À.ï- HELP WANTED HVAC Service Technician, ex­ perienced residential and co m ­ mercial. C ottage Grove, Eugene area. Full, p ari-tim e . Resume to : P.O. Box 186, Cottage Grove, OR 97424. HELP WANTED Repair, m ajor appliances: Re­ frigeration, m icrow ave exper­ ience necessary. Full-tim e fo r busy retail stores, A lbany, Eu­ gene. Resume preferred. A & R Electronics & Appliances, 65 J Division Avenue, Eugene, OR 9 7 4 0 4 . ____________ EXPERIENCED ROOFING CONTRACTOR 25 years o f experience, speciali­ zing in h ot roofs, shingles and also ro o f repairs. All w o rk is guaranteed. 287-6605. PRODUCTION JAMES RIVER W est Linn Mill Is seeking applicants fo r Ground- w voo ld and Extra Board assign­ m ents at its W e st Linn paper- m ill. $ 1 0 /h r. plus excellent bene­ fits. A pplications w ill be accepted o nly at the: O regon S ta te E m p lo y m e n t D ivision 506 H igh St. O reg o n C ity, OR Beginning Thursday, O ctober 1, 8 a.m .-n oo n and 1-4:30 p m. th ro ug h Thursday, O ctober 15. WASHINGTON COUNTY JOBS C o m m u n ity C o rrectio n s Case M o n ito r $1310-$1593/m o. Call (503) 648-8607 fo r in fo rm a tio n C ounty application fo rm s req. A p ply by O ctober 16, 1987 to : W a s h in g to n C o u n ty P e rs o n n e l An E.O.E M ED IC AL 7.’ / r « STAFF RN O P E R A T IN G R O O M Positions open in operating room o f active 51 bed hospital. 3 O.R. suites. Som e call req. 2-3 yrs 4 Sjf - * experience preferred. STAFF RN C u re n t fu ll tim e & part tim e posi­ tio ns open on 3-11 sh ift. ICU experience needed. AC LS c e rti­ fied W ash in gton State RN lie required. <• 7 .- V -• •-/< ■ ï'X " , C ontact: Engineering CIVIL ENGINEER Personne! W h id b e y G en eral H o sp ital P .O . Box 400 C o up eville, W A 96239 206-678-5151 • ' ; Equal O p po rtun ity Em ployer The Portland Development Commission is dedicated to enhancing Portland's quality of life. For nearly 30 years this has been accomplished by creating and implementing programs which respond to community need, provide housing, create business and employment opportunities, and improve public areas and facilities. We are actively seeking a talented and civic-minded professional to fill this visible position. As a Project Engineer, you will assist in project planning, budgeting, scheduling design and construction management. Includes working closely with developers, planners, architects, engineers, contractors, utilities and city bureaus Current projects include Waterfront construction, the Oregon Convention Center, and the Old Town parking garage. Requires a Civil Engineering degree and 3+ years of relevant experience. The ability to effectively interlace with a broad spectrum of individuals is necessary. In addition to a starting salary of up to $32,000, we offer the opportunity to be an integral member of a motivated team. To apply, request a Commission application packet by calling (503) 796- 5349. W e are an Equal O p po rtun ity Employer PDG WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT Need 50 overw e igh t people w ho seriously w a n t to lose pounds. Finally a program th a t w orks. Portland Development Commission 1120 SW Fifth Ave Portland, OR 97204 H W TI.A M » l»f \T.I.< H’M IA T f.( IMMISSK »\ 100% m oney back guarantee. Call Claire (503) 233-3865. Equal Opportunity Employer S K INTERNAL AUDITOR The Port has an im m ediate open­ ing fo r an individual to plan and co nd uct financial, operational, and c o n tra ct audits, to evaluate and to report fin ding s o f the effectiveness o f m anagem ent ».■ • controls. Preferred qualifications include dem onstrated successful internal auditing experience, including EDP auditing, a know ledge o f the developm ent and use o f spread­ sheet applications, and w ell- developed com m unications and interpersonal skills. C IA or CPA preferred. A p plication m aterials m ay be o b ­ tained at: T h e P o rt E m p lo y m e n t O ffic e 12th Floor 700 NE M u ltn o m a h or by calling 231-5000. e x t. 700 This p osition w ill close at 5:00 p .m ., Friday, O ctober 16, 1987. All applications m ust be received in the em ploym ent o ffice by th a t tim e. The Port is an Equal O p p o rtu n ity Employer October 7, 1987, JOBS, Page 5 ‘-¿S. k A *’ 1.1’ w /