ge ù, r’oitland Observer, October 21. 1987 EE 11 Act One by Ken Covington People Who Need People (The Saga of Michael J.) It s incredible! For three generations we have been moved by the dancing, singing, captivating, voice from Gary, Indiana. From I Want fou Back" to ' Billy Jean", he has motivated and captivated millions world Aide with his God given talent. Awesome might be a word not too large to ¡escribe the enigma known as Michael Jackson. As a child, I learned to both love and hate Michael Jackson - love him ,nd his brothers for the countless hours they spent transforming my child hood record player from something used for playing childhood fairytale ecordings to "that darn humpin' and bumpin' music", according to Mom rnd Dad I'll never forget the day my ears received the initial shock of Jackson Five mania I walked into my counsin's house, and there he was, filing every crack and corner of the house with that smooth, high-pitched dancing voice. Ducking, dodging and sailing up and down the scale effort- •ssly backed by sizzling bass lines, snare accents and smooth back-up vocals I paused in the doorway of his bedroom and just grinned and stened listened and grinned. "Yes, I doo, naaa ohhh, ohhh, babybee..." Who s that man?" I asked. The whole house grew quiet. Then, in etween laughs shared by the whole family, my cousin answered, "Ken, veiybody knows who that is! That's The Jackson Five!" That was one side - the "love" one. The hate one developed from all the attention that the girls showered on him. Heck, I can remember the tckson Five posters on alt the girls' rooms that I visited in my pre-teen lays the lunchroom discussions at the girls' table about bow cute and fine be was how he could dance, how "b a d" his 'fro' was, etc. All the guys ,, my table agreed that we all hated him, and he wasn't nothin' but a regu- ar dude with a big 'fro' and flashy clothes. But, you can sure bet, we all oiled our 'fros' religiously at night and told or parents absolutely, under no condition, were we to visit the barber shop iny more in life! Ever! "Nothing but balloon sleeve shirts and bell bottoms, Mom! You know, like Michael Jackson!" I'm sure a lot of moms can relate o that line then and now. Well, times have changes, and so has our friend Mike: The rise and ’ all of The Jackson Five mania; cartoons and TV specials: albums — some iood and some great until one day the great rumor that "The Five" were io longer a reality and had gone their separate ways. By that time, I wasn't into them enough to really be concerned. This just another indication that my childhood days were gone forever. In 19/9, the album "O ff the W all” hit the market like a ton of gold Catlin Gabel Rummage Sale This year's Catlin Gabel Rummage Sale is located at the Multnomah County Exposition Center, near Jantzen Beach. Sale times and dates are triday, November 6 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.; Saturday, November 7, U:00am to 9:00 p.m ; and Sunday, November 8 10:00 a m. to 3:00 p.m. in Thursday, November 5, there is a special Pre Sale from 6:00 p.m. to ) 00 p.m. (25% mark up) Admission is free. a*on9 cakeface make-up. n,s In the beginning, Michael just the way God made you forget t ere a ever made him: 1979 Michael Jackson look. bricks. No one was happier than I that he still had the "magic . The album was produced by my idol, Quincy Jones, and had some of the best musi­ cians and songwriters the business had to offer. It was truly one of the type of albums that one had to have. The winter of 1982 was graced by a song penned by ex-Beatle Paul McCartney and Michael Jackson, duly named "The Girl Is Mine". It didn't particularly appeal to me, with the bubble-gum sound and lyrics. However, with persistent airplay, the darn thing became a hit, and I used to shudder when people would request it. The single was the first release from a forth­ coming album named "Thriller". "Yeah." I thought, "named like a kiddy matinee. Betcha the albums junk!" Boy, was I wrong! Once again, I was to be stunned. One day looking at Black Entertainment Television, my boy Donnie Simpson announced they were about to show M.J. s lastest video, Billy Jean". When the video when off, I was stunned, mesmerized, sprung, even. On top of being danceable music, Michael had steps that set the world on fire, and tFe rest of the album . cuts for days! Once again pro­ duced by Quincy d including the best musicians and songwriters in the world, the album went on to make world history: The largest amount of albums ever sold in the history of man. Along with this phenomenal success came the first bitter taste of mass media overkill Michael Jackson, Michael Jackson, Michael Jackson. Along with the media overkill, came exposure of a different kind. I started to notice the cakeface make-up, the nose ;ob and the fact that my boy in no way was grasping manhood in the same way as real people. Hanging out with babies at a miniature zoo and amusement rides in his back yard (I went to Encino to see for myself! Shhhhhhh!), soft, feminine-speaking voice, Mike was definitely of a different world. At first, my reaction was to rationalize and understand. After all, from the age of 10 he was running from fans; but, on the other hand, so were his brothers. They seemed normal. But if there was a star of the show, it was Mike. Maybe that's why: The "Momma's Boy" syndrome. There’s one in every crowd, but too much of anything isn't good. I just couldn't figure it; but the more I tried to understand, the sorrier I felt for him. Something was missing. What, I didn't know. The Victory Tour: Michael didn't really want to do it with his brothers. Preceding the tour, there were new videos from the reunion album. We hardly saw or heard from Mike on any of the new projects. Funny......... In the meantime, Mike had fallen out with old friends. Why? That's his business. But when you alienate old friends, it signals change. The a proper title fo, even more r cosmetic n e m o tir n h a rtn A ft F ro m R a d t to o WOP'S©- changes. From Bad Worse quotes I've read from his old friends seem to say that they feel sorry for him, too. Maybethat's why hegotnew ones: Escape. The new album "B ad": Michael's new look is terrible, looking like the darkest white guy I've ever seen, or, on the other hand, maybe a masculine Diana Ross. Taking a purely soulful look at the new album, I don t like it much. No excellent songwriters like Rod Temperton, Stevie Wonder James Ingram or Paul McCartney - the best in the business Quincy Jones produced the album, but I can't really hear his touch. I had to listen to the album over and over again until I found a few cuts I kind of liked When I have to do that, it indicates no magic. That is what I have come to expect from Michael: Pure Magic - produced by Michael and ihose who work with him. But looking closely at the facts, Michael keeps on shutting on, those around him that help him stay real and, instead, he keeps putting those around him who probably help keep his head in the clouds and away from the real world. Let's check it out. First, no more Jackson Five - just Michael. Then no more Joe Jackson (management - his father), no talk shows and very few interviews. No more Jehovahs Witnesses (religion), and the list goes on. What I'm trying to say, using Michael J. as an example, is what puce does success really cost? We've seen him achieve the unachievable and, at the same time, lose his masculinity, lose touch with his family, his free dom, even his looks that used to drive his fans crazy. Looking at what's left of him makes me know that money isn t every thing and, if I had to choose the most valuable thing in the world, it would be people - even the ones I don't particularly like. People really do need people to be close to them. With out that one on one, we are truly lost Michael Jackson has eliminated himself from the world around him, and I, for one, hope that someday his feet will touch the ground; that he II grow up and once again the magic will flow. "I'm goin back to Indeee-aaaana........... Emerald Awards Banquet Zeta Sigma Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc is proud to present the 1987 Emerald Awards Banquet Saturday, Oc, 24th at the Red Lion Lloyd Center. These awards will recognize and honor out­ standing Black men throughout the community. The men being honored are. Dr. Edward Ward, medicine; Jimmy Walker, father; Thomas Vickers, education; Carl Talton, corporate; Antoine Stoudamire, youth; Roosevelt Robinson, law; E. Shelton Hill, senior citizen; George Hendrix, community service; George Bell, government. The banquet address will be delivered by Regina Tyner, the NW Public Affairs Director of Contel Business Networks in Seattle, Washington The Emerald Awards program provides a unique opportunity to iden­ tify and applaud positive role models of the community. The vening begins with a cocktail hour at 6:00 p.m. followed by dinner and the program. Tickets are $25 per person and are available by calling 288 1925. • NOW OPEN1 Coast Seafood —Deli 5626 N E - Union Avenue and Church (One block north of Killingsworth) ‘x r DELI MENU EAT IN OR TAKE OUT Lunch...................... $3.85 D in n er......................$4 85 Lunch or Dinner includes House Fish, cole slaw and a choice of potato salad, fries or spicy yams. CHOICE OF CHOICE OF Buffalo Gar Catfish............................. . . $4.35 Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Zeta Sigma Omega Chapter presents the CHOICE OF Oyster S h rim p ........................... . $4.95 282 8825 PHONE ORDERS Mon —Thurs. Fri — Sat Sunday * SEAFOOD MARKET Per P ou n d Prie« Per Pounc B u ffa lo .................................$2.29 Gar....................................... $3.29 H a lib u t............................... $4.29 Ling C od..............................$2.69 Red S na p pe r...................... $2 69 Shrimp 21 /2 5 ..................... $9 4£ Shrimp 2 6 /3 0 ..................... $8 3£ Louisiana Catfish Filet. $4.5£ Oysters................................ $4.9£ S callops............................. $8 9£ You . ITEM Portland s Largest Dance Floor Phone 235-0027 Advance Tickets on Sale Now! Usual Outlets Date: October 24, 1987 Place: Red Lion Lloyd Centei Donation: $25.00 per person Time: 6:00 Cocktails • 7:30 Dinner . $6.85 Shrimp/oyster/scallops/fish and choice of: French fries, potato salad, cole slaw or spicy yams. Saluting Our Black Men Commitment, Community” $5 85 Combination . . . $7.95 1987 Emerald Awards Banquet “Character, Buffalo Gar Catfish H a lib u t........................... CHOICE OF Oyster S h rim p ........................... Fried Buy We Fry . $2.00 oer BRING IN THIS AD FOR INTRODUCTORY CATFISH LUNCH FOR $3 35. expires orde 10/31/ t