= 'I c X i highway ENGINEER 2 (GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER) $1,798 - $2,293 MONTHLY THE OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPOR­ TATION IS ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR THE ABOVE POSITION LOCATED IN SALEM. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBIL­ ITIES INCLUDE EVALUATION OF SITE CONDITIONS AND PERFORMING DETAILED TECHNICAL ANALYSIS IN ORDER TO DEVELOP HIGHWAY DESIGNS. YOU WST HAVE EQUIVALENT TO A BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN CIVIL OR TRANSPORTATION RELATED engineering from an acc ­ redited C0LLE6E OR UNIVERSITY AND ONE YEAR OF GEOTECHNICAL WORK EX­ PERIENCE. CONTACT ODOT PERSONNEL, <19 TRANSPORTATION BLDG., SALEM, OR 97310, (503) 378-6281 FOR EW’LOYMENT APPLICATION AND RE­ CRUITING ANNOUNCEKNT. APPLICA­ TIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED UNTIL 5:00 P.M ., OCTOBER 21. 1987. The Oregon Department ol Transportation An EEO/AAEmploy^ business OPPORTUNITIES Petroleum Distributorship: Com­ plete operation includes rolling stock, real estate and help in taking over. Produces good in­ come. $322,000. "Ask for Tony" Hepler-Jackson Real Es­ tate, 33 East Main, Walla Walla, W A 99362. BUSINESS HELPS STUDENTS GET HIGH ON HAPPINESS, NOT ON DRUGS W hat is th e m ost popular cam ­ paign am ong secondary students in A m erica today? “SA Y IN G NO to drugs. W h a t a re stu d e n ts u sin g a s a guideline to say no to drugs? T he W ay To H appiness book. W ho’s b e h in d th e c a m p a ig n ? B usiness people concerned about the workforce of the future. Over h a lf a million stu d en ts in over 900 schools from each of th e 50 sta te s are out to set a good exam ple. T hey’re ta k in g the in itiativ e an d pu ttin g h a rd work into th e effort to get drugs off th e ir school cam puses. One of th e w ays th e y ’re doing it is by read in g a n d giving copies of The W ay To H appiness book to friends and fellow students. T hese stu dents are involved in the n a tio n a l Set a Good E xam ple C ontest, a private sector cam paign sponsored by th e Concerned Busi­ nessm en’s A ssociation of America (CBAA) to encourage stu d en t lead­ ership to influence their peers in a p o sitiv e w a y . . . AWAY FR O M .DRUGS. Books an d m aterials are provided to schools free of charge from CBAA businesses sponsoring th e cam paign. T he W ay To H appiness book lays out a stab le p a th for youth to follow based on honesty, trust, a n d integ­ rity. Sim ple an d easy to read it out­ lines w ays to achieve competence and fulfill one’s obligations, a s well a s set a good exam ple by fa ir tre a t­ m ent and respect of others. T he book provides com m on sense sta n d a rd s of rig h t and w rong youth can agree w ith an d actually use w hen m aking a sound decision is crucial. S tudents are adopting the book as a personal guide to ethical behavior because it doesn’t preach. T he contest effort is p aying off as more a n d m ore stu d en ts “sa y yes to hap p in ess and “no” to drugs. F or a free copy of T he W ay To H appiness book send $1 for postage a n d h a n d lin g to th e C oncerned B u s in e s s m e n ’s A s s o c ia tio n of A m erica, 3540 W ilshire Blvd., «320, Los Angeles, CA 90010. F or further inform ation call (1-800-782-6767). MARKETING FACULTY POSITION Job Information Line (503) 220-2434 A direct dial number for employment information at NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS ALFRED P. SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Applications are invited for the position of assistant or associate professor of Management Science (untenured) in the Marketing Group beginning September 1988. The Sloan School of Manage ment seeks highly motivated individuals with a strong back­ ground in management and the basic disciplines. Candidates should have a Ph.D. or be near completion of the degree. A research interest in industrial marketing, buyer behavior, infor­ mation processing, or marketing science generally is desired. Women and minorities are especially encouraged to apply. Glen L. Urban Professor of Management Science E53 350, M.l.T. Cambridge, MA 02139 The Massachusetts In s titu te o f Technology is an Equal Q p p o rtu n ity /A ffirm a tive A c tio n ^ m p lo y e r^ I___ 4, JOBS, October 7, 1987