable to insurance carrier, ability to work with the public, and ability to communicate effectively, $8.25/hour. Fill out official appli­ cation by October 30, 1987, which is available at: Salem Transit District 216 High Street NE Salem, Oregon 97301 Equal Opportunity Employer STOP Frances Perkins, secretary of labor from 1933 to 1945, was responsible for many New Deal programs to protect working people, including the minimum wage, child labor standards, un­ employment insurance, and an expanded public employment service, according to a fact sheet on Labor Department history. GENERAL OFFICE Would you like to become part of a top-notch office team? We have several rewarding general office positions open now. If your skills are a little rusty, we can even train you while you work. EARN WHILE YOU LEARN! Call today, only a limited number of positions are avail­ able. 241 4600. Equal Opportunity Employer/ Affirmative Action CHEMIST Join a company that is commit­ ted to excellence. Ideal candi­ date will be experienced in dry spectro analysis of steel, mechanical testing, machine shop sample preparation and be familiar with ASPM SPECIFICA­ TIONS. B.S. in chemistry is preferred. Off shift and week­ end work is required. Competitive salary plus compre­ hensive benefits package, profit sharing, employee stock owner­ ship plan, etc. Send resume' and salary history in confidence to: Employee Relations Manager P.O. Box 2760 Portland, OR 97208 Equal Opportunity Employer TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES Would you like a more secure future? You can find a good job by working with our proven job search techniques. Call to ­ day to find out if you are eligible for any of our free training pro­ grams. Don't miss your chance for an independent future. Call today, spaces are limited The Private Industry Council 241 4600 Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer