EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT 2 READABILITY/FORMS SPECIALIST ADULT AND FAMILY SERVICES DIVISION (AFS) SALARY ($2053-$2604) Excellent Benefit Package State of Oregon, AFS needs an energetic, innovative, skilled executive assistant to assure that the forms, notices, brochures, and other written material of the agency are written in plain lang­ uage as required by Oregon law. The position is located in the central office of AFS in Salem, Oregon. QUALIFICATIONS: Three years of progressively re­ sponsible administrative exper­ ience or three years of experience in a staff technical or professional function which has given you the knowledge, skills and abilities identified in the recruiting an- noucement. IN ADDITION, you must have a Bachelor's degree in public or business administration or a re­ lated field or three additional years of responsible, pertinent experience. TO APPLY: Obtain a State of Oregon appli­ cation (PD100)and the announce­ ment by calling or writing Income Maintenance Section, 100 Public Service Bldg., Salem, Oregon, 97310, Attention Judy Porter, telephone (503 ) 378 3684, ext. 366. FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS ON THE ANNOUNCEMENT. Submit your State of Oregon ap­ plication (PD100) with attach­ ments to: Personnel Division 155 Cottage Street Salem, Oregon 97310 They must be received by the closing date. An Equal Opportunity Employer EDUCATION: DIRECTOR Metropolitan Instructional Sup port Laboratory, School of Edu­ cation, Portland State University. Master's Degree and successful experience in library/media req. Salary: $16,290 $ 18,000. Dead­ line: October 7, 1987. Contact’: Robert Everhart. Dean School of Education PO Box 751 Portland, OR 97207 or (503) 464-4697 An Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer CITY OF ASTORIA CIVIL SER­ VICE COMMISSION now accep­ ting applications for: POLICE OFFICER Salary range $1526 $ 1834; city paid benefits, including PERS retirement. Preference may be given to currently certified police officer. Two years college de­ sirable; high school diploma or GED required. 2-day testing which includes written and oral board examination. Successful candidate will also be required to pass a psychological exam. Man­ datory physical fitness program requires candidate to pass related testing. Cut-off date for appli cations October 9, 1987. Civil Service Office Room 307 1095 Duane St. Astoria, OR 97103 Phone 503-325 5821 INSURANCE PROJECT MANAGER MEMBERSHIP SYSTEMS Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon is currently accepting ap­ plications for a Project Manager for their Membership Systems Department. The Manager of Membership System Development will be re­ sponsible for producing an over­ all project plan, including the pro­ duction of detailed business & user requirements, as well as direction of user acceptance test­ ing. In addition, the Manager will direct the development of user documentation and training, as well as converstion & imple­ mentation strategies. Qualified candidates must have prior health insurance exper­ ience, 5-plus years experience in large scale management of dura­ tions of 1 year or more, and ex­ perience in supervision of 10 or more employees representing diverse functional areas. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent em­ ployee benefits package, flex­ time work hours, and competi­ tive salary. Please apply or send resume to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept. 5th Floor 100 .S.W Market Portland, OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer EOE HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED ROOFING CONTRACTOR 25 years of experience, speciali zing in hot roofs, shingles and also roof repairs. All work is guaranteed. 287 6605. MAJOR CRUISE LINES NOW hiring! Salaries to $60k. Customer service, Cruise Directors, mechanics, kitchen help & Entry level. CALL NOW 1 518-459 3734 Ext. S6061A 24 HRS September 23, 1987, JOBS, Page 5