September 23, 1987, Portland Observer, Page 7 •• .• ? D.J. GENERAL CONTRACTOR INC. Dewey Taylor II DBA: O P P O R T U N IT Y ALL CASH Business Opportunity- Great Money Maker. Condom vending mach­ ines. $99.00 lowest prices, profits to $100 weekly per machine. Turnkey operation — all details handled. Part time-full time. (303) 632-8240 SPORTS REPORTER Recent University of Oregon journalism grad­ uate seeks entry-level sports writing position with a respected week­ ly or daily. Have about two years reporting ex­ perience. Contact: Dennis Fernandes, 1232 Keasey, Roseburg, OR 97470. (503) 342 7252; 673-1828. REPORTER '84 graduate of Lewis Et Clark College with PA IN TIN G -IN TE R IO R & EXTERIOR degree in international B U S IN E S S W A L L & FLOOR COVERING affairs and concentra­ O P P O R T U N IT Y OF A L L PHASES tion in journalism seeks FIGURE SHAPING general assignment re­ AND SUNTANNING porting position. In EQUIPMENT: Open college reported for LICENSED, BONDED your own figure or sun­ campus newspaper on tan salon or add these 10 YEAR S OF EXPERIENCE a variety of issues, and A F FO R D A B LE R E M O D E L IN G !!!!!! worte features and re­ features to your exist­ views. Also freelanced ing business. Buy fac­ for local weekly and tory direct; (312) 234- C A LL T O D A Y completed several in­ 9547. o 1 so* ternships before mov­ ing to New York City M FG H O M E S ,c°’ for three years to work ò 's' FOR SA LE in editorial department \ò°l° BUY YOUR MOBILE of publishing. Exper­ ienced in photojourn­ HOME in Southern HOMES B U S IN E S S alism and layout. Con­ Oregon for best price B U S IN E S S FOR SA LE FOR SA LE tact: Sam Bennett, and selection. New O P P O R T U N IT Y $154,950. Happy Val­ 1000 SUNBEDS: Sun- RESTAURANT seats 10634 S.W. Hedlund, Redmans, Marlettes 50. Best place in town. Portland, OR 97219; and quality used homes. ley: View Mt. Hood. al-Wolff. Save up to 8 lane Bowling center, (503) 635 6462. 1-54 acre near Golf 50%. Delivered anywhere. Call for FREE Course. Custom 6 bed­ color catalogue and 11 leagues, great hunt­ Wildwood Mobile room, 3 bath. Swim­ wholesale prices. M /C ing and recreation area Homes. 1 800-422- in Eastern OR. After ming pool. Excellent Et Visa. 1 800 835 3826 0341. 7:30 pm (503 ) 676- terms. TK Realty, (503) 5442. 669-0503. FREE ESTIMATES 288-9629 Lower down payments. Lower interest. a NEWS EDITOR/ BUSINESS EDITOR Second in command for 12-person staff. Contact Charles Koch­ er, The World, P.O. Box 1840, Coos Bay, OR 97420. M IS C . FOR SALE MARKET TEST OFFERI "The Sew Et Serge" machinel Finally! An all purpose, free arm home sewing machine, designed to: sew the seam, overlock the ed­ ge Et trim off excess fabricl Plus, built-in buttonholer, blindhem, stretch, etc. Heavy du­ ty "steel drive gears." 20 year guarantee. List $539! Test offer, $198. Checks, credit cards, C.O.D. or layaway, free delivery! (714) 548-4425, anytime. TRAVEL T R A IL E R S Buy Factory Direct and Save! Light­ weight, super insula­ ted, fiberglass travel trailers, 13', 16' and 19' 5th wheels. Call toll-free 1-800-346-4962 for free brochure. M O B IL E H O M E S FOR SA LE AFFORDABLE HOUS­ ING? 1700 sq. ft. top quality 3 section manu­ factured home. Com­ pare to site built or mo­ dular! Statewide instal- ation included. $39,995. Santiam Homes, (503) 769-7744, Stayton. B U S IN E S S O P P O R T U N IT IE S RETAIL CABINET STORE. Excellent ca­ binet and ceramic tile displays. Full Remodel­ ing. Good location. Owners retiring. Tran­ sition assistance. P.O. Box 963, Hood River, OR 97031. HOMES FOR SA LE OREGON COAST: Beautiful 4 bedroom, 2 bath; large fenced landscaped lot; near beaches, lake, rivers, hunting, fishing. $38, 900. (503) 332-7505; Box 955, Port Orford, OR 97465. HELP W A N T E D EXPERIENCE OF A LIFETIME: Learn about other cultures. Be­ come a host family for a high school exchange student arriving August 19. Telephone Inter­ national Education Fo­ rum: Yvonne Bokovoy, (503) 386-2223. PERSONAL P O S IT IO N O P E N NEW CREDIT CARD. No one refused Master- card/AEX. Call: EDITOR 1-619 565 1522 Ext. C 3026 OR 24 hrs. HOUSES FOR SALE GOVERNMENT HOMES for $1.00 (U Repair) BUY DIRECT! Repos & Tax SEIZED Proper­ ties. Call TODAY for FACTS! 1-518-459 3546 Ext H6061A (TOLL— Refundable) 24 HRS. B U IL D IN G M A T E R IA L S Steel Covered Building Packages: Painted sides. 24x36x10, $1782; 24x48x12, $2411; 30x 60x12, $3330. Other sizes, labor available. FREE AIRFARE CERTI­ FICATES with mini­ mum purchase. M&W Building Supply, 1-800- 872-0070. PERSONALS Bankruptcy, $75, stops bill collectors, lawsuits and garnishments. Di­ vorce, $65, no court appearances. Comple­ te preparation of all le­ gal documents. Para­ legals. Legal Alterna­ tives, 1-800-445-6985, (503) 255-7435. ig a HUD 1 ball game. Buy an FHA-insured HUD-owned home now and enjoy a lower down payment and interest rate with our all new Double Play offer. Now for a limited time. HUD has dropped the down payment to just 3% for owner-occupants and 10% for investors on all HUD-owned properties eligible for FHA Mortgage Insurance. Plus, HUD w ill pay up to 6 additional points to help cut your interest rate up to one full percent . . . or more! Check the HUD listings ad in the classified section of your Friday or Sunday Oregonian. Then for details, see any real estate agent. Lower down. Lower interest. Our all new Double Play w ill help you come home a winner. HUD and your real estate agent. We're The Home Team.® HUD O CPARTW NT OF HOUSING ANO URSAN DEVELOPMENT “i • • P IC K U P S / C A N O P IE S 5 5 0 C A N O P IE S CHEAP: Totem, Stam­ pede, Brahama. Save big at Totem. Free mount. Free price list. Phone free, 1 800 452 9113, 9-5:00, 7 days. Totem Mfg., Salem, Oregon. ZT*. ir • ... •••’. , ■- HELP W A N T E D NANNY POSITIONS AVAILABLE: Care for children in their East or West Coast home. Room, board, $120-200 per week. One year commitment. Non- smokers preferred. Call for interview, La Petite Mere, 1-800-621-1985. This 4 BDRM home has been carefully updated and decorated to retain its classic appeal. Fire place in Living room, Formal uining w / built-ins & Garage. Located in Sabin school district. $42,950. Call Roger Hocker- smith, 256-5800. MBA Proper­ ties, Foot-McGrew, Inc. Realtors S C H O O L IN G PERSONAL Wow! I did it! I lost 25 lbs. in 1 month. No drugs! No exercise! Doctor recommended. Call, I'll tell you how! Becky, 1-800-821-1989, ext. 1000. M A R IN E SA LES 28-FOOT FIBERGLASS CABIN CRUISER: Twin engines, video sound­ er, Loran C, CB, trailer. Extras, parts, equip­ ment, electronics. P.O. Box 3376, Harbor, OR 97415; (503) 469-3518. Latest stitches, button- holer, stretch, 2 over­ locks, etc. 20 year guarantee. Check, cre­ dit cards, COD or lay­ away. Free delivery! 1-714 548-4425, any time. EDITORIAL Award winning ex- publisher seeks mana­ ger, editor, or news desk position. I know all phases of news, have worked in other departments. Publish­ ed Sun-Enterprise three years, left for economic reasons. Edited Sierra Sun (Truckee, Calif.) 17 months, left for higher-paying job; laid off from last paper (Cresent City, Calif.) in reorganization. Track record of improving news products. Con­ tact: Herbert E. Swett, P.O. Box 683, Smith River, CA 95567; home (707, 487-1575; messa ges (707) 464 2141. PAYING RENT. You can save money owning this 2 or 3 Bed­ room home. Com­ pletely renovated. New Natural Gas Furnace, Good Roof, New Wall to Wall Carpet, Fenced Yard, Ready to occupy. $300 per m onth P.l. FHA Mortgage. Seller pays most clo­ sing costs. Approxi­ mately $800 total move B U S IN E S S in costs. O P P O R T U N IT Y $20,250 ATTENTION! Help 234 0501 or 288 1678 stop trade deficit! Be­ come an international trader! Contact U.S. B U IL D IN G business organizations M A T E R IA L S & foreign businessmen POLE BUILDING KITS. who have an interest in Complete building pa­ helping you in export ckages, 1/sliding door, trade. Learn to locate 4/colored walls, 6 x 6 foreign country mar­ poles, 24 x 36 x 10 kets. Locate U.S. pro­ $1,749; 24 x 48 x 12 ducers & foreign buy­ $2,349; 30 x 60 x 12 ers. Call (208) 452- $3,249. Many other 3992 or write: Washoe sizes. Labor and finan­ Publishing Co., P.O. cing available. 1-800- Box 27, Payette, Idaho 331-0155, (503 ) 263- 82661. 1805. REAL V A L U E HELP W A N T E D NEEDED IMMEDIATE­ LY: Welders, carpen­ ters, electricians, plum­ bers, management po­ sitions, technicians, mechanics, machinists, drivers, equipment op­ erators. Entry level, degreed, up to $32.60 hour. Call Transcon­ tinental, (308)647-5555. Fee. Experienced editor needed for two Port­ land area publications. Photographic exper­ ience a plus but not necessary; layout skills also helpful. Please send cover letter with resume to: Attn: Pub­ lisher, High Point Com­ munications, P.O. Box 8279, Portland, OR 97207. VETERAN Opportunity for qualified veteran (acceptable credit & earnings) to ac­ quire a two family home at no cost. Call M ackie or Jack 252-3366 Smith & Associates HOUSE FOR SALE 154 story, 4 BR, 1 BA, FIRPLC, DR, Weather­ ized, New Kitchen and Bath. Pay $800 down & qualify to take over $37,000 FHA at 854%, $396 per month PiTI. Near Peninsula School. 289-1424 or 653-7490. ENJOY CHILDREN? Study at nationally re­ cognized nanny train­ ing school. Free na­ M O B IL E H O M E S FOR SA LE tionwide placement, in­ credible demand. Con­ FREE STATEWIDE DE­ tact NNE, 2100 N.E. LIVERY: Golden West Broadway, Suite 3F, — Best factory build Portland, OR 97232. modular home in Ame­ (503) 284-1240. Call rica. Starting $20/sq. collect. ft. Also featuring Sky­ line, Fleetwood. San­ tiam Homes, Hwy 22, COPY EDITOR Stayton; 1 (503) 769 Recent graduate from 7744 the University of Hou- stan with bachelor's degree in journalism seeks copy editing pos­ ition. While at college, reported awhile, then relized copy editing was where his talent was. Within a few months, he was assoc­ iate editor of the col­ lege paper and looking forward to his Dailas Morning News intern­ ship. This summer, he's a Dow Jones ed­ iting intern at the Aus­ tin American —States­ man. He wants to find work in the Northwest, along with his fiancee, Emily Smith (see re­ porter). Contact: Oscar Martinez, 1607 Fulton, Houston, Texas 77009; (512)443-8680. R V S A LE S PRE-OWNED 24' BUNKHOUSE SPE­ CIAL: Large selection! 84 month financing a- vailable, OAC. Ocean- Way RV. Hwy 18-99W Dayton Junction (Lin­ coln City cut-off), Mc­ Minnville, OR (503) 434 6505 CO M M UNITY PUB — LISHER/Managing Editor/Ad Manager Multiple award winner, all catagories. Builds ad volume, readership, paid circulation, quality, profits. Effective com­ munity/econ., devel./ business activist. Staff motivator, recrits qual­ ity people, trains, re­ trains, crosstrains, builds quality, efficiency, prof­ its; controls costs. Started letterpress, pio­ neered offset 1959. Knows Oregon. Con­ tact: Dan McGrew, 843 St. Anne Drive, Salinas, CA 93901; (408) 758-4947. COPY EDITOR Recent graduate of Portland State Univer­ sity seeks position re­ quiring use of strong writing skills and ability to communiciate well with public and peers. Contact: Justin H uff­ m a n -K e rr, 031 S.W. Caruthers, Apt. D, Portland, OR 97201; (503) 224-3625.