Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 01, 1987, Page 10, Image 10

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    Page 10, Portland Observer, October 1, 1987
West Coast Black
Honors Dr. Carlton
' ' Dedicated to the cause of the people — that no good cause shall lack a
champion and evil shall not thrive unopposed' are the eloquent words of
Dr. Carlton Goodlett and is precisely the reason why the West Coast Black
Publishers Association is paying special tribute to him as a pioneer publisher
and leader in the cause of social justice and world peace," stated Hillard
Hamm, president, West Coast Black Publishers Association. Dr. Goodlett
will be honored at a banquet on Thursday, October 22 at the St. Francis
Hotel, San Francisco, beginning at 6:30 p.m. The tribute is held in conjunc­
tion w ith the WCBPA 4th Annual Convention, October 21-24.
"The W est Coast Black Publishers Convention provides a forum for
the Black press to discuss relevant issues, and to offer ways to enhance
viability in the community. In this respect Dr. Goodlett is our role model.
His publications have taken on the tough issues and have truly been the
voice o f the Black com m unity," stated Hamm.
Dr. Carlton Goodlett entered the newspaper business in 1948 as Pub­
lisher and Editor of the Sun Reporter. In 1972 he established the Reporter
Publishing Company, adding the seven Metro Reporters. 1976 saw the
addition of the California Voice. Besides covering im portant domestic
issues, the Reporter Publications have been in the forefront on interational
affairs. The Sun Reporter was the first weekly newspaper in America to
w rite about and oppose the Vietnam War. The publications have also been
very vocal on the issue of nuclear disarmament.
Goodlett served 4 terms as President of the National Newspaper Pub­
lishers Association — Black Press o f America. He has been a member of
the Presidium, W orld Peace Council since 1963. He has traveled to all
A tw a te r's R e sta u ra n t in d o w n to w n P o rtla n d w a s th e scene o f an
a w a rd s lu n ch e o n fo r th e Rev. Jo h n J a c k s o n and o th e rs re ce n tly.
S ponsore d by H o lla n d e r C o n su lta n ts, th e h o n o re e 's, in a d d itio n to
J a c k s o n , w h o w a s p resented an aw a rd fo r his lo n g s ta n d in g c o m ­
m u n ity leadership , w e re th e Rev. Frank S hields, fo r o u ts ta n d in g
Dr. C a rlto n B. G o o d le tt, esteem ed p u b lis h e r o f th e R eporter P u b li­
c a tio n s in San F rancisco, C a lifo rn ia , w ill be h o n ored by th e W est
C oast B lack P ublishers A s s o c ia tio n (W C B P A ) on T hursday evening .
O c to b e r 22, 1987, at th e W e s tin St. Francis H otel in San Francisco.
The tim e ly trib u te w ill ta k e place d u rin g th e W C B P A F ourth annual
c o n v e n tio n and w ill b rin g to g e th e r his peers, co u n tle ss frie n d s
th ro u g h o u t th e c o u n try and th e business c o m m u n ity as th e y h o n o r
him fo r his m any years o f s k ille d and in te llig e n t leadership w h ic h
has c e rta in ly b e n e fite d h u m a n k in d . For m ore in fo rm a tio n you are
in v ite d to call (415) 931-5778 or th e o ffic e o f A lescia B u fo rd and A sso ­
cia te s at (818) 995-6545.
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w o rk w ith th e hom eless; th e S kanner and O bserver new spap ers,
fo r coverage o f c o m m u n ity -w id e events. P ictu re d above are: M rs.
J o h n J a c k s o n , Rev. J a c k s o n , Fred S ilve rm a n , E xe cu tive D ire c to r o f
H o lla n d e r C o n s u lta n ts , and Rev. Fields.
continents with the exception of Australia. He has consulted w ith Presi­
dents Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford and Carter on civil
rights and the role of m inority papers in American life. Added to his
achievements are the facts that he received a Ph.D. in psychology from the
University of California, Berkeley and his medical degree from Meharry
College of Medicine. Goodlet has stated, " I am a perennial optim ist. This
is based on the fact that I am a psychologist and physician and all of my
work is aimed at preserving life ."
The West Coast Black Publishers Association encompasses the states
of Washington, Oregon, California, Colorado, Arizona, and Nevada. The
member publications print and distribute 850,000 newspapers weekly. The
organization represents their members w ith government entities; investi­
gates new technologies in news publication; assist publications to streng­
then their presence in the com m unity; and, works w ith groups and indivi­
duals w ithin the Black com m unity on issues of mutual concern.
The theme for this year's WCBPA convention is "W h a t Makes the
Black Press Pow erful" and w ill cover the relationship of the press w ith such
entities as the Church and Family, Business, Government and Educational
The dinner tribute for Dr. Carlton Goodlett will also feature the award­
ing o f scholarships to students majoring in journalism. "In honoring Dr.
Goodlett for his pioneering journalistic spirit, we are at the same time pro­
viding opportunities for young journalists to carry the torch forw ard,"
stated Hamm.
For more inform ation on the West Coast Black Publishers Association
Convention and the Dinner Tribute to Dr. Carlton Goodlett, please con­
tact the Convention Coordinator, Alescia Buford and Associates, (818)
995 6545; or, The Sun Reporter at (415) 931-5778.
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PCC Offers Class on How to Write
Ads, Brochures and Newsletters
S U R G E O N G E N E R A L 'S W A R N IN G : S m o k in g
C a u s e s L u n g C a n c e r , H e a r t D is e a s e ,
E m p h yse m a , And M ay C o m p lic a te P re g n a n cy.
Portland Community College is offering a class for owners and mana­
gers of small businesses titled "Developing Ads, Brochures and News­
letters". It w ill meet from 8 a.m. until 12 noon starting Friday, October 2,
in Room C-4 of the PCC Ross Island Center, 049 S.W . Porter St. Instructor
will be Patti DeWitz, of the college's Small Business Development Center
staff Tuition is $8.50. Further inform ation is available from PCC Small
Business Services, 244-6111, Ext. 5205.
C Philip Morris Inc