3« Church Council Apostolic The United Northwest District Council, under the diocesan Bishop, Sam Jones of Sacramento, California; District Elder Wilber Alston of Seat- tie, Washinton; and Elder Clarence Welsh, hosting Pastor of Move of God Apostolic Church located at 1303 N.E. Fremont, Portland, Oregon, invites you to a church council beginning September 3rd through the 5th, held at Bethesda Christian Church, located at 109 N. Emerson, Portland, Oregon. Services will begin nightly at 7:30 p.m. Church services include a musical on the 3rd and Evangelistic Service on the 4th and 5th. Contact Evangelist Dorothy Welsh, 281-7504. SEPTEMBER GRANT HIGH GOLDEN REUNION SCHEDULED t k Grant High School "Golden Years Reunion" has been scheduled for Saturday, September 19, 1987 at the Lloyd Center Red Lion, according to Frank Chown, Chairman. The classes of June '36, January '37, June '37, January '38 and June featured. Activities include: registration and a no host cocktail party at 5 p.m., dinner at seven followed by dancing to the live music of the Johnny Callahan, Babe Binford, big band era. A picnic at Grant High School park is scheduled the next day, 11a.m.- 4p.m., Sunday, September 20. Registration including dinner is $30 per ■ person. Husbands, wives and guests are invited. For further informataion contact Jane Merriman Gilpin, 11144 SW Collina Ave., Portland OR 97129, Phone 636-5080. Over 500 friends and w e ll-w ish ers were on hand Sunday to show their appreciation fo r Rev. and Mrs. John Jackson at a reception held at the Red Lion. One o f the many g ifts Jackson received was a fram ed photograph o f he and Ron Herndon being arrested during COMMUNITY *** « m » r protest against the Honorary So. A frican Cousul in Portland. The photograph, a g ift fro m the Oregon Rainbow C oalition, was pre sented by co-chairs Beverly Stein (L) and Macceo Pettis (R) Photo by Richard J. B row n Quality Copies - 284-2129 «SOS N I TTH OPEN 7 DAYS DELIVERED! kinko's 223-2056 V DENTISTRY 1O07 S.W JlM EASO* OPEN 24 HOURS You can get great !ookwg copies without n**r having your desk. Just cadi Kinko s We pKk up your <*nginaE and deliver cnsp clear cjptes right to vour door— within hour BY Dr. Edward Ward Tips of Maintaining Your Dentures Dr. T.L. Lewis P astor/R evival Speaker It' — Revival — Time The pastor and people of Morning Star Baptist Church will once again he in revival. The theme for this season's revival is, "W hy Do We Need Revivals?" (Psalm 85:6) They are a vital and necessary experience in the life of the believer. They uplift us so that we might rejoice in the God of our salvation. The entire community is invited to come and share in this season's re­ vival. Our own pastor, Dr. T.L. Lewis will be the speaker each night. August 31st through September 4th (Monday through Friday), 7 p.m. each night. Bus ministry and nursery facilities available. The church is located at 106 N.E. ivy 281-4925. DENIAL CARE YOUR FAMILY CAN COUNTON. Are you one of the 50 million Americans who wear dentures? Or do you care for an elderly or handicapped person who cannot maintain his or her own dentures? If the answer is ves to either question, you should know that denture wearers should have annual check ups by their dentist. Because trie denture is a prosthetic device (an art if ical replacement of a missing parti, and is subject to pressure, there are minute changes being made in the denture and also in the surrounding tissues of the mouth. Remember when you first received your denture, how snuggly both the uppers and lowers felt? After awhile, perhaps months or years, the detures became loose or the gums shrink The looseness occurs in the supporting bone (ridges) beneath the plates. If you are experiencing soreness, cheek biting, clacking sounds, dif­ ficulty swallowing and talking, or problems in chewing, you need to consult your dentist to see if your dentures are structurally sound, and what adap­ tations are necessary. Some patients attempt to repair their own dentures by purchasing kits in the drug store. My advice is: Don't. You may further damage the den­ tines and alter their proper fit. Let a professional examine your dentures and, at the same time, look for oral cancer or diseases of the lips, mouth, and throat. Ill-fitting dentures can distort one’s face, causing wrinkles at the cor­ ners of the mouth, and loss of distance of face length, giving one a witch­ like profile. Because I like to see my patients happy and comfortable with broad smiles reflecting their contentment, I recommend regular denture maintainance. Phone (503) 228-3009 610 S.W. A lder. Suite 1008 Qualm copies -Kinko s delivers' ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH q Mow Corner o f Pth and Skidm ore Sunday School 9:15 a. m Sunday W orship 1 00 a m. hristian Youth Fellowship 6 00 p m (second and fourth Sundays) Phillip S Nelson (Pastor) N.E. First it Schuyler »284 1954 John H Jackson Minister. M E d . M D 9 30 A M Church School 11 00 A M Congregational Worship 5 00 P M Vesper Service 10 00 A M Baptism Fourth Sunday General Dentistry Dr. Edward E. Ward ; nr**» THE M O U N T O LIVET B A PTIST C H U R C H Edward E. Ward, DMD • Prevention oriented • Friendly professional staff • Insurance gladly accepted • Sedation for sensitive patients • Fees discussed prior to treatment • Visa/Mastercard accepted • Convenient downtown location • New patients welcome • All bus lines/validated parking • ADA member u 11 00 Communion Each First Sunday The American Baptist Convention, American Baptist Churches of Oregon: Lott Carey Foreign Mission Convention: National, Oregon, Portland Ecumenical Ministries, American Bible Society, M .&M Board. e« STEVEN BAILEY. N .l). N aturi ipathic FX mily P hysician (50.1) 289 9914 Hours: M-F 7AM-7PM/SAT. 8AM 5PM H19 N. KILLIN G S»! )RTH, KIRTLAND. OR 97217 “Convenient, affordable dental care for y o u r family. ” As primary health care providers we offer a full range of naturopathic health care service. The naturopathic physician provides preventative, wholistic and natural family health care for a wide range of acute and chronic conditions and minor traumatic injuries The following is a list of services available through the clinic. Feel free to call and discuss your questions about the naturopathic approach to health and how it applies to you and your family. STANDARD LABORATORY AND DIAGNOSTIC TESTING HAIR MINERAL ANALYSIS PHYSIOTHERAPY, MANIPULATION AND MASSAGE EXERCISE THERAPY CLEANSING PROGRAMS AND FASTING COUNSELING BOTANICAL MEDICINE HOMEOPATHY HYDROTHERAPY COMPLETE PHYSICAL EXAMS CONSULTATIONS FOR SPECIFIC PROBLEMS GYNECOLOGIC EXAMS ANO WOMENS HEALTH CARE NUTRITIONAL AND DIETARY ASSESSMENT ALLERGY TESTING AND CLINICAL ECOLOGY GERIATRICS CHILDREN'S MEDICINE SCHOOL AND JOB PHYSICALS PRENATAL ANO POSTNATAL CARE Cox Funeral Home has a s ta ff dedicated to the fam ilies in their hour o f need w ith lo w cost funerals, dig nity and liberal term s. Shipping • Cremation • Buriel 2736 N.E. Rodney • (503)281 4891 Portland, Oregon 97212 i