October 2T 1987, Portland Obyrver, Page 5 ■■■■■tmur ~ “ ------------ jV - ; 9‘.< -t-L* V fcr •> jf.« Preventing Gum Disease Ï . Part 2 A no th er Northeast Portland hom e was damaged by a late n ig ht fire. Passer-bys found the occupants to be aw ake b ut unaware that the roof was on fire. The tw o alarm fire happened on N.E. M allory and is believed to have been started by sm oker's carelessness. N/NE Community Mental Health Center Gets $613,700 Loan The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has autho­ rized a $613,700 loan to N/NE Community Mental Health Center for con­ struction of a sixteen unit apartment complex in North or Northeast Port­ land. It will provide independent living accomodations for chronic mentally ill persons from that area of Portland. The proposed project will provide long term, low income housing for clients from the N/NE Agency. It is a much needed resource for the community. Housing for the mentally ill is a critical need, says Dr. Liam Callen, N/NE Agency Director. Such individuals often end up homeless or in sub­ standard housing due to their poverty and inability to arrange independent living. Many individuals can regain health and well-being if appropriate housing can be found. The proposed apartment complex will consist of fifteen one-bedroom apartments and one two-bedroom apartment for the resident manager. The building will be wood frame construction with a two-story walk-up design. The site has not yet been chosen. The project was initiated under the leadership of Dr. Ozodi Osuji, Asso­ ciate Director of the Agency. A new, non-profit corporation and commu­ nity Board of Directors has been formed under the name N/NE Alternative Mental Health Housing, Inc. The Rev. James Faulkner is President of the Board. Additional Board members are being solicited at this time. New Pastor at M aranatha On Sunday, October 25, 1987, Glandion W. Carney will be installed as the pastor of Maranatha Church. Carney assumed the pastorate of the church in July. u < z» • Dr. George McKinney, Pastor of the St. Stephen s Church of God in Christ, San Diego, California; and Bishop of the Second Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction of Southern California for the Church of God in Christ will be the guest speaker. Carney comes from a rich and varied background of urban work and evangelism. Previously, he was Director of Christian Leadership Develop- ment for World Vision. He has directed inner-city ministries for a variety of organizations including Youth for Christ International and served as pastor of 2nd Baptist Church of Wheaton, Illinois. He is also currently serving as Chairperson for Leadership '88, a conference to be held in June 1988. This conference is a significant one with the purpose of spotlighting emerging Christian leaders across the United States. His personal experiences have formed the basis for his book, "Creative Urban Youth Ministry ' and he is at work on a devotional book focusing on the inner life of the Christian leader. Installation services will begin at 3:00 p.m. at Maranatha Church, 4222 N. .E 12th Avenue. The public is invited. H alloween Carnival W HAT: Montessori and Emily Schools Halloween Carnival. WHEN: October 31, 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. WHERE: Providence Child Center, 830 N.E. 47th Avenue. Family fun includes haunted house, face painting, fish pond, raffles snack bar all day. Proceeds go to purchase equipment for schools Corner of 8th and S kidm ore Sunday School 9:15 a.m. Sunday Worship 1:00 a m Ichristian Youth Fellowship 6:00 p.m. (second and fourth Sundays) Phillip S. Nelson (Pastor) 84 N E K illin g sw o rth • 281 0499 Tuesday Bible Band Thursday Choir Rehearsal ■ A warm spirit of fellowship always; S unday ’T \rk of Safety of (iod in Christ s /5 k, I t k f 4àt|4-î to lw W üCûfC d’lUl V iviti ?h i d • Sunday School Morning W o rsh ip Y PW W f ya n golisiii W o rsh ip Tuesday Friday 7 30 p m 7 00pm 9 15am 11 15 a m 6 30 p m 8 00 p m N oon Day Prayer Friday The Pastor Speaks 7 30p m. S aturday M o rn in g Prayer 9 00 a m Six RM«r* of Btamr5^ tr* V« ‘„n W , ’ • *» wtç 'O C D A M Swr KAAR ’ « A M m ¡i 'fry i* "W hen I'm In C harge" O ffered at Red Cross This award winning two-hour class for children in grades 3-5 pre pares them for situations that may occur when they are home alone. Class includes role playing, safe re­ sponses to phone calls, visitors at the door, selecting positive after­ school time activities and much more. Fee: $6. Call Red Cross at 284 1234, x176 for dates, times, and to register. ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH YOU ARE WELCOME 1 0 WORSHIP A1 An Active Parenting class is o f­ fered at Emanuel Hospital & Health Center for parents of children ages 2 through 18. It is sponsored by the Child Development Department. Active Parenting is an innovative, video based program designed to enhance child/parent relationships. In this six-part series of two-hour sessions, emphasis is focused on understanding child behavior, deve loping the child's sense of respon­ sibility and winning cooperation. The program helps parents make sense out of their child's behavior and gives concrete guidelines to put parenting plans into action. Family enrichment activities are stressed. Classes begin in September at Emanuel. To register, call the Com­ munity Health Education Depart ment at Emanuel, 280-4284. ’ ■ New Camp Fire Clubs Form ing Camp Fire, Inc., a national youth organization for 77 years, provides enjoyable, educational and exciting activities for boys and girls from kindergarten through high school. New friends, camping, crafts, trips and helping others are all a part of the fun and adventure awaiting the Camp Fire boy or girl. New clubs are forming now. To join, return the survey distri­ buted in your school or contact the Portland Area Council of Camp Fire, 718 W. Burnside, Portland, (224 7800). ■ y .«• A * Í , 7 . -A •ÏVV 4a Í**’ .. J. Dr Ward’s office is located in downtown Portland: 610 SW Alder, Suite 1008, Portland, OR. DENIAL CARE YOUR FAMILY CAN COUNTON. Edward E. Ward, DMD General Dentistry • Prevention oriented • Friendly professional staff • Insurance gladly accepted • Sedation for sensitive patients • Fees discussed prior to treatment • Visa/Mastercard accepted • Convenient downtown location Dr. Edward E. Ward • New patients welcome • All bus lines/validated parking • ADA member 610 S.W. Alder, Suite 1008 Renters and homeowners can learn economical ways to reduce heat bills. Discuss government assistance, product and tool selection, home energy survey. Markham Community School. 10625 S.W. 35th, Tuesday, October 27, 1:30 3:30 p.m. Parents Staying A ctive at Emanuel better. 1. Are your gums painful, swollen, or red? 2. Do your gums bleed when you brush or floss? 3. Do you detect persistent bad breath or taste? 4. Are your gums separating from your teeth? 5. Has there been a change in the way your dentures fit? 6. Have you noticed pus that appears when you press your gums? Remember, good daily oral hygiene is the best prevention — that, and regular checkups by your dentist. Good luck!________________________ s+'-A Phone (503) 228-3009 W eatherization O ptions Pastor Glandion W Carney of M aranatha Church. Photo by Richard J Brown In the last issue, I talked about gum disease, indicating that 70% of all tooth loss in adults can be attributed to it. How to protect youself? That is the question I want to attempt to answer in this column. As I said before, the formation of plaque and the bacteria it contains is again the culprit here. One must develop health, consistent oral hygiene habits, removing that plaque each day by thorough cleaning of the teeth and gum line. The problem is, however, that your toothbrush cannot clean between the teeth, so flossing is essential. It helps remove the plaque. Wrap the floss around one of your middle fingers and slide the floss bet­ ween each tooth in a gently back and forth motion. Put it around each tooth, scraping as you go.- You may also want to try a mouthwash that contains achemical that will inhibit bacterial growth. Here are some symptoms to watch for. If any occur, see your dentist, because gum disease is progressive, and the earlier you take action, the Hours: M-F 7AM-7PM/SAT. 8AM-5PM ‘Convenient, affordable dental care for yo u r family. r K eep Old Man Winter W here He B elo n g s . . O u t In The C old Now is the time to get serious about saving energy. Don't let “old man winter” catch you unprepared. Pacific Power can help you weatherize your home to save energy and money this winter. In addition, Pacific offers low-interest weatherization financing for qualified home- owners with electric heating. Call Pacific Power at 282-4323 for weatherization tips that will help you get the most out of your energy dollar. PACIFIC POWER Adding qualify fa yaitr life. . s ;. y J 1 K3