MAi.'fcVAl.i*.. r;.r FINANCIAL SERVICES MANAGER $2699-$3449/mo. Position plans directs and manages the resour ces, activities and staff of a unit responsible for fiscal, budgeting and related business services for the agency and serves as a high ly skilled executive level technical advisor on complex business functions and financial admim stration matters. Unit provides fiscal/business services such as accounting, collections and pay ments, budgeting, fiscal/busi­ ness forecasting, capitalization and restoration of property, fin­ ancial reporting, fiscal analysis and related business studies or proposals. Position also per­ forms budgeting and analytical functions. To qualify you must have four years experience in business management. At least one year experience must have been com­ parable to the level of work of a business manager "B ", with the State of Oregon. For copy of job announcement with required qualifications and state application contact: Personnel Services Oregon V ocational R ehabilitation Division 2045 Silverton Rd. N.E. Salem. Oregon 97310 or call 503 378 3860 Job announcem ent can close at any tim e. Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer Minorities, handicapped and females are encouraged to apply. FACILITIES MAINTENANCE ADMINISTRATOR The Port of Portland is recruiting a Facilities Maintenance Admini­ strator to provide administrative and technical support for its maintenance department at Port­ land International Airport. Preferred qualifications include: • Experience and/or coursework in construction, equipment maintenance, budget prepara­ tion, cost estimating and pre­ ventive maintenance pro­ grams. • Experience in aviation facility maintenance, or in a wide range of construction and maintenance. • Contract administration exper­ ience helpful. • Ability to read and understand blueprints and other engineer­ ing writing. • Ability to perform mathemati­ cal computations. Starting salary $21,500 to $24,967, commensurate with experience. Apply in person at: The Port Personnel O ffice 700 N.E. M ultnom ah 12th Floor or call (503) 231-5000, extension 700 fo r application m aterials. This position will remain open until sufficient applications are received, but may close anytime after 5:00 p.m., October 30, 1987. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Regional Distributors/Dealers needed: Exciting new 3M pro­ duct slashes energy cost up to 50% I No franchise fee or inven­ tory required! Training and sup­ port provided. (303) 597-1818. Page 6, JOBS, October 21, 1987 The Port is an Equal Opportunity Employer Start Earning Extra Cash Instantly Ages 14 to 80 In Just a Few Hours a Day Call 282-7436 NOW! ODOE C a re e r O reg o n D e p a rtm e n t of E n e rg y O p p o r tu n ity Oregon Department of Energy Th« O regon D epartm ent o f Energy is re c ru itin g fo r a M anagem ent A ssis te n t to The D irector, M anagem ent A ssista n t C p o s itio n Salary 1.654- 2,114 The Management Assistant to the Director provides administrative and clencal support to the Director and Deputy Director Major duties include • Serve as a liaison between the Director Deputy Director and department staff, the Governor s office, public, press, legislators, and other agency personnel providing information • Knowledge of state government • Ability to carry out assignments without detailed instructions • Ability to identify problem areas and recommend solutions • Knowledge of principles and practices of office management, work organiza­ tion and simplification • A entity to communicate effectively oraily and in writing • Ability to work unde' pressure, meet short deadlines and make independent judgments and decisions This is an Executive Service appointment to be made by the Director If interested in applying please call 1-800-221-8035 or 378-4040 o r w rite Per­ sonn el Manager fo r a p p lic a tio n m ate rials Deadline is October 30. 1987 102 Labor & Industries Bldg Salem, OR 97310 phone: 378-4040 an equal opportunity employer w 3 © 3 « s O c © o BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Peti oleum Distributorship: Com­ plete operation includes rolling stock, real estate and help in taking over. Produces good in­ come. $322,000. "Ask for Tony" Helper-Jackson Real Es­ tate, 33 East main, Walla Walla, WA 99362. (509)529-7360. POSITION WANTED REPORTER/EDITOR Recent graduate with five years experience seeks tough job on solid news publication. My skill in writing, editing, page design, layout, paste up, photography, VDT/computer tricks and com­ munication could be just what your small daily, weekly or monthjly paper needs! After three years writing/editing on college papers and almost two doing the same for community papers, I can take on a variety of diverse tasks and beats. Hard work, nice people and low wages bring out the best in me. Willing to relocate. Contact: Lisa Loving, 2127 N.W. Irving, No. 206. Portland, OR 97210; (503) 227 5764. Job« Magazine « a subsidiary of the Portland Observer Newspaper. owned end published by Exie Publishing Co , Portland Oregon