*< September 16. 1987, Portland Observer, Page 5 M o to r Vehicle Division Opens Offices How to Prepare Children For a Changing World by L. Ron Hubbau The only salvation I believe a child might have in the shifting patterns of our times is the ability to do quick studies of common subjects. Universities often say it is needed and never teach it well in practice. It is not so muc knowing where to look but HOW to look and a familiarity with looking that can bring the child to a state of rapid study ability. I would very greatly appreciate an early introduction of this into their schooling. It is a changing world. Many higher subjects are not stable to day for a year at a time. Botany, horticulture, physics and the like are in a mad state of change. I feel the student is only rescued by acquiring an abili- ty to examine and know at great speed. This applies to search in texts, of course but even more widely in search in the physical universe. Therefore, I would greatly appreciate it if teachers would please intro­ duce (and develop the skills for it) what we call RESEARCH into the chil­ When the Motor Vehicles Division opens its three Portland area DMV Express offices late this month or in early October, customers will be treated to a "new look” fo r DMV, according to DMV Administrator Dave Moomaw. The new look is the work of a Portland architectural firm, Zimmer, Gunsul, Frasca Partnership. The office is decorated in shades of gray, win- dren's training. As one or all of them will be required in later years, the ability to EXA MINE and KNOW may keep them from failing or at least from making huge errors of judgment. A sample of this would be a daily assignment to report on the exact and somewhat complex status of something on the grounds. Example of a simple assignment: Go find a flower and count its petals and come back and tell me how many petals. Example of a more complex assignment: Find a tree and a bush and find all the differences you can between them. Example of posing a problem: Go out and find a problem in the front yard. Later, when the child has a good command of reading, the following could be done. Example: How is steel made? Example: When was the Tower of London built? Why was it built? Example: How many kinds of cats are there? What are their differences? This would not be AFTER a class study of steel, the Tower or cats. The assignment would be "out of the blue." The child must learn first to find Here's an a rtist's sketch o f DM V Express o ffice s w h ich w ill begin to open late this m onth in Portland area malls. The o ffice s w ill have a new look both inside and outside. W alls w ill be o ff w h ite and pale blue. The counter area w ill be gray w ith blue accents. Carpeting and tiles in fro n t o f the counter w ill be done in tones o f black and grey w ith touches o f y e llo w . The firs t D M V Express w ill open at M all 205 w ith a grand opening set fo r Sept. 28 sources. „ The subject is further amplified by the addition of "suppositions. ihe child is told to find a tree and give some account of how he thinks it might ter white, blue and yellow and will have a modernistic literature rack and counter for customers to use when filling out applications. Offices are car­ peted throughout, except immediately in front of the counter which has tiles in shades of gray and canary yellow. In addition to the new inside look, each office will be easily spotted in its mall location with an outside lighted display sign above the entrance comparable to those of other mall tenants, Moomaw said. Moomaw said a grand opening for the Mall 205 DMV Express office is scheduled for Sept. 28 at 10:30 a.m. Governor Neil Goldschmidt will cut the ribbon and speak at the opening. Other transportation and public o ffi­ cials also are expected to attend the Mall 205 opening. No formal opening ceremonies are planned for the other two mall loca- Public Service Announcement Add to your art collection, have a fabulous evening and help fund care desperately needed for AIDS patients at Portland's first annual ART/ AIDS Benefit. Over 300 artists and 28 galleries are participating in ART AIDS Gallery Walk and sale. Finish with a "Visual Experience and refresh­ ments in the Oregon Art Institute's Sculpture Court. All proceeds will be used to provide long-term care and education about AIDS. ART/AIDS, 4:00 p.m., Sunday, October 11. For ticket information, call Powell's Bookstore, 228- i 108. BEEF SALE le i 9 and speak at the opening tions—Lloyd Center and Beaverton Mall. The Beaverton office is expected to open Oct. 8. The Lloyd Center office is expected to open in mid- October. • 6 LB. Chuck Steak < 6 LB Roast • 6 LB. Short Ribs • 7 LB. H a m burger 5 4 5 LB« el5lB Steak 4 FAM ILY * 1 5 LB Roast It • 1 5 LB. H am burger fl PACK WEAVING HAIR Bulk Human Hair $23 95 i t up G R O U N D BEEF 10 LBS. Per Pound 98< ß 10 LB. BOX $790 $980 SAVE DOLLARS SHOP WESTERN We accept Food Stamps W ig S tyling $7.50 AND UP Y o u r S a tis fa c tio n i * G u a r a n te e d ! ATTESTS^ BRAIDS $2.95 r P rîte s e ffe ttiv e Sept 16 -2? W hile S u p p ly Lasts COMPLETE AS LOW AS BRAKE JOB $8.95 $49.95 MOST CARS PER AXLE MOST CARS ..... ‘ INSTALLED MOST CARS | I I | | Bonnie MRS. C’s WIGS 707 N.E. Fremont 281-6525 ! WITH ANY OTHER SERVICE, REG. { $15.95 INCLUDES 5 QTS ’ COUPON MUST BE PRESENTED PRIOR TO ESTIMATE | J EXPIRES 9 30 87 J VALVOLINE 10/40 OIL INCLUDES NEW PADSZSHOES TURN RO TOR/DRUM PACK WHEEL BEARINGS EXPIRES 9 30 87 BARKER MUFFLER & BRAKE SERVICE 4525 N.E. UNION 281-4010 HOURS: 8-5 M onday Saturday STOP C losed S u nday a n d (M o n d ay t This explosive best seller deals w ith the stress- creating problems you face every day—problems that can shorten your life! Find out the only proven, safe. 100% workable way to erase the causes of stress and gain confidence Buy, read and use Dianetics: The Modern Science o f M ental Health by L Ron Hubbard The U S. Department of La­ bor's Women's Bureau was foun­ ded to promote the status and employment opportunities of wo­ men in the 1920 s, according to a fact sheet, "Brief History of the U.S. Department of Labor," available from the department's Office of Information and Public Affairs, Washington, D.C. 20210. Just fill out this order form and send it w ith your check or money order for $5.00 to: Portland Celebrity Centre and Dianetics Center 709 S W Salmon Portland. Oregon 97206 503 228 0116 Union Cash (formerly known as Dave's Shop) 10% t Loans on Cars. B oats and M o to rc y le s Jewelry Stereos VCRs TV s and more 10:00 7:00 Mon.-Sat. I 4707 N. LOMBARD I____ _ 283-5174. O pen D a ily 9 A M ’til 6 P M r ‘ NEW MUFFLER $19.95 W e Pay Cash 2 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU ’ COUPON • COUPON ■ M M M a a M O M H M M (long or specialty styles slightly higher) buy *ng ever y thing nt value 4206 S.E. DIVISION 233-5269 needy families. Contribution of non-perishable food will be collected by volunteers in Portland neighborhoods Saturdays, December 5 and 12. Food will be delivered to needy families Saturday, December 19. St. Vincent de Paul needs volunteers to help answer phones and sort and pack food. To volunteer, call St. Vincent de Paul at 235-8431. Cloted Sun. t Mon. OPKN T u m . thru Sat. 11:30 AM to 0:00 PM No long w aiting Period., . ' ' ’"r'-. Betty Catane Proprietor F w u r m j - ^ t , . NAOMI SIMS. ANORE DOUGLAS NATALIE COLE & MICHAEl ATEEKS $2995 BEEF CHUCK ROAST Ail Rights R e s e rv e d ._________________ ___________ 1987 St. Vincent de Paul Christmas Food Drive $18.50 & up or by the ft. $4 & up 9300 Per Pound *1.09 Copyright 1961 by L. Ron Hubbaid $39« $72« BEEF • 10 LB. Roast L PACK • • 7 8LB s'eak LB. H am burger ALL BEEF HOT DOGS betrayed by his te a c h e r . ___ ________________________________ .___ St. Vincent de Paul is once again preparing for its annual Christmas Food Drive, the largest door to door food drive in the U.S. Last year, more than 5,000 volunteers distributed 332,000 pbunds of food to feed 8,414 CUT A N D FREEZER W R A PPED «1 0 5 i d j * Í ECONOMY ip ■»■es# ,3 PACK i 25L B > answers." It is the sheerest folly to insist that ALL things have an exact answer. It the child is trained to believe that all answers are found in books and that all book answers are exact, his educational progress is stultified. This is, in fact, an "operation" intended to enslave the child to current beliefs. As many, the great majority, of these beliefs can be counted on to change before the child is 25, it is a disservice to freeze his thinking for the period during which he is being educated. "Educational truths” as they apply in inexact subjects are created truths and are of finite duration. The child who is educated to CHANGE is never MRS, C’s WIGS gAUt LB. 5 O F BEEF $ ÍÍ Grand opening fo r M all 205 DM V Express o ffices is scheduled fo r Sept. 28 at 10:30 a.m Governor Neil G oldschm idt w ill cut the ribbon have gotten there. The keynote of all such training (in its earliest stages at least) is the aban­ donment of the idea that there are exact answers to all things. This is fal­ lacy and is the primary reason education may fail. Man has very few exact answers He has "agreed upon answers," "workable answers and policy OPEN Sunday 12.00 noon 5:00 p.m. 5016 N.E U nion Handle stress before it handles you! V lf hat are the hidden causes of stress and anxiety? How can unwanted emotions affect your happiness and success? In today's world, gaming peace of mind can be difficult But, when you read and use Dianetics: The M odern Science o f Mental Health by L Ron Hubbard, you’ve get the know -how to help get rid of stressl r ■ i i i i i i ■ i ■ i i i i □ YES! Please send m e ___ copy|s) of DIANETICS: The M odern Science o f M ental Health by L Ron Hubbard Enclosed is my check/money order for ---------------- — N A M E _____________________________ ______________ ADDRESS_____________ ___ ______________________ CITY__________ _____ — -------------------------------------------- STATE____________ . ZIP CO DE _ FOR DIANETICS INFORMATION. CALL TOLL FREE I 800 367 8788 © 1986 CSI Om own • a lacere*V . Con«» and D mad