Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 21, 1987, Page 8, Image 8

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    Page 8, Portland Observer. October 21. 1987
National Survey Finds
Americans Concerned About^
Long-Term Effects of Drugs ;;
on Their Minds and Bodies •
Nearly 75 percent of Americans recently surveyed think it is vital to
learn more about the long-term effects of drugs on their minds and bodies.
Conducted randomly at Los Angeles International Airport on travellers
from across America, a survey found that 65 percent felt it was vital to
know just what drugs and chemicals we encounter every day ARE harmful.
More than half of those polled expressed vital concern in learning more
• the effects of medical drugs
• environmental chemicals and pollutants
• how drugs and chemical toxins build up in the body and stay there
• how drugs and toxins stored in the body might impede learning
• how to help rid the body of stored drugs, chemicals and toxins
• how drug affect memory.
"W e live in a chemical oriented society," wrote renowned author and
humanitarian L. Ron Hubbard, when he unveiled the now world-acclaimed
detoxification program called the Purification Rundown.
"One would be hard put to find someone in the present-day civilization
who is not affected by this fact."
Mr. Hubbard developed the program for ridding the body of stored-up
drugs, chemicals and other toxins, following the years of research with
many hundreds of people - not only hardened drug users but ordinary
Americans exposed to everyday "norm al" amounts of medical drugs, food
additives and environmental pollutants.
Mr. Hubbard went on to say: "The vast majority of the public is sub
jected every day to the intake of food preservatives and other chemical
poisons including atmospheric poisons, pesticides and the like. Added to
this are the pain pills, tranquilizers and other medical drugs used and pre­
scribed by doctors. And we have as well the widespread use of marijuana,
LSD, Angel Dust and other street drugs which contribute heavily to the
Photo by Bonnie Tinker
you stand w ith me.
Jesse Ja ckso n , 800,000 M archers
S u p p o rt Lesbian and Gay R ights
by Bonnie Tinker
The day after formally announcing his candidacy for President of the
iJnited States, Jesse Jackson took his campaign to the National March on
Washington for equal rights for lesbians and gays.
Addressing the crowd, estimated at 800,OCX) by the Washington, D.C.,
Mayor's office, Jackson said: "Today I stand with you; on election day
. ou stand with me
He embraced the struggle for lesbian and gay rights
is a part of the ongoing civil rights movement. Reminding the audience of
he historic 1963 March on Washington, Jackson said: "W e gather today
o say that we insist on equal protection under the law for every American,
o r worker's rights, women’s rights, for the right of religious freedom, the
,ghts of individual privacy, for the rights of sexual preference. We come
ogether today for the rights of all American people."
After speaking, Jackson walked down to the front rows of the crowd
to greet and embrace many of the people with AIDS who came to witness
o the need for more federal funding to fight the disease which has already
laimed over 25,CX)0 American lives.
Earlier in the day, a quilt with 1,920 panels commemorating people
vho have died of AIDS was assembled on the capitol mall. Occupying the
pace of two football fields, the quilt was a vibrant memorial to the many
;ons uvers friends, parents, and children who have lost their lives to the
\IDS epidemic.
Actress Woopi Goldberg, accompanied by her friend, Jim Mannes
vho has been diagnosed with AIDS, searched the quilt for panels sewn in
lemory of many of the 60 friends of hers who have died of the disease.
the afternoon she addressed the rally, and appealed to everyone to
emember the children who are suffering from AIDS. Referring to the three
brothers whose house was burned down in Arcadia, Florida, she asked:
Did Mr Reagan call them up to say he was sorry about what had hap­
pened to them? Did he explain that there are some ignorant people out
»here, but that this is not the American way? Did he tell them that he is their
"N o !"
Throughout the afternoon speakers from a wide variety of organiza­
tions, including Molly Yard, National President of the National Organization
of Women (N.O.W.), and Cesar Chavez, head of the United Farm Workers,
echoed the call for equal rights and for a concerted attack on the AIDS
epidemic. Even as the crowd shared their sorrow and embraced their dying
friends and leaders, however, a united sense of purpose and commitment
transformed the litany of grief and grievance into a joyful celebration of a
diverse community.
Amaru Jabari, a local activist and Board member of the predominately
gay Metropolitan Community Church, returned from the March saying
that Jesse Jackson's speech was not only a recognition of the political
power of gays, but that the March itself was also symbolic of the change in
leadership in the gay community: "This march came from the people.
Women and minorities are going to start having a stronger influence in the
gay community. This march said that we have to go outside of our own
community to address every kind of oppression where we find it. Some of
these issues are right here in our own community, especially racism and
sexism." On the day before the march, Jabari attended meetings of the
National Coalition of Black Lesbians and gays, including a workshop where
lesbians and gays of Color shared experiences and planned strategies for
organizing within the gay community.
The success of the march in terms of both numbers and diversity re­
flected the National March Organizing Committee's position that oppres­
sion of lesbians and gays is "a familiar agenda of hatred, fear, and bigotry
- against us and against freedom." Like Amani Jabari, the Marchers left
Washington feeling that they had experienced an important turning point
in their struggle for equal rights. With renewed personal commitment,
they carried the slogan of the March back to their home towns: "For love
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"In 1977 I stated that LSD apparently stays in the system, lodging in .
the tissues and mainly the fatty tissues of the body and is liable to go into •
action again, giving the person unpredictable trips.
"The 'restimulation' experienced by people who had been on LSD
appeared to act as if they had just taken more LSD.
"A s it has been stated that it only takes 1/millionth of an ounce of
LSD to produce a drugged condition and because it is basically wheat rust
which simply cuts off circulation, my original thinking on this over the years
was that LSD sticks around in the body.
"From the most recent research developments, it now appears that:
not only LSD but other chemical poisons and toxins, preservatives, pesti- •
cides, etc., as well as medical drugs and the long list of heavy street drugs
(Angel Dust, heroin, marijuana, etc.) can lodge in the tissues and remain in
the body for years. Even medicinal drugs such as diet pills, codeine, novo-
caine and others have gone into 'restimulation' years after they were taken
and had supposedly been eliminated from the body.
"Drugs residues can stop any mental help. They also stop a person s
"A life form is a combination of life itself and the physical universe.
Certain elements in the physical universe are highly antipathetic to life and
when introduced into life forms, inhibit proper functioning and even
"The removal of these life-hostile chemical substances from the body
of any person apparently speeds, and in some cases even makes possible,
case gain.* It is even worth doing for its own sake.
"The Purification Rundown, therefore, is for anyone.
"The Rundown is a tightly supervised regimen which includes: exer­
cise, sauna sweat out, nutrition, including vitamins, minerals, etc., as well
as oil intake, and a properly ordered personal schedule.
"A s the person goes through the Purification Program, one should be
able to see an improvement in his physical well-being as he rids the system
of its accumulated impurities.
"The product of this program is a purified body, free from the impuri­
ties, drugs, etc., that had accumulated in it.
"W ith the Purification Program we now have the means to get rapid
recovery from the effects of the accumulation of the environmental
chemical poisons as well as the medical drugs and street drugs which inhibit
the progress of cases.
"From this step alone one will see some sparkling results.
The Purification Program is delivered at your nearest Church of Scien­
tology, (or Narconon, Drug Rehabilitation Center) which is located at 709
S.W. Salmon, Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 5 . ______________________
* case: the way a person responds to his environment by reason of his aberrations.
,p nponranhic center of the North American continent is in Pierce
"I have even found that there is such a thing as the 'Drug personality. ;
Drugs can apparently change the attitude of a person from his original per :
sonality to one secretly harboring hostilities and hatreds he does not permit :
to show on the surface. While this possibly is not always the case, it does ;•
establish a linkage between drugs and increasing difficulties with crime, »•
production, program execution and the modern breakdown of the social
and industrial culture.
"These factors are ALL part of the biochemicai problem.
"W e have known since 1968 that it is a mistake to try to do mental and :
spiritual handling on somebody who has been on drugs, until the drugs are
President, too? To each question, the crowd responded with a resounding
__ __ ___ ♦
• case gain: spiritual improvement
Quote Copyright 1978, 1979, 1983, 1985 by L. Ron Hubbard. All Rights Reserved
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I t has been found
; drugs can remain in the
y after the effects have
n off. These drug residues
sometimes circulate
»ugh the system long after
person has taken the drug
make the person feel as
ugh he were again ‘high’,
igs and other residues in
body, from our chemically
nted society, can prevent
?rson from realizing his
L. Ron Hubbard
('o p yn fh t © 1 WO hy L Rrwi Hubbard All R ifhte
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