■ ■ • • October 14, 1987, Portland Observer, Page 5 Seeks Volunteers W e N e e d H e lp Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) is seeking seniors 60 years old and over to volunteer for jobs that allow seniors to stay active. The programs available are: American Lung Association of Oregon, Citizen Involvement Office, Emanuel Hospital Ef Health Center, The Dougy Center, Old Church Thrift Shop, North Portland Youth Service Center, Pacific New School, Portland Audubon Society, Mental Health Services West Education Opportunities, AMA Headstart, American Advertising Museum, Host Programs-Portland Public Schools, Oregon Literacy, Oregon Maritime Museum, Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI), PCC Adult Tutoring, Sports Hall of Fame Museum, and the World Forestry Center. RSVP offers volunteers supplemental insurance coverage and limited transportation reimbursement. Call 228-7787 for more information. Street gangs, drug houses, prostitution and related crimes are rava­ ging our community. Lives are being destroyed, fear has replaced hope. A question I keep hearing is, "W hat are the churches doing about it?" Some church members have said, "W hat can the churches do?" Between us, the churches of North/Northeast Portland, we can find an answer to both these questions. There are a number of groups and organizations looking for answers. If the churches could join with them, we would have a greater impact and do a tremendous service to our communities. First of all, we need to have a more complete understanding of the problem and possible solutions. The Board of Mallory Avenue Christian Church is calling a meeting of the churches in our area. We are mailing this notice to 82 churches. Think of the power in such a combined effort! The meeting will be Saturday, November 7, 1987, from 10:00 a.m. until nooh. The meeting is for both clergy and lay members. Talk about it with your congregation. Plan to attend and join the effort to salvage lives of our youth and to restore the hopes for a livable community. For m ore in fo rm a tio n , call Robert E. Nelson, Chair, M allory Ave. Christian Church, 288-5173 (church), 287-4050 (home) or 283-1900 (w ork). Fundraising Brunch Scheduled The St. Vincent de Paul International Champagne Brunch is scheduled for Sunday, October 18. All proceeds from the event will benefit St. Fran­ cis Dining Hall. This is the second year the Society of St. Vincent de Paul has spon­ sored the brunch, which this year will be held at the Veracruz Restaurant, 217 N.W. Second in Portland. This year's "South of the Border" brunch will feature traditional Spanish cuisine, accompanied by classical and fla­ menco guitar music. Tickets for the event are $25.00 per person, with seating at 10:30 a.m., noon and 1:00 p.m. A trip for two to Mazatlan, Mexico, will be raffled at the event. For more information or ticket orders, call St. Vincent de Paul at 235-8431. Halloween Costumes Available at University of Portland Theater Sale Walter Dean Myers, author of such books as "Fast Sam", "Cool Clyde and S tuff", "M otown and Didi", "W on't Know Until I Get There", plus many others, will be working with staff and students at Harriet Tubman Middle School on Friday, October 16th, 1987. Parents and community patrons are invited to a "Get Acquainted With The Author" reception in the Media Center from 2:30 until 3:15 p.m. Those interested are re­ quested to contact Laura Ford, Tub- man School, 280-5630. Please R.S.V.P. by October 15, 1987. John’s Place 4134 N.E. K illin g sw o rth . Portland, OR 97211 2 8 1 -4 8 5 7 ■ Licensed Shop epair ebuild eplace Did you know that dental research indicates that adults lose more teeth to gum (peridontal) disease than they do to tooth decay? It's true. And because the symptoms are sometimes subtle, regular checkups by your dentist are a must so that he or she can check for early symptoms. Should the disease be in an advanced stage, your dentist may refer you to a spec­ ialist in gum problems, called a "peridontist". A mild form of gum disease is called "gingivitis” . The advanced stage, called "pariodontitis", may start without pain or other symptoms, while it is quietly destroying the bones and tissues that hold your teeth in place. Here Is how it all begins: Plaque, that colorless substance that forms on your teeth is full of bacteria. That bacteria can cause gum inflammation. In time, those inflamed gums pull away from the teeth, leaving pockets filled with bacteria and pus. Finally, the supporting bone erodes, leaving the teeth to loosen and need extraction. In the next issue of The Portland Observer, I will tell you what symp­ toms to watch for and how to prevent gum disease. Until then . . . Keep s m i l i n g . ________________________________________ Noted Author to Appear atTubman School Welding ■■A P a rt 1 Dr. Ward's office is located in downtown Portland: 610 SW Alder, Suite 1008, Portland, OR The Department of Performing and Fine Arts at the University of Port­ land will sponsor a costume sale Friday, Oct. 16 and Saturday, Oct. 17, in the lobby of Mago Hunt Center from 1-4 p.m. Costumes created for university theater productions will be priced to sell, along with retail clothing, hats, shoes and wigs. Free design consultation will also be available for those who want assi­ stance in putting together a special look, according to Jill Peterson Hod- dick, associate professor of performing and fine arts. The university is located at 5000 N. Willamette Blvd. For more infor­ mation, call Jill Peterson Hoddick at 283-7230 or 283-7392. Auto Repair Understanding Gum Disease W alter Dean Myers a/ Road Service Avel G ordly, W in t e r S a f e t y S p e c ia ls !! Tire R otation*.................................... $5.00 •Includes FREE Brake Inspection 4 Corner Brake J o b * ................ $54.95 •FREE Tire Rotation Labor Plus Parts Lube-Oil* & Filter Change.............. $12.95 •Up to 5 qts. Oil Most Cars Open 7 Days For Your Convenience Wholesale Pricing On Groceries Gone Public Photo by Richard J. Brown American Friends Service Committee to Hold Reception & Open House The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) will host a reception and open house at its Portland Officp on Sunday October 18, 1987, from 2 - 5 p.m. at 2249 E. Burnside. The reception is in honor of the appointment of Avel Gordly as Asso­ ciate Regional Executive Secretary, Pacific Northwest Region, Portland. Also present will be Asia Alderson Bennett, National Executive Secretary, AFSC, Philadelphia; and Ann Stever, Regional Executive Secretary, Pacific Northwest Region, Seattle. The Portland Office, as part of the five state Northwest Region, acts as a resource on a broad range of peace and community relations issues. Dolley Madison served 16 years as our nation's First Lady assuming the duties for the widowed Thomas Jefferson and then eight years for her husband, James Madison. DELI DEPARTMENT ARMOUR MEATS PRESENT: BACON Did you know that for almost 30 years you could have bought some of your groceries at wholesale prices? The Bee Company, for over 30 years, has offered the public weekly shipments of name-brand groceries at genuine wholesale prices. You'll find canned and packaged goods, pet foods, as well as frozen and close-dated deli products on the shelves. The best feature is that you do not have to buy by the case. You buy just what you want to buy, just the amount you need. Located at 800 N. Killingsworth, just east of I-5, they are open Monday through Saturday 9:30 am to 6:00 pm. Isn't it about time you save on your grocery bill? PAN SIZE 12oz. PKG. $1 49 HOT DOGS 29 SAVE 20« PHONE 283-3171 12 oz. PKG. They’ll Tell You All About It 10 to 12 oz. PKG. GO 0 WB W W EACH MONTEREY JACK CHEESE £23 4 Q 3 ■ > I 9 IN RANDOM CUTS KIENOW’S CHEESE OF THE MONTH £ O i DENTAL CARE YOUR FAMILY CAN COUNTON. E d w a r d E. W a rd , DM D General Dentistry • Prevention oriented • Friendly professional staff • Insurance gladly accepted • Sedation (or sensitive patients • Fees discussed prior to treatment • Visa Mastercard accepted ■ Convenient downtown location Dr. Edward E. Ward ■ New patients welcome • All bus lines, validated parking • ADA member Phone (503) 228-3009 610 S.W. A lder, Suite 1008 Hours: M-F 7AM 7PM/SAT. 8AM 5PM "Convenient, affordable dental care for yo u r family. " ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH LUNCH MEATS 6 VARIETIES The lee or sheltered side of a ship, comes from an Anglo-Saxon word referring to the side of a shed that was out of the wind, where a laborer would take his lunch. POUND Corner o f 8th and Skidm ore Sunday School 9:15 a.m. Sunday Worship 1:00 a.m. hristian Youth Fellowship 6:00 p.m. (second and fourth Sundays) Phillip S. Nelson (Pastor) YOU ARE WELCOME TO WORSHIP AT 84 N .E . K illin g s w o r th • 281 0499 "A warm spirit of fellowship always' l Cox Funeral Home has a sta ff dedicated to the fam ilies in their hour of need w ith lo w cost funerals, dig nity and liberal terms Shipping • Cremation • Buriel 2736 N.E. Rodney • (503) 281 4891 Portland, Oregon 97212 K SHOP he \rk of Sat et \ h of God in Christ IENOWS II Tuesday Friday FOR BRANDS know VARIETIES you Ilk» SUES vow w ont r„ • M U I Th» I $ < •’ •> In T « w n | *•« « « , »O t 1 I Mllar»vk>» • I«»« A » • •*« .« ••« • » • • » « r « ,i» . • 33.» A N I • 133«» a m i out»« • }»«h a 1 1 ot.i.i»« • M «« o » *.l.r • 33r» a W««f • c«i.i»e Min» •»••• • 1«A. o , . ■»• *0 • a- • • tea«» »> 3 1 ei.i.u« • m.a city • Oob O'»*» (« K ill 130pm 100pm 9 15am 11 15 a m 6 30pm 8 00pm Noon Day | Prayer Friday "The Pasloi Speaks 7 30 p m. • J S rh • «MM««» a t T uesday Bible Band Thursday Choir Rehearsal , Sunday Sunday School Morning Worship YPW W Evangelistic Worship •. j ’ otr pea c with Ui UlC0.tr hoUiwss Saturday . without which no Morning Prayer rtk&w chilli s e t the L o r d 9 00 a m. n-ORWlg t o w A M Sam ir, « AAR 1 «U A M CM