REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS THE PRIVATE INDUSTRY COUNCIL. INC Em ploym ent and Training Services THE PRIVATE INDUSTRY COUNCIL, Inc. (The PIC) is soliciting proposals for deliveiy of specific employ ment and training services to economically disadvan­ taged residents of the Service Delivery Area consis­ ting of the City of Portland arid all of Multnomah and Washington Counties, as established under the Federal Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA). The Request For Proposals (RFP) is available bet ween 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on: The Fourth Floor Cascade Building 520 S.W. Sixth Avenue Portland. Oregon 97204 on or after October 20, 1987. Call (503) 241 4600 fo r m ail-out. Proposals will be accepted on an on going basis. The PIC reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals and to waive any specifications or re quirements when in the best interests of The PIC or its clients. M ULTNO M AH COUNTY CALL FOR BID BURNSIDE/BROADW AY MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL RENOVATION Proposals Due: November 5,1987 at 2:00 P.M Proposal NO.: RFP NO 7P0453 Sealed proposals will be received by the Director of Purchasing, 2505 S.E. 11th Ave., Portland, OR 97202 for: Engineering Consultant to design final plans, prepare construction documents & provide construc­ tion assistance for mechanical ct electrical repairs/ rehabilitation to the Burnside Et Broadway bridges. Separate construction contracts will be let for each of the structures. A MANDATORY pre-bid conference w ill be held on Oct. 27, 1987. 9:00 A M . at the Yeon Shops, 1620 S.E. 190th Ave., Portland, OR. Specification my be obtained at: M ultnom ah C ounty Purchasing Section 2505 S.E. 11th Avenue rtland, OR 97202 (503)248 5111 K. Busse, D irector Purchasing Section October 21, 1987 Page 8. JO B S , O ctober 21 19R7 ADVERTISEMENT REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS The City of Portland is requesting bids for each of three professional services contracts involving: (1) Development and coordination of a public forum/ workshop on discrimination against persons with AIDS and their families, and development of a com­ prehensive “ white paper" on the subject; (2) Con­ ducting an evaluation of the City of Portland's and Multnomah County's Equal Employment Opportunity Efforts, and (3) Arrangement and coordination of the Russell A. Peyton Human Relations Award Lun­ cheon. Pre-qualification information spec sheets and qualifying criteria — which includes submission of a proposed workplan for each project bid upon — are available upon request. Maximum allocations for each of the projects are as follows: EEO Evaluation, $15,000; AIDS Forum and "white paper", $20,000; Peyton Award Luncheon, $3,000. Bids will be ac­ cepted until 5 p.m., Friday November 13, 1987. All contracts, including submission of bids, shall be directed to: Gregory L. Gudger, Executive D irector M e tro po lita n Human Relations Com m ission 1120 S.W. 5th Avenue, Room 520 Portland, OR 97204 1989 (Phone 796 5136) REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES The City of Hillsboro is accepting proposals for Architectural Services for the remodeling and ex­ pansion of the Hillsboro Community Senior Citizen The City of Hillsboro is accepting proposals for Architectural Services for the remodeling and ex­ pansion of the Hillsboro Community Senior Center located at 759 S.W. Washington St. in Hillsboro. This project is federally funded through the COM MUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PRO­ GRAM. / Proposals must be in writing and will be accepted until 5 p.m., Friday, October 30th, 1987, at: The Parks and Recreation O ffice 759 S.E. W ashington St. H illsboro, Oregon 97123 Information regarding submission of proposals for the project may be obtained from the Hillsboro De­ partment of Recreation (681-6120).