Portrait of the Great American Investor •»WWW" Terry Wilson’s talent is visual communications. As an agency art director he pulls together the work o f photographers, illustrators JÖ. and writers to create effective- advertisements. He knows a good ad when he sees one— he also knows a good investment Terry invests in U.S. Savings Bonds through Payroll Savings at work. Over 23 million Americans like Terry invest in Savings Bonds. They an- the Great American Investors People everywhere are discovering Bonds pay c o m p e titiv e rates, like money market accounts, ~ w. toosccaocatt w hen held for five years or jKgparxnw more And they’re free from state and local incom e tax. Bonds are easy to buy. You can purchase them at most banks or through Payroll Savings at work. So, whether you are investing $25 or $5000, buy U.S. Savings Bonds. The Great American Investment. Find out more, call 1-800-US-BONDS U.S. SAVINGS BONOS THE GREAT A M E R IC A N INVESTMENT Bonds held less than five years earn a lower rate Page 4, JOBS, September 9, 1987 A public service of this publication.