CLASSIFIED A D VER TIS IN G B U IL D I T r i m FOR SALE T Y P IS T S D.J. GENERAL CONTRACTOR INC. Hundreds w eekly at hom e! W rite : P.O. Box 17, Clark, NJ Dew ey T aylor II 07066 PERSONAL M ASTERCARD. No one refused. Re­ gardless o f credit his­ to ry. Also ERASE bad credit. Do it yourself. Call 1-619 565 1522 Ext. C30260R 24 hrs. W A N T TO LOSE W E IG H T ? Need 50 overw e igh t people w h o seriously w a n t to lose pounds. Finally a program that w orks. 100% m oney back guarantee. Call Claire (503) 233-3865. DBA: PAIN TIN G -IN TE R IO R & EXTERIOR W A L L & FLOOR COVERING OF A L L PH ASES FREE ESTIMATES LICENSED, BONDED 10 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE A F FO R D A B LE REM O DELING HIN! CA*1®’ AO'i s e° \0°l° HOMES FOR SA LE 288-9629 B U S IN E S S O P P O R T U N IT Y $154,950. Happy Val­ ley: V iew M t. Hood. 1 -’/« acre near Golf Course. C ustom 6 bed­ room , 3 bath. S w im ­ m ing p oo l. Excellent term s. TK Realty, (503) 669-0503. C A LL T O D A Y 1000 SU N BEDS: Sun- a l-W o lff. Save up to 50% . Call fo r FREE color catalogue and wholesale prices. M /C EtVisa. 1-800-835 3826. B U S IN E S S FOR SALE R ES TA U R A N T seats 50 Best place in to w n , 8 lane B ow ling center, 11 leagues, great h u n t­ ing and recreation area in Eastern OR. A fte r 7:30 pm (503 ) 676 5442. REPORTER '84 graduate o f Lewis Et Clark College w ith degree in international affairs and co nce ntra ­ tion in joi nalism seeks general assignm ent re­ p orting position. In college reported for cam pus new spaper on a variety i ' issues, and w o rte feai res and re­ view s. Also freelanced fo r local w eekly and com pleted several in­ ternships before m ov­ ing to N ew York City fo r three years to w o rk in editorial departm ent o f publishing. Exper­ ienced in p h o to jo u rn ­ alism and layout. C on­ ta c t: Sam Bennett, 10634 S .W . H edlund, Portland, OR 97219; (503)635-6462. Lower down payments. Lower interest. Varityper Com pSet 500. $400 or best o ffe r. Richard Keller, (503) 777-5436. High Point C om ­ m unications, P.O. Box 8279, P ortland,. OR 97207. rE R IA LS Pole Building Kits. C om plete building package, 1/s lid in g door, 4 /c o lo re d walls, 6x6 poles, 24x36x10 $1,875; 24x48x1? $2,512; 30x60x12 $3,533. M any o the r sizes. Labor and financing available. 1-800 331-0155, (503 ) 263 1805. Builders' Board No. L44526. FOR SALE B U IL D IN G M A T E R IA L S W eekly newspaper in g ro w in g c o m m u n ity on beautiful Oregon Coast. 1,450 paid circu latio n. 1986 gross over $80,000. Priced for rapid sale, $60,000 firm ; $10,000 d ow n, ow ner w ill finance balance. No brokers. W rite : Bruce Allen, 25 N .W . Cedar Avenue, W arrenton, OR 97146. Pole Building Kits: Fall specials. 24x36x12, $1999; 24x48x12, $2446; 30x60x12, $3378; 40x 60x12, $4165. Financing, labor, delivery, other sizes available. Free co lo r brochure. (503) 263- 6953,1-800-872-0070. OR 40703. W A N T E D TO BUY B U IL D IN G M A T E R IA L S PM T reproduction camera. Call Les, Keizer- tim es, (503) 390-1051. P O S IT IO N O PEN N E W S E D IT O R / B U S IN E S S ED ITO R Second in com m and fo r 12-person sta ff. C ontact Charles K och­ er, The W o rld , P.O. Box 1840, Coos Bay, OR 97420. S P O R T S REPORTER Recent U niversity of Oregon journalism grad­ uate seeks entry-level sports w ritin g position w ith a respected w eek­ ly or daily. Have about tw o years reporting ex­ perience. C ontact: Dennis Fernandes, 1232 Keasey, Roseburg, OR 97470. (503) 342-7252; 673-1828. M IS C . FOR SA LE Barbed W ire Special: 12-16 ga. 4 point, w hile supplies last, $24.50 a roll. Fox Fence Co., 4330 S.E. Division Street, Portland, OR 97206. USA You can save m oney o w n in g this 2 or 3 Bed­ room hom e. C om ­ pletely renovated, New N atural Gas Furnace, Good Roof, New W all to W all Carpet, Fenced Yard, Ready to o ccup y. $300 per m o n th P.l. FHA M ortgage. Seller pays m ost clo ­ sing costs. A p p ro x i­ m ately $800 to ta l m ove in costs. $20,250 phone 1 800-235-4188. 234 0501 o r 288 1678 M AR KETTESTO FFER ! "T h e Sew & Serge” m achine! Finally! An all purpose, free arm hom e sewing m achine, designed to : sew the seam, overlock th e ed­ ge & trim o ff excess fabric! Plus, b uilt-in b utton ho ler, blindhem , stretch, etc. Heavy d u ­ ty "stee l drive g e a rs ." 20 year guarantee. List $539! Test o ffe r, $198. Checks, credit cards, C .O .D . or layaway, free delivery! (714) 548-4425, anytim e. L O A N S a F IN A N C IN G M O N E Y T O LE N D CO NTRACTS & M ORTGAGES B U IL D IN G M A T E R IA L S Need Money? Equity loans on all types o f real estate, easy q ua lifyin g! Rapid fu n d in g ! W e buy contracts. Call n ow ! T oll-free, 1-800-537-5498, Oregon Land M ortgage. P IC K U P S /C A N O P IE S 500 Totem Tops: W arehouse prices. Totem , Stam pede, Brahma. Over age units less. Free price list. Phone free, 1-800-452-9113, 9-5:00, 7 days. Totem M fg , Salem, Oregon. POLE BU ILD IN G KITS. Com plete building pa­ ckages, 1/s lid in g door, 4 /c o lo re d walls, 6 x 6 poles, 24 x 36 x 10 $1,749; 24 x 48 x 12 $2,349; 30 x 60 x 12 $3,249. M any other sizes. Labor and fin a n ­ cing available. 1-800- 331-0155, (503 ) 263- 1805. M O B IL E H O M E S Huge Selection o f th e firs t m ob ile /m od ula r homes. From $16 square fo o t. Installed state­ w ide. Foundations, garages, land financing, etc. available. Santiam Hom es, S tayton. Since 1969. (503) 769-7744, collect. M O B IL E H O M E S FOR SALE S C H O O L IN G AFFO R D ABLE H O U S­ ENJOY CHILDREN? ING? 1700 sq. ft. top S tudy at nationally re­ q uality 3 section m anu­ cognized nanny tra in ­ factured hom e. C om ­ ing school. Free na­ pare to site b uilt or m o ­ tio n w id e placem ent, in- i dular! Statew ide instal- credible dem and. Con- , ation included. $39,995 ta ct NNE, 2100 N.E. Santiam Homes, 1503) Broadway, Suite 3F, j 769-7744, S tayton. Portland, OR 97232. B U S IN E S S Call (503 ) 284-1240. O P P O R T U N IT IE S collect. RETAIL CABIN ET STORE. Excellent ca­ binet and ceramic tile displays. Full Rem odel­ ing. Good loca tion . Owners retiring. T ran­ sition assistance. P.O. Box 963, Hood River, OR 97031. A STOP PAYING RENT. B U S IN E S S O P P O R T U N IT Y C O M M E R C IA L P R O P E R TY FOR SALE 28 SPACE MOBILE PARK, 16 m obiles o w n - ed by park. Located in M edfore, Oregon. De­ tailed package avail­ able. O w ner carry at 9% A .P .R . (503 ) 826 2661 or 1 800-422-0341. VETERAN Opportunity for qualified veteran (acceptable credit & earnings) to ac­ quire a two family home at no cost. FIGURE SHAPING AND S U N T A N N IN G EQUIPMENT: Open your ow n figure or sun­ tan salon or add these features to your e xist­ ing business. Buy fa c ­ tory direct; (312) 234- 9547. VETERAN Opportunity for qualified veteran (acceptable credit & earnings) to acquire a two family home at no cost. Call Mackie or Jack I Call Mackie or Jack 252-3366 S m ith & A sso ciates HOUSE FOR SALE 1 % story, 4 BR, 1 BA, FIRPLC, DR, W e a th e r­ ized, New K itchen and Bath. Pay $800 d ow n & qualify to take over $37,000 FHA at 8 ’/2% , $396 per m on th PITI. Near Peninsula School. 289-1424 or 653 7490. 252-3366 HOMES FOR SALE S m ith & A ssociates OREGON C O AST: STATI AM (S-SSl Beautiful 4 bedroom , Publication Copy 2 bath; large fenced CONSOLIDATED REPORT OF CONDITION (Including Oom«il,c »na PO'«'9n Su0««)'»n4») landscaped lot; near UGAt Tint O* •*** AMERICAN STATE BANK FIOCAAt M U M M T M C T NO beaches, lake, rivers, 1L h un ting , fishing. $38, ' C lO M O * S U S M S U O ATI ZIP COCK 97212 9 /3 0 /8 7 OREGON T O .' NUMAh 900. (503) 332-7505; PORTLAND OoNer A m ount! 4 I W l purch»»«« • ' « t e c u 'lliM 301« U40W M W O n l IO >40o '044M •" O o m M I« oNlC«. Ol 144 b444 end of »is Edge end Agreem ent subsidiaries and m iBFs U S Treasu ry 2?0 : UNE 19 D em and notes issued to the 19 Other b orrow ed money 17 M o rtg ag e indebtedness and o b f-u B iiv » under cspfta'.xbd leases it LN l uNc 1UNi B a n k s liability on acceptances execu ted end outstanding 19 Notes and debentures subordinated to deposits 20 Other hsbwties 122. 1L a i t .............................................................................. 91 Total fceb*ties (sum o f Hems 13 through 20) 22 Limited *fe p re’t 'r e d ttocs EOU ITY C A PITA L 13. Perpetual preferred stock (N o of sh ares outstanding 24 C om m on stock (N o ©f shares a J I m I ü an, cm 80rQCQ A u th o re d f t Outstanding Fee. P IC K U P S / C A N O P IE S 1 ...................... ............................................... (2) interest beenng M W M W Ö M p r o im « V C t m M I N « • o r w j n c u rro n c » H 0404« rM O ^ M W T « M » » « » M . A 4»— W ’« ' • d im r -« » « ■ I * p i W y ' M 4 1 0 0 H (tu m pf items 21. t t . end 29) « " « » q v 4 > __________ — , t o ta a M l • O f O U L ( S 0 » U O A N » A NO O E A O ÏIT , » T O E H C I. W H EN CAVUED > 0 4 . « I incluo io * et a e e in e n c e ano C an M reviewed at the 5 5 0 C A N O P I E S o m e t O f the » ank . no McnON.01 VISION OF FINANCE & COR°ORATC SECURITIES. CHEAP: Totem , S ta m ­ HQT, ------------------------ 2 ______ 44» N 1 - . . ________ __ J,,. n.nfm,w-wi has been areot'Sd m eonSormence •'th ©most mstruchons eno is l/WO Wo unoo-o^ooa a m s w w . OO "•> •»» OOC'«.« r o t »OOO- ol Cond'OO» 4 M 0OO» O'««» "> pede, Brahama. Save ru o i t wo o««i o ' ■ " g w « « , « »4« b»1'»1 ________ OATS EK W tfO big at T otem . Free M w r u A . O f O4AMER1BI » U T H W W W TO E ^ R M O R T 1C. IS. m ou nt. Free price list. , Fnï -« « « m / thow L . BAATO EVP Phone free, 1-800 452- W O m ALAN e U 4 M T 0 W 4 M O H OOW O 4 M 4 I T44 n y i m » « ' « 4 R M » « O' C o W b W W 4 M 04C>4>4 14 41 4 „ M tM W fW M tlW O W b i ' C . H M i O M M M I " 4 4 M 0 4 O >«O »'«O M C O " 'O " " » " C 4 « 4 4 'W W l 4 4 « .» W 4 4 4 « 0BW0C1__________ ___ . ----------- 9113, 9-5:00, 7 days. ------------------------------------------ ■ S tO N A T U P l 0 7 O'A »C T O * M h >T j 4 ( O« 0 .o ,C '0 A 9W ** a T u *< O* OWtCTOA T otem M fg ., Salem, c. 4iL.;«rb c.r. h A h T ait . h j V.f. BvLbûr O reg on . m t "W O