Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 02, 1987, Page 3, Image 3

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    September 2, 1987, Portland Observer, Page3
Oscar Eason Jr. (L), Blacks in G overnm ent (B.I.G .),
National Board o f D irectors Chairm an; and W illis
Tate (C), B.I.G . Regional D ire cto r, Region X w ere
on hand last w eek to honor M argaret Carter (R)
as the n ew ly elected B.I.G. Region X C ouncil Pre­
sident. A reception hosted by D ick Bogle. Gladys
M cC oy and M ary W endy Roberts was held at PCC
Cascade. Eason used the occasion to tell o f B.I.G .'s
involvem ent in issues in Seattle around the o f f ­
loading o f ships carrying cargo fro m S. A frica and
the A ffirm a tiv e A c tio n policies at Frederick i t Nel­
sons. He also challenged the Portland group to
become active around those issues.
Photo by Richard J. B row n
$ Blacks su pporting Blacks.
Nero £t Associates^
NITCO, a $15-$20 m illio n research and m anagem ent
com pany, recently signed a group em ployee bene
f it plan w ith insurance broker M a tt Chavis. David
Nero (seated) is the com pany's chief executive o ffi­
cer and oversees more than 300 employees in 14
Photo by Richard J. Brown
You Can Make School Cast Today!
A nd Each Day fo r th e Rest o f 1987
Let our 19 years of experience
Guide you to $50.00 or $100.00 each day
in just a few hours a day.
14 years old to 80
Be Your Own Boss.
Call 282-7436
12:00 to2:30 p.m. ONLY
Let's Go to
the Zoo
Zoo Hours
9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
hours begin Oct. 25: 9:30 a.m. to
4 p.m.
Sept. 15
Senior Citizens Day, Washington
Park Zoo. 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Free day for seniors and their es­
Entertainment, free train
rides, special exhibits and activities.
O ct 3
Recycling Awareness Day, Wash­
ington Park Zoo, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Activities, games and skits for all
ages. Meet Mr. Trash, Mr. Card­
board, Cool Can and Woodsy Owl.
Oct. 31
Pumpkin Party, Washington Park
Zoo. 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Free with
regular admission. By following a
Halloween zoo map each child will
receive a treat at "trick and treat"
stations around the zoo.
PCC Invites
Enrollment in
Early Childhood
Portland Community College has
fall term openings for day and even­
ing classes in Early Childhood Edu­
cation at Sylvania Campus, 12000
S.W. 49th Ave.
In addition, two ECE classes will
be available through PCC Tele­
course on Rogers and Willamette
Cable Channel 10.
The ECE program trains students
to be teachers of young children in
child-care settings.
PCC offers
certificates of completion for those
who finish 45 credit hours, and the
Associate of Applied Science de­
gree, based on completion of 90
credit hours.
Further information is available
from the PCC Home Economics De­
partment, 244-6111, Ext. 4216.