' : Z ■*.' >* * *K<- • » * -A A ’• . ■■». • • ; > : . ■ " .> ■ ’ >' ROBISON CONSTRUCTION CO. 11125 S W G R ££N B U B G BO P O SOX 23246 TIGABD. OREGO N 97223 1503) 639 0021 (503) 345-8100 W e are an Equal O p po rtun ity Em ployer and request sub-bids from w om en and m in o rity ow ned buiness enterprises. W e are an equal o p p o rtu n ity em ployer and request sub-bids from w om en and m in ority ow ned businesses. SUB-BIDS REQUESTED SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Old T ow n Parking G arage/H eliport Portland, Oregon Bid D ate: O c to b e r 15,1987 2:00 P M Old T ow n P a rkin g/H e lip o rt Portland, Oregon Bid D ate: O c to b e r 15,1987 2:00 P .M . H.A. ANDERSON P.O. BOX 6712 PORTLAND, OR 97228 (503) 283-6712 E M E R IC K CONSTRUCTION : a -. P .O . Box 66100 P o rtla n d , OR 97266 (503) 77-5531 W e are an equal o p p o rtu n ity em ployer and request sub-bids fro m w om en and m in o rity ow ned business. i SUB-BIDS REQUESTED .4? -¿j n . W e are an Equal O p po rtun ity Em ployer and are re­ questing q uo tatio n s from qualified DBE, W BE and suppliers fo r: > . .¿V/ Klam ath C ounty Line Drews Creek Road Bid D ate: O c to b e r 22, 1987 9:00 A .M . ':■ '•••Sí'.,./; •••:•,.•• Old T o w n Parking G arage/H eliport P ortland, Oregon Bid D ate: O c to b e r 15,1987 2:00 P .M . GF NF RAL CONTRACTOR • • r •*: • ■ -■ - - U niversity o f Oregon Science Facilities A d d itio n s and A lte ratio ns Science 4A Bid D ate: O c to b e r 13,1987 4:00 P .M . P.O. Box 7867 Eugene, OR 97401-6606 r <» • * > SUB-BIDS REQUESTED HYLAND COMST., INC Tk. ; - ;*•>■••■ SUB-BIDS REQUESTED JOHN *•< : . z **• »** -A 'A v/J: i W e are an equal o p p o rtu n ity em ployer and request sub-bids fro m w om en and m in o rity ow ned enter­ prises. SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Old T ow n Parking G arage/H eliport Portland, Oregon Bid D ate: O c to b e r 15,1987 2:00 P .M . NOLL Koli Construction Company 8205 S.W. Creektide. Suite 0 • Beaverton Oregon 97005 ; , TIDEW ATER CONTRACTOR INC. P.O. BOX 1956 Brookings, OR 97415 Margie McCloskey (503) 469 5341 W e are an equal o p p o rtu n ity em ployer and request sub-bids from small business subcontractors and w om en and m in o rity business enterprises. STOP STOP M igrant and seasonal agricultural w orkers have a rig h t to receive the wages em ployers agreed to pay them . Under the Fair Labor Standards A c t (FLS A ), th a t am ount is generally n ot less then $3.35 an hour (the federal m in im u m w age). Federal law does n ot require overtim e pay fo r m ost agricultural w orkers. It is enforced by the U .S. Departm ent of Labor's W age and H our Division. M ost fa rm w orkers do n ot have to be paid tim e and one-half w hen they w o rk over 40 hours in a week. Nevertheless, they m ust be paid at least the m inim um w age ($3.35 an hour) fo r all hours w orked, according to a fa c t sheet on Farm workers and the Federal W age and H our Law, available from Labor D epartm ent's O ffice o f Inform ation and Public A ffairs, W ashington, D.C. 20210. (503) 626-3045 <• - •» . . - • *v¿ ** ■. r V > ) ¿ >?* • •- •<