W ASH IN G TO N COUNTY JOBS PROGRAM COORDINATOR 1 M EDICAID AUDITOR Clerk $1078-$1310/mo. SALARY ($1867 $2370) Monthly Excellent Benefit Packages Associate Clerk $1189-$1445/mo. ADULT AND FAMILY SERVICES DIVISION Secretary 1 $1132-$1376/mo. State of Oregon, AFS, Health Services Section, Salem, Oregon is looking for a Medicaid Auditor who will be responsible for per­ forming audits of medical pro­ viders serving Medicaid clients. Secretary 2 $1248-$1517/mo. Microcomputer Specialist $2136-$2597/mo. Building Inspector A $2136-$2597/mo. Small Animal Shelter Attendant $1248-$1517/mo. Call (503) 648-8607 for information. County application forms req. Apply by September 18 to Washington County Personnel An E.O.E. COMPUTER FIELD SERVICE Train for a career with a future! Computer Field Service techni­ cians install, repair, adjust and align the thousands of computers used in business and industry. Portland Community College has openings in the CFS program that starts this fall at Cascade Campus'in North Portland. Ex­ cellent. instructors ànd training equipment. An Associate of Ap­ plied Science degree when you finish. Call forinformation: 244-6111, Ext. 5317 PORTLAND COMM UNITY COLLEGE Your convenient, affordable op­ tion. An Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Institution. ★ NOTICE ★ The JOBS Trade Magazine has moved to 5011 N.E. 26th Ava., Portland, Oregon 97211. Page 10, JOBS, September 9, 198/ QUALIFICATIONS: Two years of experience invol­ ving steadily increasing staff level work in a technical function. IN ADDITION to the required ex­ perience listed above you must have a Bachelor's degree or three additional years of pertinent ex­ perience. A masters degree may be sub­ stituted for up to one year of the required experience. TO APPLY: Obtain an application (PD100) and the announcement at Per­ sonnel Center, 775 Court Street, Salem, Oregon 97310 or contact Health Services Section, Salem, Oregon, 378-2263, ext. 354. Indicate the announcement num­ ber and title of the position ap­ plied for on the PD100 in the box provided Follow the in stru ction s on the announcem ent. Submit your State of Oregon Application (PD- 100) and required attachm ents to: Personnel and Labor Relations Divison 155 Cottage S treet NE Salem, OR 97310 Applications must be received by the closing date to be accep­ ted. An Equal Opportunity Employer JOBS Trade Magazine 288 0020 or 288 0033 M A R IN E FACILITIES PLANNER The Port of Portland has an im­ mediate opening for an individual to work in the Engineering Ser­ vices Division to provide support to the Marine and Marine Ser­ vices Departments in developing and maintaining master plans and facility records; to facilitate deve­ lopment of new facilities; and to manage and/or perform planning studies and analysis. Preferred qualifications include coursework or experience equi­ valent to a degree in transpor­ tation planning or civil engineer­ ing, demonstrated project man­ agement skills, and experience in marine planning and develop­ ment. The ability to take initia­ tive on projects, the ability to communicate at all levels throughout the organization, a knowledge of computer simula­ tion modeling and facility capa­ city analysis and a knowledge of construction techniques are also preferred. Interested individuals may apply at: Port of Portland Employment Office 12th Floor 700 N.E. Multnomah or call (503)231-5000 extension 700 for further information. This position will remain open un­ til sufficient applications are re­ ceived, but may close any time after Friday, September 25, 1987. The Port is an Equal Opportunity Employer HELP W ANTED Repair, major appliances: Re­ frigeration, microwave exper­ ience necessary. Full-time for busy retail stores, Albany, Eu­ gene. Resume preferred. A&R Electronics & Appliances, 65 J Division Avenue, Eugene, OR 97404.