* r*»- Page 8 Portland Observer, September 16, 1987 EE EEN The Consumate Entertainer SEPTEMBER GRANT HIGH GOLDEN REUNION SCHEDULED / A Grant High School "Golden Years Reunion' has been scheduled for Saturday, September 19, 1987 at the Lloyd Center Red Lion, according to Frank Chown, Chairman. The classes of June ’36, January '37, June '37, January '38 and June featured. Activities include: registration and a no host cocktail party at 5 p.m., dinner at seven followed by dancing to the live music of the Johnny Callahan, Babe Binford, big band era. A picnic at Grant High School park is scheduled the next day, 11a.m.- 4p.m. Sunday, September 20. Registration including dinner is $30 per person. Husbands, wives and guests are invited. c »*/ For further informataion contact Jane Merriman Gilpin, 11144 SW Colima Ave., Portland OR 97129, Phone 636 5080. Harry Belafonte has been called "the consumate entertainer"-an artist in every field in which he has participated-a recording a rtist ai com cert singer, a movie, Broadway and television star and producer. He ,s also a ranking statesman in the human rights struggle. His awards and ™ o g ni lions encompass both w o rld s -a s artist and humanitarian. Belafonte has always believed that his work for human rights balanced h» Over that his artistic life balanced his human rights works. Neither over shadowed the other and both are extremely important to him mnth Born in Harlem in New York City, Belafonte was moved to h.t mother s native Jamaica for five years. His exposure to life of the idandand rtm a n y sounds gave life to the very feeling that was to grow into the skilled artist kn°7 „n ^ ' X o n . e s a,bum. “ C y p s o ." sparked ,be in,«nation., Drug Awareness Walk/Rallies The 1987 National Boy Scout program of emphasis is an educational awareness program of the dangers of drug abuse, titled, Drugs. A Dea y Game". „ , The program will culminate with two separate drug awareness rally walks in Gresham, September 12 and in Portland, September 26. Scouts, Scout leaders, other youth serving agencies and participants from the entire community will be attending these rally walks. It is estimated that during the 1987 calendar year over 40,000 youth have been exposed to this educational program. Celebrating Twenty-Seven Years of Independence Federal Republic of Nigeria 1960-1987 You are all cordially invited to join the Nigerian Students Union in Port­ land Oregon, to celebrate Nigerian 27th Independence Anniversary. The program includes: speech on economic development in Nigeria, Cultural Costume Show, Dinner and Entertainment. The program will be held at the Portland Inn, 1414 SW 6th Ave^ e , Portland, OR. on October 3, 1987, at 6 p.m. promptly. Tickets are $12.00 John Denver, in concert. Oct. 1. at the University of Portland. P6r PFor°more information and tickets, call (503) 223-4802 or (503) 232-7438. University of Portland Presents John Denver in Concert Lloyd Center Cleaners University of Portland's campus programming board presents John Denver, "Songs of the Future, Songs of the Past," in concert Thursday, Tailoring Hours: M-F7-7 • Sat. 9-6 1337 Lloyd Center •• I Tee presentation. calypso craze. With this album, a life of "firsts began. 'Calyoso" was the first album in history to sell over one million copies. Its success set industry standards that laid the groundwork for 284 7019 ■ ; I Oct 1 at 8 p.m. in the Earle A. Chiles Center. .. Denver has earned 15 gold albums and eight platinum albums making him one of the top five selling recording artists in the history of the mus Harry Belafonte will be at Schnitzer Hall. Sat., Oct. 3, 1987. Tickets on sale now at G.l. Joe's, Galleria Jean Machine. This is a Double indUH eis devoted to the cause of world peace and conservation, and is a member of Bread for the World, The Cousteau Society and the Environ- mentTicketsCVa re o n s a|e at the Chiles Center box office and all area G T Joe's ticket outlets for $15.50 and $17.50. For ticket information, call the ^ " B e la fo n te was the first Black man to win an Emmy for his music show, "Tonight with Belafonte." he was the first Black producer ,n television, creating and producing his own TV special for CBS, "The Strol.m Twen­ ties " starring such great Black stars as Sidney Poitier, Diahann Carroll and the late Duke Ellington. His special, "A Time for Laughter^ w ic e produced and starred in for ABC-TV, was nominated for an Emm / as Best CHECK OUR LOW PRICES ........ $5.75 .............2.95 .......... 2.95 2 PC. S U I T .......................... SLACKS .............................. B L 0U | _ >< • •• *• ............................................... 5.25 .......... 3.50 ...............2.95 .................6.25 .............1 OOea JACKET .............................. S W E A T E R ......................... RAINCO AT........................ LAUNDRY SHIRTS ” 4. u n na» > m t ru t mt? COUPON 30% off on all dry cleaning Coupon expires Oct. 31,1987 : , __ i V.i Chiles Center box office at 283 7525. Local Musicians Present a Family of Flutes Recital The Greater Portland Flute Society presents a Family of Flutes Recital on Saturday, September 26, 1987, at 8:00 p.m. at the Community Music Center, 3350 S.E. Francis. Admission is $3.00 for the general public and Variety Musical of the Year. . T American audiences first saw Belafonte on Broadway in his Tony Award-winning performance of "John Murray Anderson s ^ nac. He established himself as a formidable actor m such films as Bright Road " "Carmen Jones," "Odds Against Tomorrow," and the contro­ versial "Island m the Sun," which set box-office records everywhere. Since 1956, Belafonte has broken attendance records in most major cities where he has performed and his world-wide concert tours have re- $1.50 for Greater Portland Flute Society members. Members of the Greater Portland Flute Society will present a recital featuring various members of the flute family. A variety of ensemble music will be performed by members of the music community including sym­ phony members, teachers and students. Pe3t Hiss^pport of the human rights struggle has led to awards and recog­ the largest land mammal . < Ï5 KENNETH FELD * < C’A. «1 . »4 * T* '* 4 < nition as a humanitarian. J "\A/o It was Harry Belafonte who set the wheels in motion that led to We Are The W orld" on January 28, 1985. The veteran performer, humanitarian and social activist originally suggested a benefit concert to aid Afr,ca ® s^ ’ fering millions but after contacting and discussing it with personal manager Ken Kragen, the two decided a bigger idea was needed to raise as much money as possible. It was Kragen, in response to the call from Belafonte who undertook the responsibility of assembling the 45 artists who recorded "We Are The W orld," but it was Harry Belafonte's spirit of love for all man­ kind that put the project on track so that it could happen. Today he is Vice President and spokesman for USA for Africa. . An outgrowth of the USA for Africa effort for the people of Africa was a benefit for hungry Americans, "Hands Across America." Belafonte played a large role in the organization of this event. Manrt«la'« t- He is currently producing a television mini-series, The Mandela s a South African Saga" for ABC. The stars for this important television event include Sidney Poitier, Jane Fonda and Marlon Brando. We Want You Calling all high school students, parents, school counselors, friends, and other interested community people. The Black Colleges Committee, Inc. Annual Black Colleges Confer­ ence is well underway and will be held October 24th, 1987, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Red Lion Columbia River. Watch your papers and news media for further information. If you can't wait, call our office: 284 7930 or 287-9669. Come Try Our Outrageous V: Wed. SEPT. 16 thru Sun. SEPT. 20 » S H O W T IM E S * w,d srrr i« 7 3 opm » !trv«i V • - 5£3 S3 ». * . • rain forests. Warm clothing, rain gear and heeled shoes are required. A The cost for the day, which includes transportation, is $25 for YWCA members; $28 for non-members. To register, call Cheryl Williams at 223-6281, extension 242. GOLDEN PALACE Special Chinese Restaurant 234-9311 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Lunch Monday-Saturday 3 p.m. to 11 p.m. Sunday 4 p.m. to 11 p.m. "1 •» Z , Lounge Open to Midnight U L TICKETS S2.50 OFF! » o r n HEYER/RATI MEYER kA FRED Ch.2 K A T U » ^ FAMILY M C H T With Diacaaol Coapon Fro« FRED HEYER Thu SE W 17 I ' s'il sun SUT si r! IM ’ il L tlO P M t l2 \ < H » \ f t I IKH'M tSAVE SI .0 0 r m hub l ¡ » m it ''« 'I 'M I inh-r 12 __ IN PERSON: MEMORIAE CtM.ISEl MB« »A OEEILE and G.l JOE STORES BY PHONE: (503) 2 3 9 -4 4 2 2 H on- ” , M AM to I ’ M • I « A IS A or M ASTER C \ HI > ■sri-rrc i W a r»’r l‘h<>nc On/erl BY MAIL: S ,nd » ill addresied »lamped envelope with chetk or money order payable to K IS l.l I V . BROS C IR CIS Portland Memorial Coliseum. PO Box 2 7tfi. Portland OR 9721* Information & Group Rates .......... WAYS TO GET YOUR TICKETS (503) 235-8771 YOUR BEST ENTERTAINMENT VALUE! • • ............... * * S 6 .5 O - S8.O O - S 9 .5 O /Wt A Z.VCZJ 1RS TAX ’i ! 5 Chicken Gumbo, Creole »3.50 Portland Memorial Coliseum £ *•* tember 19, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Riders will venture from the beach to the meadows and through the Indonesian Pork »4.80 iils t..< sand dunes. .... - * c_ The public is invited to enjoy a day of horseback riding, Saturday, Sep­ Dinner Stuffed Round Steak American Southern M 50 I r •* The YWCA's Camp Westwind offers 500 acres of natural beauty, ocean beaches, open meadows, forests, quiet streams and challenging Monday-Friday 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Food Dinner: Horseback Ride at YWCA's Camp Westwind Mr. Phan Thanh Ly Welcome Everyone Terriakki Chicken Japanese »3.50 XI Canadian Hot Dog »1.80 Hot Dog With Chili »2 00 Kulbassy Sausage »2 00 Sausage With Chili »2 SO Enjoy the finest selection of Chinese cuisine prepared by 20-year Master Chef Mrs. Wong Chang. Offering Hunan, Szechwan and Man­ darin specialties in a comfortable atmosphere with friendly service. 220N.E. Weidler J.B .'s Paradise Room (3 blocks from the Coliseum between N E . 2nd and 3rd I 3530 N. Vancouver Ave. W ith this coupon buy a meal and you w ill get an egg roll free 288-1196 Coupon good for dinner only. M I SFATSRFSF.KA El) ’ •X . • f. z p ■* ;