ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE ADMINISTRATOR For the Legislative Committee of the Legislative Administration Committee. Position facilitates process of legislative committees by providing information regard­ ing issues before the committee, arranging for testimony and evi­ dence to be provided, and or­ ganizing and analyzing informa­ tion in the preparation of policy options. Experience involving management responsibility or ex­ perience in a staff technical or professional function related to management required. Previous experience with the Oregon legi­ slative process highly desirable. Salary range $2114-$2699 per month. A Legislative Administra­ tion Committee application is re­ quired. Application materials must be received by 5pm, Sept 28, 1987. Contact: Personnel Office Legislative Administration Committee S-404 State Capitol Salem, OR 97310 (503)378 8530 COMPUTER FIELD SERVICE Train for a career with a future! Computer Field Service techni­ cians install, repair, adjust and align the thousands of computers used in business and industry. Portland Community College has openings in the CFS program that starts this fall at Cascade Campus in North Portland. Ex­ cellent instructors ànd training equipment. An Associate of Ap­ plied Science degree when you finish. Call for information: 244-6111, Ext. 5317 PORTLAND COMM UNITY COLLEGE Your convenient, affordable op­ tion. An Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Institution. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Oregon Com m ission on Black A ffa irs Salary $23,000 - $29,400 The Commission on Black Affairs is seeking applicants for Execu­ tive Director; responsible for the day-to-day management and operations of the Commission of­ fice Qualified applicants will have a knowledge of: bookkeeping and accounting; budgeting; the legi­ slative process; State policies and rules; and a knowledge of the history, culture and contri­ butions of African American peo­ ple. Additionally, you should have excellent oral and written communications skills, exper­ ience planning events, and an ability to develop public relations strategies and promote the ac­ complishments of the Commis­ sion. The State of Oregon offers ex­ cellent benefits for you and your family including paid medical and dental plans, retirement, disabi­ lity provisions and more. Salary will depend on applicable work experience. Submit a letter that speaks to qualifications listed above and resume along with three refer­ ences to: Carolyn N. Leonard Oregon Com m ission on Black A ffa irs 1257 Ferry St. S.E. Salem, Oregon 97310 Resumes must be received on or before October 2, 1987. An Equal Opportunity Employer ELECTRONIC SERVICE TECHNOLOGY You can pay more for training, but you will find none better than the Electronic Service Techno­ logy program on the Cascade Campus o f. PORTLAND COM­ MUNITY COLLEGE. Prepare for an interesting, stable career troubleshooting and servicing electronic and electromechanical systems. Learn from top-ranking instructors on new, sophisticated equipment. Classes start soon! Call today for information 244-6111, Ext. 5317 PORTLAND COMM UNITY COLLEGE Your convenient,- affordable op­ tion. An Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Institution. RESEARCH ASSISTANTS Available 10 month appointment. B.S. required. It would be pre­ ferred that the candidate have experience with Vertebrate Cell Culture, Quantitative Immuno­ assays, and electrophoretic tech­ niques. Send resume and three letters of reference to: Dr. S.L. Kaattari Dept. of Microbiology Oregon State University Corvallis. Oregon 97331-3804 before September 25, 1987. Salary Range: $15,600-$17,000. Oregon State University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Oppor­ tunity Employer and complies with Section 504 of the Rehabili­ tation Act of 1973. STOP The Versailles Treaty, which ended World War I, created the International Labor Organization, according to a fact sheet, "Brief History of the U.S. Department of Labor," available from the de­ partment's Office of Information and Public Affairs, Washington, D .C .20210. R.N. For outpatient mental health cli­ nic. 18% hours per week. Send resume by 9-24 to: CCMH 6329 N.E. Union Portland. OR 97211 September 16, 1987, JOBS, Page 5 tI-