\V>'-'i'.‘.'-' M ri.„ ,.w IN THE DISTRIC " r'OURT OF SHAWNEE COUN i KANSAS PROBATE C.VISION In the Matter of the Adoptic- of BABY GIRL BUZIS, A Mir. DATA BASE SPECIALIST Case No. 87 A 80 NOTICE OF HEARING THE STATEO» KANSAS TO ALL PERSONS -JNCERNED 5 YOU ARE HERE. ' JOTIFIED that a petition has been fu in the above-named Court by John Doe and j ~3 Doe praying for an order and decree of said Court that the petitioners be permitted and authorized to adopt Baby Girl Buzis as their own child; that an o der and decree of adop­ tion of said child by the p titioners be made and entered by said Court; and hat they have all other proper relief, and you are he 1 v required to file your written defenses thereto on c before the 16th day of October, 198/ at 9:45 o 'clo ck a.m. of said day, in said Court . the District Court of Shawnee County, in the city of Topeka, Kansas, at which time and place said cause will be heard. Should you fail therein, judgement and decree will be entered in due course upon sa d petition. R espectfully subm itted. IRIGONEGARAY, EYE & FLOREZ 1535 S.W 29th Street Topeka, Kansas 66611-1901 (913)267 6115 by Pedro L Irigonegaray A ttorney fo r Petitioners _ e A CPA with 3 to 4 years minimum experier.ee is desired whose re sponsib.iities will include over­ seeing all financial operations, accounting policies, budgeting procedures and supervision of accounting staff, as well as ap­ praising the corporation's finan­ cial position and issuing monthly financial reports Successful candidatr must be motivated and willing to accept responsibility immediately. Salary commen­ surate with experience. Send re­ sume and salary history to: The Urban League o f Portland 10 N. Russell St. Portland, OR 97227 A 1 TN: Ray Leary Applicati j- deadline is October 2,1987 OP.M o 3 O 3 s ’Hx s w x Responsible for the data base on loral area network and for pro­ grams used to prepare informa­ tion on data, including transmis sion of information to the State as required. Preferred qualifica tions: two years college with coursework in data processing and computer technology plus two years related experience; demonstrated oral and written communication skills; knowledge of Revelation software or PICK Operating System; word procès sing experience. Beginning salary range $18,037 to $20,292 plus benefit package. Closing date 5 PM October 2, 1987. Ap­ plications available at: The Private Industry Council 520 SW 6th Ave., Suite 400 Portland, OR 97204 An Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer ADMINISTRATIVE SPECIAL'ST For the Legislative Administra lion Committee. Position assists the Legislative Administrator by providing training, assistance and information to Legislative Com mittee staff. Progressively re sponsible experience performing clerical functions involving coor dination and/or technical evalua tion required. Previous exper tence with the Oregon legislative process highly desirable Salary cinge $1,739 $2,217 per month Legislative A dm inistration Committee application is re­ quired Application materials must bi; received by 5PM Octo her 9 1987 Contact: Personnel O ffice Legislative A dm in istratio n C om m ittee S404 S ta te C a p ito l Salem. OR 97310 (503) 378 8530