PORT OF PORTLAND INVITATION TO BID Sealed bids will be received by the Purchasing Mana­ ger of the Port of Portland, 700 N.E. Multnomah Street, Portland, Oregon (mailing address: P.O. Box 3529, Portland, OR 97208) for items detailed herein until the individually specified dates and times indi­ cated, and thereafter publicly opened and read. Plans and specifications may be examined and/or obtained at the above address. Contact the Purcha­ sing Department at 231-5000, Ext. 588. Bids must be on the bid form provided to prospec­ tive bidders and, when Bid Surety is required, must be accompanied by a certified or cashier's check drawn on a United States bank, or a bid bond pay­ able to the Port of Portland in an amount equal to at least 10 percent of the total amount bid. When prequalification is required, the prequalifica­ tion statements should be received at least 5 days prior to the time set for bid opening. Applications for prequalification may be submitted less than 5 days before bid opening, but consideration by the Port cannot be assured. Attention is called to the provisions of the Oregon Revised Statutes 279.350, providing that workers be paid prevailing wage rates. DESCRIPTION PDX S. Central Development Pump Station No. 1 & Pump Station No. 2 Electrical BID OPENING DATE September 17, 1987 2:00 p.m. W B E -100% M B E-100% ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed proposals for rehabilitation of a 5 span utility and pedestrian bridge will be received at the Dayton City Hall, 416 Ferry Street, P.O. Box 338, Dayton, Oregon 97114 until 2:00 PM on September 30, 1987 and thereafter will be publicly opened and read. The proposed work will consist of furnishing mater­ ials, labor and equipment to upgrade foundations and re-align and brace superstructure of a 10 foot wide by 500 foot long timber suspension bridge over the Yamhill River. Work includes piles added to foundations, earthwork at deadman anchors, bank riprap, re-alignment of deck and piers including de­ tachment of suspension system, pier bracing and horizontal deck bracing, installation of (2) 3-pile dol­ phins and the rehabilitation of the existing water and sewer lines on the bridge. A site pre-bid conference will be held at 9:30 AM on September 16, at the south end of the site on Ferry Street in Dayton, Oregon. Bid documents may be inspected at Dayton City Hall or at Moffatt, Nichol & Bonney, 1845 N.E. Couch Street, Portland, OR 97232. Documents may be pur­ chased from the City of Dayton for $35 per set. We are an equal opportunity employer and encou­ rage minority firms to respond. CITY OF VER N O N IA Scope: Installation of electrical service to Pump Station No. 1 and Pump Station No. 2. Installation and operation of electrical distribution system including pump connections at both Pump Stations No. 1 and No. 2. Terminal 2 Rehabilitation House 204 CITY OF DAYTON BRIDGE REHABILITATION PROPOSALS DUE 2:00 PM, SEPTEMBER 30, 1987 September 30, 1987 3:00 p.m. WBE - 3% M B E -10% Scope: Construction of an approximately 80,000 square foot pre-engineered metal warehouse with precast con­ crete wall panels; interior approximately 1,300- square-foot wood-frame office, lunchroom, and toi­ let facilities; truck dock with dock leveler; truck scale; fire sprinkler protection system; and complete plumbing and electrical systems. A prebid con­ ference will be held on Monday, September 21, 1987, at 10:30 a.m., in the Port of Portland Terminal 2 construction trailer conference room. The en­ trance is near 3302 NW Front Avenue (west of SSA’s Terminal 2 entrance). INVITATION FOR PARTICIPATION AND PROPOSALS The City of Vernonia, Oregon is soliciting and en­ couraging minority and female persons or organiza­ tions to participate in planning and developing a sew­ erage strategy. The Vernonia sewer system is old, needing rehabilitation; and the sewer treatment in­ volves a three lagoon seepage system. For further information on Statement of Interest pro­ cedures or information about the project, contact by September 21,1987: Glen Higgins C om m unity A ction Team Inc. 361 Colum bia Blvd. St. Helens. OR 97061 Phone: 503-397-3611 September 9, 1987, JOBS, Page 9