September 16, 1987, Portland Ob; -R ‘age 3 Rivers Tribute The occasion, held Septem ber 1J, is o /, was given m as special reco gn ition fo r his m usical talents and hum anitarian e ffo rts in w o rkin g w ith people. . . . . . The event w as w ell attended by m any m usicians, dignitaries, tam i y and friends. A lso in attendance w as the current reigning M iss Oregon, U .S .A ., Tam ie Prim iano, and State D irector o f the M iss Oregon, U .S .A . Beauty Pagent, Donna Lee. Though ailing, the silky-voiced Rivers proved he was still a cro w pleaser w hen he discarded his w alking cane and strolled to the m ic and proceeded to deliver a soul-stirring, heart-w arm ing rendition o f the all-tim e Ink Spot fa vo rite : " I f I D id n 't C are." Upon co m p le tio n, the crow d gave him three standing ovations. . . . It was inspirational to see this w ell-loved and popular gifted ta len t m it fr»r w ell-deserved Dlaudits. The Observer conveys special A l Rivers sings wSSTSvwS WW VW MV VW WV MÛ tiftHW'lÄ» MV waive In tr ib u te to A l R iv e rs C h a rle s p la y s g u ita r O w n e r o f M a ry 's P lace B o b b y B ra d fo rd J u d y , J o a n n y ,a n d R o b e n F o u r lo v e ly la d ie s e n jo y in g th e tr ib u te M a n y o f A l R iv e rs ' fr ie n d s a tte n d e d M is s O re g o n , U .S .A ., T a m ie P rim ia n o . a n d g u e s ts R a lp h B la c k a nd g u e s t as aa as aa we as an as P h o to by A r t's C u s to m P h o to g ra p h y , M is s O re g o n , B e n , D o n n a , P a m , J o e 1-503 284 6696 Am erica Hairpieces THIS BOOKLET CAN CHANGE THEW AYYOUPLAN TO RAY FOR COLLEGE. THE G I BILL PLUS THE A R M Y COLLEGE FUND C A N BE W O R TH UP TO $ 2 5 ,2 0 0 TO W A R D Y O U R COLLEGE E D U C A TIO N Don’t Gamble Beauty Supplies Which is more Sale & Restyling * The Cost of Protecting Your Family? THE G I B tll PLUS THE AB MV COLLEGE F UNO ENLISTMENT or The Cost of Not Protecting Your Family And the rewards nt being a s o ld ii go tar beyond earning money tor college You’ll also learn sell-reliance, discipline team-work and pride. So when you do g< to college, you’ll be able to get the most out of it. For more inform ation about this program and how you can quality tor it sec your local Army Recruiter today O r call toll tree 1-80Û-USA-ARMY. Here’s how it works: First you contribute to your education- $100 per m onth for the first tull 12 m onths of your enlistm ent. T hen the governm ent contributes—up to $9,600. T h ats the G.I. Bill. W ith the Army College Fund, you can add up to $14,400 more! (See table below.) 2 years ARMY. BEALLYOUCANBE. $10.800 Affordable Residential Security Systems r Eva Gabor • Rene o f Paris • / Zurv and more Store Hours 10.00 a.m . 'til 6:00 p.m . M onday Thru Saturday ’’ For More Inform ation Contact: Secure America 1105 N.E. Broadway (across from Safeway Lloyd Center I Tel. 282 1664 Residential Security Specialist • Landon Crowell 15031 239 5635 - ».