CLERICAL ASSISTANT The Port of Portland has an im­ mediate opening for an individual to provide switchboard recep­ tionist and mail courier support. Preferred qualifications include experience in the operation of CBX equipment, a good working knowledge of office procedures and telephone etiquette, a know ­ ledge of mail room procedures, and a good knowledge of the Portland area. Dependable at­ tendance and punctuality, a valid drivers license and a good driving record are necessary. If interested and qualified, apply at: The Port Employment Office 12th Floor 700 N.E. Multnomh All applications must be made in person. No applications w ill be mailed and all application mater­ ials must be received in the em­ ployment office by 5:00 p.m ., Wednesday, October 7, 1987. The Port is an Equal Opportunity Employer RESEARCH ASSISTANT Data Analyst/Field Observer to assist investigation of ocean tem ­ perature and velocity. B.A. or B.S. in physics, computer science, engineering or earth science. Experience in computer programming (FORTRAN) and data analysis. Ability to maintain minicomputer systems. Exper­ ience in working at sea desirable, willingness required. Salary $23,000 to $31,000 depending on qualifications. Resume and names, addresses, telephone numbers of three references must be received by 19 October 1987 by: C.A. Paulson College of Oceanography Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331 Oregon State Univ., an AA/EO Employer, Rehab. A ct 1973. COUNSELOR MENTAL HEALTH TREATMENT COORDINATOR Full time. To provide services to high risk youths and their families in Clackamas Co; including crisis counseling, short term indivi- dual/fam ily therapy, arrange­ ments for specialized eval­ uations, support o f volunteer and foster parents, coordination of services w ith other agencies, etc. W ork as part of a team. Some evening and weekend hours. M SW or related masters, and exper w ith youth and families req'd. $16,000-$17,500 depend­ ing on exper. Call or w rite for application. NO RESUMES. Innovative treatment program for 6-12 year old emotionally distur­ bed children. Minimum B.A. and 1 year experience required. Half­ time and full-tim e positions avail­ able. Salary negotiable. Excel­ lent benefits. Resume to: Edgefield Children's Center ATTN: Associate Director 2406 S.W. Halsey St. Troutdale, OR 97060-1097 Equal Opportunity Employer Boys and Girls Aid Society 2301 NW Glisan Portland, OR 97210 503-222-9661, Ext 231 9am-5pm, Mon-Fri. r Accountant Application 10/13/87. The Portland Development Commission is dedicated to enhancing Portland's quality of life. For nearly 30 years this has been accomplished by creating and implementing programs which respond to community need, and which maintain or increase the supply of housing, create business and employment opportunities, and improve areas and facilities. We are actively seeking a talented and civic-minded professional to fill this visible position. 5 p.m. Equal Opportunity Employer COUNSELOR This mid-level accounting position is responsible for maintaining accounts receivable and billings, disbursement overview, audit workpaper and report preparation, and budget assistance. Candidates should possess an accounting degree as well as strong governmental accounting and budgeting skills. Knowledge of general office procedures and fine interpersonal skills are also necessary. In addition to a starting salary of up to $23,800, we offer the opportunity to be an integral member of a motivated team. To apply, request a Commission application packet by calling (503) 796- 5349. Completed applications must be received by Oct. 19, 1987. Portland Development Commission 1120 S W Fifth Ave. Portland. OR 97204 I1,KTI.AM> IH A E I.O I’M EM I :< IMMISSN >\ Equal Opportunity Employer deadline On-call pool positions, to cover night and weekend hours. Pro­ vide crisis intervention and coun­ seling, assessment and place­ ments of youth referred to crisis programs, provide support and back-up to shelter parents. Opening in M ult, Clack & Wash Co. BA req, plus exper working w ith at risk youth or in crisis work, willing to w ork at night. Must have reliable transp, exc driving record. $45 per week night shift, $200-$225 per week­ end. Call or w rite for app. NO RESUMES. Boys and Girls Aid Society 2301 NW Glisan Portland. OR 97210 503-222 9661, Ext. 231 9am-5pm, M-F App deadline 5pm, 10/13/87. Equal Opportunity Employer JOBS Trade Magazine J 288-0020 or 288-0033 Page 2, JOBS, October 7, 1987 • r