Page 8, Portland Observer, September 2, 198/ TFRTfllNM ENT SEEN GOLDEN PALACE Special Chinese Restaurant 234-9311 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Lunch Monday-Friday 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. D inner Monday-Saturday 3 p.m. to 11 p.m. Sunday 4 p.m. to 11 p.m. Lounge Open to Midnight Enjoy the finest selection of Chinese cuisine prepared by 20-year Master Chef Mrs. Wong Chang. Offering Hunan, Szechwan and Man­ darin specialties in a comfortable atmosphere with friendly service. 2 2 0 N .E . W e i d l e r (3 blocks from the Coliseum between N.E. 2nd and 3rd)_____ Garland Lee Thom pson as Ishi. W ith this Coupon buy a meal and you w ill get an egg roll free "Wild Indian" Opens Season The IFCC Theatre will open its 1987 88 season with the Northwest premiere of “ Wild Indian" by Theodore Shank The play opens September 18 at 8 p.m. at the Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center, 5340 N. Interstate, and will continue through October 18. "W ild Indian" is a fictionalized drama based upon the true story o Ishi, the last of the Vahi tribe in Northern California, and the anthropologist who became his guardian. Ishi became a living exhibit in the San Francisco Museum of Anthropology under observation and study by the anthropolo­ gist The play takes place in the museum's setting of Ishis habitat where Ishi lived for the remainder of his life. Playwrite Theodore Shank who will attend the opening performance, also introduces two fictional characters - Hilary Addison as the female assistant to the anthropologist and Wing Su, a second generation Chinese-American as his secretary to delineate the issue of acculturation, and the ability of adaption as the key to survival. "W ild Indian" plays at 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday and at 2 p.m. on Sunday, September 18 through October 18. Tickets are $10 on Friday and Saturday and $9 on Sunday. A special reception for author Theodore Shank will follow the opening performance September 18, with a $1 dona tion requested. Subscriptions to the 1987-88 IFCC Theatre Season are available at a discount over single ticket prices. The 1987-88 Season under Managing Director Sue Busby, also includes the West Coast premiere of "Dom the Reality Rag” by Lawrence Perkins, and Oregon premieres of both "Hom e­ land" by Salaelo Maredi and Steve Friedman, and "Tea" by Velina Hasu Houston. .. For Season Subscriptions, or "W ild Indian" ticket reservations, call the IFCC Theatre, 243-7930, from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.. Monday through W IN A FREE HONDA SCOOTER AT THE UNTOUCHABLE KREW'S B a c k to S c h o o l D ance & S how STARRING White Rose and Double Tee present Whitney Houston with special guest Jonathan Butler on October 12th at the Memorial Coliseum Tickets are on sale now at: G.l. Joe's, Galleria Jean Machine, Every­ body's and Coliseum Box Office. This will be a night to remember. PORTLAND CLEANING WORKS SPRING SPECIAL til I % TOPt • FREAK CONTROL • SLACK • Must pick-up within 30 days. Has been serving the North and Northeast Community for 20 years. Dry cleaning; laundered shirts; alterations 2 o f P o rtla n d 's D efest Hip Hop D .J .'s AND fast service. You have tried r e s t- N o w Hours: THE UNTO UCHABLE KREW SEPT. 12TH, 1987 the Ask fo r Nellie or Frances try the Best Mon. through Fri 8 AM 6:30 PM Sat . 9 AM 1PM 3954 N. Williams Ave. 8-1 PM 282-8361 AT PINE STREET THEATRE S.E. 9th at Sandy B lvd. TICKETS ON SALE AT Friday. Music Milleneum 3158 E. BURNSIDE 231 8926 DORIS CAFE One Stop Records 812 N KILLINGSWOR1H 289 9123 SPONSORED BY 3240 N. Williams N ow Open A m erican ft Mexican Foods FOOD Fri. Ron H unt, an in fie ld e r w h o played w ith various N a tio n al League team s holds the record fo r g e ttin g h it by p itched balls. House of Sound 3634 N W ILLIA M S 287 1960 W eekly Specials Chitterlings Neck Bones Ox Tail Pigs Feet -Thurs. 12:00 noon -10:00 p.m. Sat. 12:00 noon 2 a.m. 287 9249 THE LARGEST land m am m al face of the earth ? Oregon Scooter & Cycle Service t o AVEUNG the 1451 NE Alberta St THE PORTLAND OBSERVER NEWSPAPER FANATSY UNLIMITED^ JUMP PRODUCTIONS PRESENTS á rw ________ 1 Ì LAKESIDE MONDAY AUGUST 31ST ON SALE NOW $7.97 P LU S : C O O L 'R S ept. 13th, 1987 (newly remodeled) S T A R R Y N IG H T More Colossal Than The Mighty Jumbo! (N W 6th f t B urnside ) Wed. SEPT. 16 thru Sun. SEPT. 2 0 Portland Memorial Coliseum 9:00 S h o w tim e $12.50,.,.,., Tapes ai k I Records DOWNTOWN 631 SW Aldet (Just off Broadway) 226-0624 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK $13.50 T ic k e ts A v a ila b le H o u se o f S o u n d R e co rd s. 287 1960 M rs. C's W ig s . 281 6525 O ne S to p R e co rd s. 289 9123 A ll G I Joe stores 21 and Over - ID Required A lc o h o l A v a ila b le P ro du ce d By and P oster By B t A N ★ S H O W T I M E S * at do or FndMr f t r ALL TICKETS S2.50 OFF! FRED MEYERIKATI lh .2 K A T U d ^ Z . FAMILY NIG H T With Dl.coant CoapooFron FRED NEVER Thu Fri Sat Sun SEPT. SEPT SEFT SEPT 3 7:3OPM Wed. SEFT. 16 17 1H 19 ..I2 N < X )M 20 tlM IP M t 1 00PM I 10PM 7 301’Mt 7 :10PM KOOPM 5 10PM WAYS TO GET YOVR TICKETS IN PERSON: memori Al c o t i M Box tot: storks BY PHONE: ( 5 0 3 ) 2 3 9 - 4 4 2 2 M, o m e t .m,11, i s.,i • O tta ( P M * I w V IS A m M \ s i t « i \m > I Si* IRi X»T»ir«’ ( h a w per I'honc I b)/t" I BY MAIL: Send self-addressed. stamped envelope with check or money order payable to RINGLING BROS C IR C I'S. Portland Memorial Coliseum. PO Box 2746. Portland. OR 972OM fSAVE S I.00 <)n Kid:. I nder 12' Information A Group Rates: (5 0 3 ) 2 3 5 - 8 7 7 1 ........... YOVR BEST ENTERTAIXMENT VALVE! .......................... $ 6 . 5 0 - $ 8 . 0 0 - $ 9 . 5 0 I'KK Z / A t/ / /)/ s f I \ Al l. SEATS KESEKVEI)