Page 10, Portland Observer, September 9, 1987 »ft C O M M U N IT Y by Gov. Neil Goldschmidt Go DENTISTRY News From Neil BY Dr. Edward Ward Three Cities to Receive Grants Governor Neil Goldschmidt announced today three Oregon cities would receive funds under the state's Rental Rehabilitation Program for the rehabilitation of substandard rental housing. The program is administered by the state's Community Development section of the Economic Develop­ ment Department. Cities receiving funds are: Corvallis, $150,000; Medford, $100,000; and Springfield, $200,000 Each city will make the funds available to rental property owners, they in turn will use the funds for major repairs to rental housing which are predominately occupied by low and moderate income persons. Property owners will be responsible for contributing one-half of the rehabilitation costs. In addition, the state will award rent vouchers (available from the federal Department of Housing and Urban Develop­ ment) to eligible low income tenants to help them pay the cost of their rent. All three cities have been operating similar programs in past years and have excellent performance records. Maintaining Your Dentures Part 2 ♦ Last week I discussed common problems amongst denture wearers and; urged you, the reader, to seek professional advice rather than use home; remedies. Today, I’d like to share with you tips on the care of your dentures « Do not use any harsh chemical to clean your dentures, especially par? tial dentures which have metal clasps and may corrode. Any of the; commercial denture cleaning products will do nicely. However, you shoul^ use a soft denture toothbrush to brush your dentures two to three times d; day to remove plaque, stains and odor-causing bacteria. Remember tha^ your denture is softer than your teeth, so never use a hard brush on them^ Plaque and calculus will build up on your dentures if care is not taken £ Remove your dentures and brush them over a sink of water to prevent breakage if dropped. Brush inside and outside between each tooth. Thrf; same procedure should be carried out prior to bedtime. I recommend leav* ¡ng dentures out at night to give the tissues beneath the dentures time tci recover from the pressures of day-long wear. If you are one of those patients who cannot sleep unless your dentures are in your mouth, I recommend that you take them out sometimes during the day for four hours or more. While you are sleeping, or during one o t your tissue resting periods, the dentures can be soaked in a commericaC Lutheran Choral Concerts Concerts this year will be held: September 13, 1987, at St. Paul of Damascus, 24510 S.E. Hwy 212, Damascus, OR 97009, 7:00 p.m.; September 20, 1987, at Bethlehem Luth­ eran, 1244 N.E. 39th Ave., Portland, OR, 7:00 p.m.; September 27, 1987, at Oak Grove United Methodist, 14700 S.E. Ruppert Dr., Milwaukie, OR 97267, 7:00 p.m.; and October 4, 1987, at Peace Lutheran Church, 2201 N. Portland Blvd., Portland, OR 97217, 7:00 p.m. Lutheran Choral originally started out singing for Reformation only, but the enthusiasm of the group led them to continue practicing in the summer every Monday evening, and then perform 4 or 5 concerts in the fall. The group members at one time were all Lutherans, but because of much outside interest, it was opened up to any and all denominations. It now has 136 enrolled and are represented by singers from Multno­ mah, Clackamas, and Washington Counties, as well as the Vancouver, Washington area. Although it is ecumenical, the Luteran tradition is still upheld. They have had many outstanding directors, such as Stanley Glarum and Edith Christianson. The present director is Stan Bleything. He is also the choir director at Oak Grove United Methodist in Milwaukie, OR. This year's concert is divided into three sections. The first consists of pre-20th century music. The second includes Spirituals and Hymn An­ thems with audience participation. The third includes 20th century selec­ tions. This year is the 49th concert year, and Lutheran Choral is looking for anyone who might have sung in the past to contact Olive Jac Kistner at 289 8641 or Nancy Oswald at 655-4753 about special plans for our 50th celebration next year. Concerts have no admission charge, but a free-will offering is taken during one of the intermissions. Jed, 16, and Diana, 9, are show n w ith their W hite adoptive fam ily The A shtons o f New York State. Whites Who Adopt Black Children: Is Love Enough? The pros and cons of transracial adoptions of Black children by White families are weighed in the September EBONY. Critics, such as the National Association of Black Social Workers (NABSW), fear the adoptions cause racial and cultural genocide, and that such Black children will suffer psychological problems throughout life. "Our position is that the African-American family should be maintained and its integrity preserved," explains Dr. Morris Jeff, NABSW president and director of city welfare in New Orleans. Mark and Judith Ashton, a White couple with two adopted Black Chil­ dren and two biological children, observed that mutual love between the child and parent is "not enough to make sure that the end result is a strong, self-confident human being." Although things are fine now for 23-year-old Adrian Parry, who was adopted by a White family at age 15, he recalls anxious and awkward times. "I wouldn't wish this on anybody. It s too difficult for children and parents alike," he remarks. Dr. Rita J. Simon, a sociologist and dean of the School of Justice at the American University in Washington, D.C., reports that her studies of about 200 transracially adopted children over 15 years uncovered no special problems. Other supporters say many children in such families learn to bridge the cultural gap. COUPON • COUPON I I NEW I I MUFFLER I AS LOW AS I 1 I I tlube , o ilt COMPLETE BRAKE & FILTER JOB $8.95 $19.95 County Volunteers Given Recognition $49.95 MOST CARS PER AXLE MOST CARS Multnomah County will be holding a public event at noon Tuesday, September 22 in Terry Schrunk Plaza, S.W. 3rd Avenue and Madison Street, to thank all of its volunteers. The festive event will feature music by Thara Memory and the Oregon Youth Big Band and a cake-cutting ceremony led by Multnomah County Chair Gladys McCoy. The event is one of several activities planned for "Know Your County Month" in September. ? V INSTALLED MOST CARS 9 J I COUPON MUST BE PRESENTED PRIOR TO ESTIMATE EXPIRES 9 30 87 WITH ANYOTHER SERVICE, REG. $15.95 INCLUDES 5 QTS VALVOLINE 10/40 OIL INCLUDES NEW PADS/SHOES TURN ROTOR/DRUM PACK WHEEL BEARINGS EXPIRES 9 30 87 BARKER MUFFLER & BRAKE SERVICE Calling all high school students, parents, school counselors, friends, and other interested community people. The Black Colleges Committee, Inc. Annual Black Colleges Confer­ ence is well underway and will be held October 24th, 1987, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Red Lion Columbia River. Watch your papers and news media for further information. If you can't wait, call our office: 284-7930 or 287-9669. 281-4010 4525 N.E. UNION HOURS: 8-5 M onday We Want You Saturday cleaning agent. To remove tartar and stain on complete upper and lower dentures, it is recommended that they be soaked in a glass of water to which you adtf one teaspoon of Clorox and two teaspoons of water softener (Calgort soap). Rinse in baking soda and water to remove the taste of the Clorox. To remove tartar and calculus from partial dentures, which are part* metal, use vinegar as the soaking agent. Never use hot water, because, warping may occur. After your dentures have been set aside to soak, use a soft toothbrush, to brush your gums, especially denture-bearing areas, and massage the tis-« sues with your fingers for a few minutes. Do this rountinely to establish; a habit of caring for your dentures and your mouth. Now watch your facql light up with a smile. Dr. Ward's office is located in downtown Portland: 610 SW Alder, Suite 1008, Portland. OR.; AIDS Meeting People of Color United Against AIDS has scheduled a meeting foC September 15, 1987, 7-9 p.m. in room 154, City Hall, 1220 S.W. 5th. O up sincere apologies to committee members who were inconvenienced by the mix-up about meeting time for the August 11th meeting. Following is the proposed agenda. Thank you in advance for your support of and interest in the work of People of Color United Against AIDS. Amani has much to share from his trip East. Agenda: 1) Fiscal sponsor report (Cascade Aids Project): Elizabeth; 2) Brochures (review, distribute, reprinting); 3) Planning for small-scale conference on AIDS and minorities: Anita — Proposal for conference to take place at end of November, '87 (3’/ j months from now). Discussion on goals and objectives, speakers, workshops?, printed material, focus. Need to consider: 1. projected number of people who will attend, 2. space (meet­ ing rooms, security, accessible, etc.), 3. costs for rental of space if needed, printed material, sound system; 4. pre-planning necessary; 5. coordination with other agencies; 6. speakers available; 7. other?; 4) Mailing to minority community groups; 5) Re-writing and translation of brochures, including POCUAA brochure: Anita; 6) Identify small projects between now and pro­ jected conference date —AIDS and the teenage Black male; Joy Cross, AIDS and prostitution. Quality Copies - 284-2129 1 to t N I TTH OPEN 7 DAYS DELIVERED! kinko's 223-2056 1002 LW. JEFFERSON OPEN 24 HOURS You can get great looking copies without even leaving vour desk just call Kinko s We on pick up vour onginals and deliver ensp clear copies nght to vour door— within hours' Qualm copies— IQnko s delivers' THE MOUNT OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH DENTAL CARE YOUR FAMILY CAN COUNTON. N.E. First Et Schuyler • 284-1954 John H. Jackson. Minister, M Ed . M D 9 30 A M Church School 11 00 A M Congregational Worship 5:00 P.M. Vesper Service 10:00 A M Baptism Fourth Sunday 11 00 Communion Each First Sunday Edward E. Ward, DMD General Dentistry Dr. Edward E. Ward ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH Corner o f 8th and Skidm ore Sunday School 9:15 a.m. Sunday Worship 1:00 a.m. hristian Youth Fellowship 6:00 p.m. (second and fourth Sundays) The American Baptist Convention, American Baptist Churches of Oregon: Lott Carey Foreign Mission Convention: National, Oregon, Portland Ecumenical Ministries, American Bible Society, M.EtM. Board. Prevention oriented Friendly professional staff Insurance gladly accepted Sedation for sensitive patients Fees discussed prior to treatment Visa/Mastercard accepted Convenient downtown location New patients welcome All bus lines/vaJidated parking ADA member P hillip S. Nelson (Pastor! STEVEN BAILEY. N.D. Phone (503) 228-3009 N aturopathic F amily P hysician 610 S.W. Alder, Suite 1008 (503) 289 9914 H19 N KILLINGSWt >RTH. IX IRTLANI). ( )R 97217 Hours: M-F 7AM-7PM/SAT. SAM 5PM P. D. SEVIEP \ SOM GAP BAG L SLP\ ICE IS 11O 1 ‘Convenient, affordable dental care for your family. YOU ARE WELCOME TO WORSHIP AT 84 N.E. K illin g s w o rth • 281 0499 "A warm spirit of fellowship always'' u \rk of Safei \ h > : oi ( iod r in Christ v Art v . jit; .iium:". Follow peace u'tlh »une ivhicb no 1uesaay 7 30 p m Bible Band Thursday Choir Rehearsal 7 00 p rn Sunday ■ Sunday School 9 15am Morning 11 15 a m Worship 6 30pm Y P W W Evangelistic 8 00 p m Worship Tuesday Friday Noon Day Prayer Friday The Pastor Speaks' 7 30 p m . Saturday Morning Prayer S f t i j w n L O V ti o f BD e m v ^ i 9 00 a m hrrw lr— « « t r . mommy 'IMJD A M ft AAR 14D0AM CM As primary health care providers we offer a full range of naturopathic health care service. The naturopathic physician provides preventative, wholistic and natural family health care for a wide range of acute and chronic conditions and minor traumatic injuries. The following is a list of services available through the clinic. Feel free to call and discuss your questions about the naturopathic approach to health and how it applies to you and your family. STANDARD LABORATORY AND DIAGNOSTIC TESTING HAIR MINERAL ANALYSIS PHYSIOTHERAPY. MANIPULATION AND MASSAGE EXERCISE THERAPY CLEANSING PROGRAMS AND FASTING COUNSELING BOTANICAL MEDICINE HOMEOPATHY HYDROTHERAPY ■ •V*' ♦*' COMPLETE PHYSICAL EXAMS CONSULTATIONS FOR SPECIFIC PROBLEMS GYNECOLOGIC EXAMS AND WOMEN S HEALTH CARE NUTRITIONAL AND DIETARY ASSESSMENT ALLERGY TESTING AND CLINICAL ECOLOGY GERIATRICS CHILDREN'S MEDICINE SCHOOL AND JOB PHYSICALS PRENATAL ANO POSTNATAL CARE N .E . A lberta Business is still picking up. C o n t a in e r s A va fle D rop il a b l e R esidential & Com m ercial Com plete A u to m o tive Service Motor Tune-ups • Brake Line • DEQ Adjusting • Call Lilian 287-0262 B oxes