THE ENTERTAINMENT “*x» Over a thousand people turned out for the "End of Summer Jam and Picnic Monday at Alberta Park. The event brought people out young and old, in what organizers called a very successful day. The Come Try Our Outrageous Food by Sally Lunch 11:30 a.m .-1:30 p.m. Dinner 4:30 p.m .-6:30 p.m. Saturday All day Fish Fry from 11:30 a.m. Sunday B runch Special 11:30 a.m .-1:30 p.m. J.B.'s Paradise Room 3530 N. V ancouver Ave. 288-1196 keynote speaker was City Commissioner Dick Bogle who made a very strong statement against gangs in Portland (see below). The event was sponsored by B.E. A .N ., Grassroots News and Miller Beer. Photo by Richard J. Brown Bobby McFerrin Jazz Vocalist Commissioner Dick Bogle Speakers Out Against Gangs in Portland McFERRIN SCHEDULED FOR PORT­ LAND APPEARANCE First, I want to thank Lanita Duke for . . . inviting me. It give me an opportunity to speak my piece, on a subject that's got me ANGRY. Every city has a tradition. Portland has a tradition . . . and part of that tradition is, we will n ot tolerate organized gangs! Why should peole have to sit inside their houses on a hot night, just because some tough-looking, tough-talking punks tell them to. I don't care if they're white gangs, Latin gangs, Asian gangs or Black gangs . . . There's no place for them in Portland . . . except in jail. The strength of a city is in its neighborhoods. We can t, and won't, sit back and allow that strength to be attacked. I'm here to tell you that we're going to fight back . . . starting this month, on September 23. That's the date of the First Community Anti- Crime Forum on Street Gangs. This is not going to be another one of those occasions . . . you know the type . . . where people sit around telling you about the problem You already kn o w about the problem. You live with it This is going to be a how -to meeting . . with people who have some answers. People who know what they're talking about, and are prepared to help. Plan on being there. Because it's a problem that's going to take a com­ munity-wide effort to solve. It's going to take the strength of you and all your neighbors, working together. The same goes for drugs. You get rid of drugs, and the gangs dis­ appear. Drugs are dragging down our young people . . wasting their potential. We need to work our courage up, all of us, and shout NO! To drug abuse . . . NO to drug houses . . NO! To drug dealers, and drug suppliers, and all the others who are exploiting our young people, and selling them into this terrible form of slavery. Then, and only then, will we be albe to shout YES! To clean and safe neighborhoods. YES! to job opportunities close to where we live . and YES! to everything else that's part of the GOOD LIFE . . the life we hope and pray to pass along to the next generation. Thank you. Michael Davidson Presents and radio station KMHD will bring jazz voc alist Bobby McFerrin to Portland Saturday, September 12, 8:00 p.m. in the Intermediate Theater of the Performing Arts Center. McFerrin won Grammy Awards in 1987 for Best Male Jazz Vocalist and Best Vocal Arranger for his work on “Another Night in Tunisia ' on the Manhattan Transfer's Vocalese album. Since his first solo performance in Ashland, Oregon, in 1983, McFerrin has gained critical acclaim and worldwide popularity for his a capella impro­ visations. McFerrin's recent album, Spontaneous Inventions, includes special guests Herbie Hancock, Robin Williams and Wayne Shorter, as well as the double Grammy winning track from Vocaliese. Tickets are available at all G.l. Joe s ticket outlets and the Performing Arts Center box office. Cost is $12.50 for general admission; $10.00 for students and seniors. DORIS CAFE 3240 N. Williams Now Open American it Mexican Foods W eekly Specials Chitterlings Neck Bones Ox Tail Pigs Feet HRS. Tues,-Thurs. 12:00 noon - 10:00 p.m. Fri. Sat. 12:00 noon 2 a.m. FOOD 287-924S JUMP PRODUCTIONS PRESENTS All of the other planets in our solar system could be placed inside the planet Jupiter Lloyd Center Cleaners T ailoring Hours: M-F7-7 • Sat. 9-6 1337 Lloyd Center 284 7019 STARRY NIG HT (N W 6 th i t B u rn s id e ) Wed. SEPT. 16 thru Sun. SEPT. Portland Memorial Coliseum ___ ways to get ► S H O W T I M E S * ryw- ALL TICKETS $2.50 OFF! FRED MEYER/KATE Ch.2 FAMILY N IG H T ounl Coupon iro m FRED 'lr.YEK — |5 |M 20 KNIPMt 7 101‘M I imi P'1 I 301’M s ih i I’M S tOPM I f. S1. 0 0 1 Ki Kills I inter 12! 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