ELIGIBILITY SERVICES SUPERVISOR COOS BAY BRANCH SALARY ($1739 $22171 Monthly Announcement No. OC870630 Excellent Benefit Peckages ADULT AND FAMILY SERVICES DIVISION State of Oregon, AFS needs an energetic, innovative, skilled manager for the position of Eligi­ bility Services Supervisor in the Coos Bay Branch office in Coos Bay, Oregon. QUALIFICATIONS: Two years experience managing, supervising or leading other peo­ ple; OR two years experience in determining client eligibility for financial and other public assi­ stance; OR two years experience providing advice and counsel to applicants/clients in obtaining and maintaining public assistance or other social services; OR two years experience providing job preparation / job search / job placement services to clients of a social service agency or other employment service agency; OR two years experience providing any or all of these elements. In addition to the above require­ ments you must also have a Bachelor's degree or three more years of responsible pertinent ex­ PROGRAM EXECUTIVE C EUGENE BRANCH MANAGER SALARY ($2333-$2976) Monthly Announcement No. OC870629 Excellent Benefit Packeges ADULT AND FAMILY SERVICES DIVISION perience Preference will be given to applicants with prior supervisory experience and/or training. State of Oregon, AFS needs an energetic, innovative, skilled manager to manage their Eugene Branch Office in Eugene, Ore­ gon. TO APPLY: Q U A LIFIC A TIO N S: Obtain an application (PD100) and the announcem ent at Per­ sonnel Center, 775 Court Street, Salem, Oregon 97310. Four years of steadily increasing management responsibility or four years of experience in a staff technical or professional function which has afforded you manage­ ment and supervisory know­ ledge, skills and abilities. Indicate the announcement num­ ber and title of the position applied for on the PD100 in the box provided. Follow the instructions on the announcem ent. Submit your State of Oregon Application (PD- 100) and required attachm ents to: IN ADDITION to the required ex­ perience listed above you must have a Bachelor's degree or three additional years of pertinent ex­ perience. TO APPLY: A dult and Family Services Personnel Services Section 516 Public Service Bldg., Salem. OR 97310 Obtain an application (PD100) and the announcement at Per­ sonnel Center, 775 Court Street, Salem, Oregon 97310. Applications must be postmarked by September 18, 1987 to be accepted. Indicate the announcement num­ ber and title of the position applied for on the PD100 in the box provided. An Equal Opportunity Employer Director of Human Resources The D epartm ent o f H ealth and Hospitals, a m u lti in stitu tio n a l m uni< ipally ow ned health tare system, seeks applicants to manage, adm inister, and im p le m e n t all aspects o f the D epartm ent's Human Resources Programs. R esponsibilities w ill in clu d e the managem ent and the integration o f various fun ctions of the departm ent including, but not lim ite d to com pensation benefits ad m inistration, e m ploym e nt and re cruitm e nt, jo b