September 23, 1987, Portland Observer, Page 5 New Views on Cancer— HEALTH WATCH BY Steven BatU-y N D Book Review: " H e a lin g A I D S N a t u r a lly " P r e v e n t io n is P o s s ib le by Ron Harris Every day in the United States, 1000 people die of cancer. Many more are saved because the disease has been detected and treated in time. But even for those who live, the cost is still high, both in terms of money and human suffering. Where cancer is concerned, the old adage that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure is certainly quite true. Cancer research, of course, has devoured many billions of dollars and it continues to be one of the most heavily funded areas of research. Much information has been gleaned concerning the disease, including, in recent years, prevention measures that can greatly reduce the risk of cancer. Unfortunately, some of this information is not as widely known as it should be. Perhaps, lacking a full and comprehensive understanding of all the causes of cancer and with no certain cure, some authorities feel that there still remain too many unanswered questions. Then too, preventative medicine in general has received far too little attention in this country, at least until recent times. The general medical emphasis has leaned heavily toward treatment of illness while less attention was placed on a doctor's promoting and fostering health. This is slowly changing. But the question remains: Are we doing enough to prevent the deadly horror of cancer? How many people realize that an improper diet is a more frequent cause of death by cancer? In America, about 35 percent of all cancer deaths are due to high-tar intake coupled with excessive alcohol consumption. Yet 45 percent are caused by improper nutrition —a combination of excess caloric and fat con­ sumption (particularly polyunsaturated fat), a low fiber diet, and obesity. Cancer is one of those topics that engenders a great deal of concern, if not outright fear. It is the stalking executioner, creeping up on its victims, pouncing undetected, often remaining so until too late. At least, that was the old view. But P.B. Medawar, the Nobel Prize-winning tumor biologist has pointed out that everyone probably gets cancer thousands and possibly even millions of times during a lifetime. But the body's natural immune system detects and destroys the abnormal cells before they are even detec­ table by researchers. Wnat actually happens when someone "gets" cancer is that his immune system ceases to effectively combat the cancerous cells. Today we do know many of the "causes" of cancer. High-tar intake apparently damages the ability of the immune system to locate and destroy cancer cells in the body. The sun's radiation is linked with skin cancer. Other forms of radiation produce other forms of cancer. Noble Prize-winner Linus Pauling says that the incidence of cancer due THE 1987 QUICK START PROGRAM® DON’T PUT OFF T IL TOMORROW WHAT YOU CAN LOSE TODAY! Don't say we didn't warn you! Holiday time seems years away, and suddenly there it is, staring you in the face. This year, get a jump on it, with Quick Start Plus, the healthy way to lose that weight. It works faster, with deliciously today' menus and food choices, all nutritionally sound. An optional exercise plan. A unique way of tailoring everything to you and you alone. And the emotional support we re famous for. Best of all, if you plan now ^to have a better autumn, you'll get a bonus: a better winter! to radiation in the environment may be far more extensive than was once thought. Pauling's research indicates that there may not be any safe level of exposure to environmental radiation. Rather he says: " . . . the human being may die from cancer—perhaps leukemia, bone cancer, some other cancer-caused by the single radioactive atom that produced the single little bullet of radiation." In other words, it only takes one mutant cell (which the immune system doesn't handle) to create full blown cancer lead­ ing to death. Higher levels of radiation exposure simply multiply the risk factor, giving the body an increased number of runaway cells to handle. The wealth of today's research information offers a number of preven­ tative measures that can greatly reduce, if not eliminate, the risk of cancer. First, there is the removal of the known high-risk precipitating causes of cancer. Smoking, sunbathing and other forms of radiation exposure can be either minimized or avoided. But this alone is insufficient to eliminate any likelihood that one will get cancer. A healthy low polyunsaturated fat, high fiber diet coupled with weight control, per simple statistics would eliminate even more cancer deaths. The other tact would be those expedients that increased the stamina and effectiveness of one's immune system, particularly its ability to combat cancerous cells. Research has indicated, for instance, that certain vitamins can directly strengthen one's anti-cancer mechanisms. In a University of Colorado research project involving different kinds of animals. Dr. Cheryl F. Nockels discovered that Vitamin E increased the per­ formance of B-cells tenfold and improved the T-cells' effectiveness 3 to 5 times. Vitamin A also has a stimulatory effect on the immune system and has been observed to protect animals from developing tumors in the pre­ sence of cancer-causing agents. (Excessive doses of Vitamin A have also fostered the development of some cancers.) Vitamin C has proved to be an immune system stimulant proofing up the immune system to fight even advanced stages of cancer although the mechanisms of its effect are not fully understood. Linus Pauling has in fact cured some terminal cancer patients with Vitamin C alone and prolonged the lives of others without any other treatment. This should be enough to indicate that, at the very least, a healthy diet with a balanced vitamin supplementation could go a long way toward cancer prevention. Far from just common sense, there is a growing body of research that supports such an approach, a medical advance that has been heralded as important as Pasteur's germ theory. In the "free radical" theory of aging, developed by Dr. Denham Harman, "spontaneous mutations, cancer and aging can be looked upon as the result of continuous internal radiation while these same processes produced by external radiation are largely the result of an increment in the amount of total 'radiation' to which the organ­ ism is exposed." By this, Harman means that chemical reactions in the body create reactive molecules in the same way that radiation exposure does. It is the "free radical" or mutant molecule according to Harman (whether created by external radiation or internally in the body) which causes such things as aging and cancer. The immune system, when at peak performance, can usually counter the effects of free radical molecules in the body, thereby minimizing the risk of cancer and degenerative diseases. Doing so is a continuous biologi­ cal process. A quart of ordinary air on a sunny day contains about a billion hydroxyl free radicals, the most dangerous type currently identified. A strong working immune system, therefore, appears to be a key to cancer-free longevity. The problem of trying to formulate a simple view of the immune sys­ tem is that it is not simple. It is influenced by many different factors. Nut rition has been mentioned. But in the new science of immunology there is also a growing recognition that mental attitudes and even stress can effect the vigor of the immune system. Research at the University of Washington School of Medicine, for instance, found that people subjected to the stress of a lot of change in their lives were at higher risk to severe illness. (Dr. Thomas H. Holmes conducted the investigation based on the work of Dr. Harold G. Wolff .) And as early as 1950, L. Ron Hubbard first suggested in his best-seller Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health that cancer might be pre­ cipitated by mental factors. He had already discovered that arthritis, asthma, tuberculosis, the common cold, allergies and dermatitis were all predisposed by a person's mental condition. To date, Hubbard s work remains the most extensive examination of how mental conditions predis­ pose one to illness, as well as the most widely used technology to counter the psychosomatic causes of illness. In short, cancer prevention goes far beyond simply remedy of not smo­ king cigarettes. And while some day, we may have a medical cure for the disease, an injection perhaps, today cancer could be significantly reduced by what we already know. Millions of lives could be saved now with a broad and effective educational program that covered all the preventative measures against cancer. And such an educational program would actually be far cheaper in the long run than costly after-the-fact treatments like sur- gery. , Why isn't such an educational program in full swing? That seems to be by Laurence Badgley. M.D. Human Energy Press. San Bruno, California "Healing AIDS Naturally" offers the basic tenet that the "ARC/AIDS disease is not fatal". Dr. Badgley uses this book as what he describes as an "Operator's Manual for the Human Body" with a particular emphasis on the current ARC/AIDS crisis and the natural therapeutics involved in survival and health. Written for the lay person, this book describes the ARC/AIDS condition, the human immune system, basic principles in healthy life styles, as well as many wholistic therapies such as herbal medi­ cine, acupuncture, nutrition and psychological, as well as spiritual, concerns. To most of America, AIDS is seen as a disease which is fatal and ex­ tremely frightening. This promotes considerable irrational behavior toward the ARC/AIDS patients. As AIDS primarily affects "non-mainstream" America, those with AIDS have been treated much like the "untouchable" casts in India. How angry we would be if our friends or family members with cancer or heart disease were treated is such a manner. How refreshing it would be if America were to wake up to the common-sense understand­ ing of AIDS that Dr. Badgley and many of his peers in natural therapeutics hold true regarding the causes and treatments for AIDS-infected indivi­ duals. As a graduate of Yale Medical School, Dr. Badgley has certainly not taken the "easy professional path". To most medical doctors, the abdica­ tion of the scalpai and drugs for natural and preventive therapeutics is nothing short of sacrilege. For his personal courageousness and for the wonderful basic book on AIDS, Dr Badgley should be acknowledged. Let us hope that his example will awaken even more people to the logic and importance of natural healing. "Healing AIDS Naturally" is a very worthwhile book, and I highly re­ commend it to those associated with AIDS, as well as the general public. While the book does not outline a specific program for treating AIDS, it does provide enough basic information about a variety of fields of medicine so that the reader can begin a more educated program for their own health needs. The book rightfully acknowledges the need for individualized pro­ grams and personal responsibility in the care of ARC AIDS. The informa­ tion on nutrition, herbal and supplemental care, etc., is basically sound and offers many valuable tools for strengthening the weakened immune system. I have heard critisism that Dr. Badgley is too critical in his presentation of orthodox medicine and its motives in research and education. He is indeed critical, but I think his points are well taken, and our sensitivity to them reflects the thorough marketing of high-tech drug and surgical medi­ cine in America. If we open up our belief systems, we can understand how profit, rather than compassion, is the primary motivator in the pharmaceu­ tical and med-tech industries. It is most important to acknowledge this about AIDS, because, as most of our research dollars pursue c myopic course, it is more important than ever to return to personally responsible health care. A final aspect of the book that is worth mentioning is its information about the relationship between the body, mind and spirit. One of the fabulous things that is occuring in high-tech medicine is the scientific veri­ fication of the mental, spiritual and energy affects on health. What was once shunned by orthodox doctors as unprovable and/or absurd, is now being documented as fact by their own equipment. Little did we know that in looking for a better mouse trap, we'd rediscover the cat. Sometimes the oldest of solutions are still the best. Dr. Badgley is speaking at a public meeting at the Portland Motor Hotel (Portland Inn), 1414 S.W. 6th, Portland, OR, this Saturday, Septem­ ber 26, 1987, from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The cost is $55.00 for this all- day session. PORTLAND CLEANING WORKS SPRING SPECIAL fOPi OryCleaning Ask for Nellie or Frances NORTH PORTLAND Rivergate C o m m u n ity Church 4737 N. Lombard St. U niversity o f Portland 5000 N. 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These drug residues through the system long after the person has taken the drug and make the person feel as though he were again ‘high’ . Drugs and other residues in the body, from our chemically oriented society, can prevent a person from realizing his full potential.” L. Ron Hubbard r« w n « k , © I M t k r L R™ HubhaM All R«rt>u Handle stress before It handles you! w hat are the hidden causes of stress and anxiety? How can unwanted emotions affect your happiness and success? In today's world, gaining peace of mind can be difficult But. when you read and use Dianetics: The Modern Science of M ental Health by L Ron Hubbard, you've got the know -how to help get rid of stress! ri □ ■ ii i■ ■ ii ii ii i 503 228 011« YES! 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