■ h MMMM Hage 4, Portland Observer, October 7, 198/ Foster Home Applications for the N. Portland Area Being Accepted Speak O ut An Inte: vie w w ith Fcur le ffe ’ son H>gh School Students A b o u t A iD S W:th ’ he AIDS dilemma being so prevalert in today's society, do you think this problem will affect year future and it so, how? by Arnold Pitre Lutheran Family Service, Unaccompanied Minors Program, is current ly receiving applications for Foster Care Homes. Homes for young people coming from refugee camps in Southeast Asia. Financial assistance and social work support is provided by the State of Oregon and Lutheran Family Service. Two sibling groups from Vietnam are arriving. One group is a girl, age 16 and her brother age 12 The othei group is an uncle, age 15 and his nephew, age 8. Also arriving is a Vietnamese boy, age 15 and a Laotian boy. age 17. These young people are arriving in September and October These young people need families and individuals who can provide the emotional support, love and guidance necessary to become members of our American communities. People in the N. Portland area are encouraged to apply to be foster parents. If you think you can give one of these young people a beginning in our country please call Ned Landis, Lutheran Family Service 605 S.E. 39th Avenue. Portland, OR 97214, 231-7480 fer V Joie Harold Nilesh Ayal S tu rlp iit S tu d e n t AIDS has been around a long time. The number of people with it is increasing Now there it- a big scare becausi of the increase 'rou can t isolate ill of the people with it; we just have t gong ’ o get it. sc 1 jus’. 1 i e