Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 14, 1987, Page 15, Image 15

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W e o ffe r an excellent oppor
tu n ity fo r individual w ith ad­
vanced secretarial skills and ex­
perience w ith real estate loan
d ocum entation. Qualified appli
cants m ust possess tw o years
secretarial experience, tw o years
experience w ith a title insurance
com pany or real estate lender
and excellent verbal and w ritten
com m unication skills. M ust also
have typ ing skills o f 70 w pm and
w ord processing experience.
Tem p, part tim e 1714 h rs/w e e k,
$ 5.5 0/hr. 1 0 /1 9 /8 7 thru 1 2/3 1/
87. Filing, copying, mail distrib,
light typ in g . O btain app at:
W e o ffe r an excellent flexible
benefits program , and a highly
com petitive
com m en­
surate With experience. Qualified
applicants should subm it their
applications and salary require­
m ents to :
Top candies, nuts, m ints, gum s,
etc. using advanced machines,
locators, training, m erchandising
fo r highest tim e-investm ent re­
turn? Responsible, m ature w ith
care Et $5.000.00?
Personnel D e p a rtm e n t
1001 S W 5th A ven u e
P.O . Box 3066
P o rtla n d , OR 97208
Equal O p po rtun ity Employer
For the Legislative A d m in istra ­
tion C om m ittee. Responsible for
operation & m aintenance o f hea
ting & cooling systems Et super­
vision o f custodial Et preventive
m aintenance w orkers for the Ore
gon State Capitol.
operating Et m aintaining heating
Et cooling systems & supervising
custodial & preventive m ainten­
ance sta ff required. Salary range
$1918 $2452/m onth. Legislative
A dm inistration C om m ittee appli
cation Et other m aterials required.
A p plication materials m ust be re
ceived by 5pm, O ctober 23, 1987.
C ontact:
P e rs o n n e l O ffic e
L e g is la tiv e A d m in is tr a tio n
C o m m itte e
S 404 S ta te C a p ito l
S a le m . OR 97310
(503) 378 8530
2301 N .W . Glisan
P o rtla n d . OR
Deadline: 5 p m . . 1 0/16/87. No
resumes No calls, please.
Equal O p po rtun ity Employer
Want to VEND
Call 1-800 346 6747
Senior Secretary
Here's an opportunity to enjoy your
profession while also helping to improve
the community! For nearly 30 years, the
Portland Development Commission has
been dedicated to enhancing Portland's
quality of life through a variety of
programs We are actively seeking two
talented secretaries, providing skilled
support to a Department Director and
Project Coordinators.
You will type a wide variety of materials
from copy or dictating equipment,
manage supervisor's calendar, respond
to telephone inquiries and keep your
team organized. We require true
professionals with excellent secretarial
skills including word processing, public
contact, and a thorough knowledge of
business English, spelling, punctuation,
grammar and proofreading.
In addition to a starting salary of up to
$19,248, we offer the opportunity to be
an integral member o f a motivated team
Apply at the address below
Portland Development
1120 SW Fifth Ave
Portland, OR 97204
h «KTI "b
I»I vi k m 'll \i
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Equal Opportunity Employer
Oregon Bank offe rs an excellent
career o p p o rtu n ity in our Cash
M anagem ent D epartm ent.
m arketing cash
m anagem ent services and p ro ­
ducts. A pplicants m ust have a 4
year degree from an accredited
college or university, or equiva­
lent w o -k experience in a busi­
ness environm ent; strong sales
m arketing
w orking know ledge o f bank ope
rating and credit fu n ctio n s and
persona1 com puter experience.
Previous cash m anagem ent is
W e o ffe r an excellent flexible
benefits program and a c o m p e ti­
tive salary com m ensurate w ith
experience. Qualified applicants
should subm it th eir resume, in ­
cluding salary history to :
Personnel D e p a rtm e n t
1001 S W 5th A venue
P.O . Box 3066
P o rtlan d, OR 97208
Equal O p po rtun ity Employer
Vocational Rehabilitation D ivi­
sion is recruiting to fill the posi­
tio n o f Branch Manager located
in Eugene. The Branch Manager
directs a sta ff o f counselors and
sectreta’ ies in providing V oca­
tional services to the handicap­
ped. C ontact the local State Em
p lo y m e rt o ffice o f obtain the
State recruiting announcem ent
and application form w hich in d i­
cates m inim um requirem ents.
Return the application fo rm to:
V R D Personnel
2045 S ilverto n Rd. NE
Salem OR 97310
no later than 1 0/23/87.
Females Handicapped and M in
orities are encouraged to apply.
October 14. 1987, JOBS. Page 7