CIVIL ENGINEER U.S. COASTGUARD DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION CENTER SEATTLE. WASHINGTON Engineering deg. and min. 3 yrs. exp. Higher deg. can be sub­ stituted for exp. Starting salary, $29K-$35K per year. Exp. in construction management re­ quired. Mail completed SF-171 Form, personal qualifications statement to: Maintenance Logistic Comman (PAC) Ms. Rosemary Nye Personnel Officer 915-2nd Avenue Room 3362 Seattle, W A 98174 by Nov. 3, 1987, S.F.-171 forms available at local U.S. office of personnel management. Contact Mr. Michael Mequet, 206-442 1697 for further information. E.O.E. PAYMENT SYSTEM SUPERVISOR $1,622 per month State agency looking for moti­ vated, creative individual to supervise 8 Accounts Payable employees. Contact for qualifi­ cations requirements: Vocational Rehabilitation Division Office Services Unit 2045 Silverton Rd. Salem, OR 97310 Please respond in writing by Oc­ tober 8, 1987. EEO Employer. Females, Handi­ capped and Minorities en­ couraged to appV BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Petroleum Distributorship: Com­ plete operation includes rolling stock, real estate and help in taking over. Produces good in­ come. $322,000. "Ask for Tony" Hepler-Jackson Real Es­ tate, 33 East Main, Walla Walla, W A 99362. MARKETING COORDINATOR Alternate Delivery Products A major health insurance com­ pany is currently accepting appli­ cations for a Coordinator of Al­ ternate Delivery Products for their Marketing Department. Qualified candidates must have a relevant college degree or equi­ valent experience in the industry, several years experience involv­ ing insurance contracts, and de­ monstrated excellent written & oral skills. Background in the I development and operation of j PPOs and HOM's preferred. The Coordinator of Alternate De­ livery Products will be responsi­ ble for the following: • Develops and coordinates poli-1 cies & administration proce­ dures among corporate divi­ sions and subsidiaries. • Assists in developing special­ ized proposals on several pro­ duct lines, • Supports sales efforts through presentations and acting as liaison between external & in­ ternal divisions. Responsible for development & enhancement of products to meet market needs. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent em­ ployee benefits package, flex­ time work hours, and competi­ tive salary. Please apply or send resume by October 2 to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept. 5th Floor 100 S.W. Market Portland, OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer EXPERIENCED ROOFING CONTRACTOR 25 years of experience, speciali­ zing in hot roofs, shingles and also roof repairs. All work is guaranteed. 287 6605. MULTNOMAH COUNTY C orrections Counselor $21,987 annually Performs social casework and counseling in service to adults who aie inmates of correctional institutions, clients of rehabilita­ tive programs, or on probation or parole; requires one year of ex­ perience and a Bachelor's degree in a related field. Field Services M anager Health Services Division $28.564 37,146 annually Nursing management position with responsibility for mainten­ ance of a high standard of health services to an assigned geogra­ phic area; operates field unit ser­ vices and staff; plans and moni­ tors services; collects and ana­ lyzes data; identifies and asses­ ses community needs; coordi­ nates service delivery with other managers and agencies; requires a BSN, a related Master's de­ gree and five years of progres­ sively reasonable nursing exper­ ience; apply by October 23, 1987. Jail Steward $10.08 per hour This is cooking and supervising work at Multnomah County Cor­ rectional Facility in Troutdale; re­ quires related vocational training and experience to equal eighteen months; apply by October 16, 1987 WHERETO APPLY M u ltnom ah County Employee Relations Room 1430 1120 SW Fifth Avenue Portland, OR 97204 An Equal Opportunity Empioyer Start Earning Extra Cash Instantly Ages 14 to 80 In Just a Few Hours a Day Call 282-7436 NOW! October 1, 1987, JOBS, Page 5