. Page 8, Portland Observer. October 1, 1987 THE ENTERTAINMENT I I I Beauty Supplies This Coupon Good For Sale & Restyling Vjigíand $*|00 off ANY REGULAR PRICED ALBUM. CASSETTE OR COMPACT DISC IN STOCK 'F « n i.'H es p ed Taa M »rchandise Eva Gabor • Born Free Rene of Paris • Andre Douglas Zurv and more • Carefree M U 5 IC M IL L E N N IU M Store Hours O E C O A Œ S T APE S 10:00a.m. 'til 6:00 p.m. Monday Thru Saturday F A C K 1 T »•-€ P EU PLE W H O K N O W ' EAST PORTLAND 32nd b E Burnside NW PORTLAND 21st ft NW Johnson 231 8943 248 0163 1105 N.E. B roadw ay (across from Safeway Lloyd Center) Lim it 1 per custom er Tel. 282-1664 Expires 10-11-87 DORIS CAFE 3240 N. W illiam s Now Open 287 9249 American ft Mexican Foods Owners Jewell Thomas b Rosie A Dean MEXICAN FOOD < a/ What's a president to do??? With his small African nation in a sham­ bles, Winston Luthulu (Tony Haney) is caught in the middle. Colonel Zebediah Obeh, Mozamgolan Freedom Fighter (Jesse Moore) in shackles at last and special CIA operative, Regretta Johnson (Audrey Smith) don't help matters a bit. From the 1987 Tony Award winning S.F. Mime Troupe's new African spy/thriller — "The Mozamgola Caper." Photo by Cristina Taccone W eekly Specials Chitterlings Neck Bones Ox Tail Pigs Feet HRS. Tues. Thurs. 12:00 noon - 10:00 p.m. Fri Sat. 12 00 n o o n -2 a.m. Sun. 11:00a.m. -8:00p.m . umili mi P I\E STREET^. ,n S |, r *- n S.E. 9ih AT -\ uni THEATRE SAVIIV BLVD. San Francisco Mime Troup in Portland The San Francisco Mime Troupe is coming to town with a new political satire, "The Mozamgola Caper." Enlivened with African-inspired dance, music and costumes, it is a powerful, insightful and humorous look at America's foreign policy. Set in Harlem and Mozamgola, a fictional Southern African nation, the play has received rave reviews around the country. The Caifornia Voice called it "powerful" and observed that it illustrates "current political reali ties more comprehensively in two hours than our public school system can in twelve years." "The Mozamgola Caper" was coauthored by the much-acclaimed Free Southern Theater Founder-Playwright John O'Neal. In "Caper’ O’Neal lends a Black perspective to this insightful look at apartheid in Southern Africa and the United States' treatment of developing nations. The 27-year-old San Francisco Mime Troupe, the Nation's best-known ensemble of political satirists, won an underground reputation in the 60 s, international acclaim in the 70's and, finally, a prestigious string of grants and awards in the 80's including a Tony award. Despite its name, the Mime Troupe does not use mime in the pantomime sense, but speech, music and dance in a way that combines comic entertainment with serious analysis of contemporary political issues. The Portland performance will be October 9 and 10, 8 p.m. at the Northwest Service Center, 1819 NW Everett. Proceeds will benefit the Rainbow Coalition, Portlanders Organized for Southern African Freedom and the Ben Linder Memorial Fund. Tickets are $10 in advance and $12 at the door and $6 for children 12 and under. Advance ticket outlets include Artichoke Music, House of Sound Records, La Paloma, Laughing Horse Books, Pastawords and Talk ¡ng Drum Bookstore. Preferred Customer Redemption Card except tobacco and f" — sales items 2 0 % OFF PORTLAND PIPE & TOBACCO - — — - COUPON — —• — C igarette Special 0 0 ° AA — Gifts For Grownups — Fri., O ct. 9 PINE STR EETTH EA TR E S.E. 9th at Sandy 9:00 PM • Lingerie Incense Body Oils 284-7040 Pipes Bongs Screens 740 NE Killingsworth Portland, OR 97211 per carton $11.59 Kings $11.79 100's $5.50 at door Portland’s Largest Dance Floor Phone: 235-0027 Advance Tickets on Sale Now! Usual Outlets Tlnity of -£. o < jz BEAUTY SUPPLY GOLDEN PALACE Special Chinese R estaurant For All Your Beauty Supply Needs 234-9311 Former PCC Student Featured in "Tour of Duty F F Portland Community College alumnus, Clyde R. Jones, will be fea­ tured in this week's episode of the highly acclaimed new CBS series, "Tour of Duty." "I trained for years to do a role like this," says Jones, who shys away from negative roles. "Anybody can do a ghetto, 'rehabilitate me' role, I didn't go to school to do that. But to portray this kind of historical charac­ ter is what I went to school fo r." Jones, whose face is familiar to many due to the popularity of some of his extraordinary print ads; he was Ritz Cigarettes' 'Ritz Man and the "Max Man" for World of Curls; is making quite a name for himself as a fine actor. He has been featured on top shows, such as "The Bronx Zoo" and "Fall Guy," and starred in the Motown nostalgia film, "M otown's Mustang," (now available on video) featuring many of the labels top sixties hits. . .i Before leaving Portland Community College in 1983, Jones starred in urn many of the school's classic productions, including "Death Takes A Holi­ day" and "The Emperor Jones." After leaving Portland, Jones attended the University of Southern California (USC) where he was featured on the now famous "Looking Good-Men of USC" calendar. "Tour of Duty" airs Thursday Night at 8 p.m. on CBS. First Annual Talent Show case On Saturday, October 3, 1987, Minority Artist Representatives Inti. (M.A.R.I.) will present its First Annual "M inority Artist Showcase". The gala event will be held at the Portland Center For The Performing Arts Winningstad Showcase Theatre, with an 8:00 p.m. curtain. For in v ita ­ tio na l tic k e ts call (503) 288-1662. The showcase will feature professional talent in the areas of: vocalists, dance choreography, runway fashion models, broadcasters, acting scenes and monologues. The special guest for the evening will be Patty Kalles, owner of Kalles Casting, which has been responsible for casting local and national commercials and feature films in the Seattle area. M.A.R.I. was foundedd by Joe (Bean) Keller and Ronee Walker from 18 years of combined experience and professionalism in the entertainment field. M.A.R.I. has provided talent for local, regional and national projects such as: Nike, Fred Meyer, Crown Zellerbach, Meier & Frank, Footlocker, U.S. Bank, G.M.A.C. Financing, Chevy Trucks, Golden Grahams Cereal, Chevrolet, Oregon AIDS Campaign, plus many others. Secure Ó America “Don’t Gamble”! Which is more . . . ? Look! W e Have Classes on the O P E N 7 D A Y S A WEEK Lunch Monday-Friday 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. D inner W illie M o rro w Reverse Perm anent W ave * The Cost of Protecting Your Family? For '87 Featured in or Shop Talk: Monday-Saturday3p.m. to 11 p.m. Sunday 4 p.m. to 11 p.m. Lounge Open to Midnight Spring Journal, Vol. 6, No. 2 Mr. Phan Thanh Ly Welcome Everyone Enjoy the finest selection of Chinese cuisine prepared bv 20-vear Master Chef Mrs. Wong Chang. Offering Hunan, Szechwan and Man­ darin specialties in a comfortable atmosphere with friendly service. 220 N.E. Weidler * The Cost of Not Protecting Your Family? Affordable Residential Security Systems Hurry before '88 is here. There'll be Something New & Exciting to Learn Hope to see you. Classes Begin Sunday, O ctober 18,1987, 2:00 p.m />