•j CL A S S I F!ED A D VER TIS W G ■ •< *4 \ . < ¿A « « -( : » W R IT E R OR ED ITO R Over six years on Ore­ gon w eekly, all phases except display adver­ tising and p hoto lab. W ro te P.R. and b ro ­ chures fo r e con om ic developm ent organiza­ tio n, edited and w rote b i-m on thly tab for school d istrict, and cu r­ rently freelance. De­ grees in w ritin g (U. of W ashington) and geo­ graphy (U C LA). Seek fu ll-tim e, long-term p o ­ sition as w rite r/p h o to ­ grapher or e d ito r/w rite r in W illam ette Valley or on coast. C ontact: Linda Colby, P.O. Box 233, W e stfir, OR 97492; (503) 782-4315 (allow 10 rings). D.J. GENERAL CONTRACTOR INC Dewey Taylor II — — JS" 1 IS. 1 • I* * !* > > » j;- :, * « » .v * * • A V >¿4 *2 *<* ♦ r . il i d imi s * a * „ » « ' » *> ' ****** • • • » ' » fc’ A «4 * » -, DBA: REPORTER '84 graduate o f Lewis & Clark College w ith P A IN TIN G -IN TE R IO R & EXTERIOR degree in international W A L L & FLOOR COVERING affairs and concentra­ OF A L L PHASES tion in journalism seeks general assignm ent re­ porting position. In college reported fo r LICENSED, BONDED cam pus new spaper on 10 YE AR S OF EXPERIENCE a variety >f issues, and w o rte features and re­ A F FO R D A B LE R E M O D E LIN G !!!!!! views. Also freelanced fo r local w eekly and C A LL T O D A Y com pleted several in ­ C ^ e' ternships before m o v ­ ing to New York City fo r three years to w o rk o ^' in editorial departm ent o f publishing. Exper­ ienced in p h o to jo u rn ­ B U S IN E S S HOMES alism and layout. C on­ B U S IN E S S FOR SA LE FOR SALE ta ct: Sam Bennett, O P P O R T U N IT Y R ES TA U R A N T seats 10634 S.W . H edlund, $154,950. Happy Val­ 1000 S U N BE D S : Sun- 50. Best place in to w n . Portland, OR 97219; ley: V iew M t. Hood. a l-W o lff. Save up to (503) 635 6462. 8 lane B ow ling center, 1-14 acre near G olf 50% . Call fo r FREE 11 leagues, great h u n t­ Course. C ustom 6 bed­ color catalogue and ing and recreation area room , 3 bath. S w im ­ w holesale prices. M /C A fte r in Eastern OR. m ing pool. Excellent & V is a . 1-800-835 3826 pm (503) 676- 7:30 term s. TK Realty, (503) 5442. 669-0503. J U S "*L'I OPPORTUNITY A LL C A S H Business O pportunity- Great M oney Maker. C ondom vending m ach­ ines. $99.00 low est prices, p ro fits to $100 w eekly per m achine. Turnkey o p e ra tio n —all details handled. Part tim e -fu ll tim e. (303)632 8240 Opportunity for qualified veteran (acceptable credit & earnings) to ac­ quire a tw o family home at no cost. Call Mackie or Jack 252-3366 S m ith & B U S IN E S S O P P O R T U N IT Y FIGURE SH APIN G T A ­ BLES: Open your ow n figure salon w ith the original S tau ffe r C on­ cept figure shaping ta ­ bles. Our equipm ent is o fte n im itated but never duplicated. (312) 234-9547. A ssociates 288-9629 B U S IN E S S O P P O R T U N IT Y FIGURE SHAPING AND S U N TA N N IN G EQUIPM ENT: Open your o w n figure or sun­ tan salon or add these features to your exist­ ing business. Buy fa c ­ to ry direct; (312) 234- 9547. M FG H O M ES FOR SA LE BUY YOUR MOBILE HOME in Southern Oregon fo r best price and selection. New Redmans, M arlettes and q uality used homes. Delivered anywhere. W ild w o o d M obile 1-800-422- Homes. 0341. itT down payments, Lower interest. M IS C . FOR SA LE M ARKETTESTO FFER! "T h e Sew & Serge" machine! Finally! An all purpose, free arm home sewing m achine, designed to : sew the seam, overlock the ed­ ge & trim o ff excess fabric! Plus, built-in button ho ler, blindhem , stretch, etc. Heavy d u ­ ty "steel drive g ea rs." 20 year guarantee. List $539! Test o ffe r, $198. Checks, credit cards, C .O .D . or layaway, free delivery! (714) 548-4425, anytim e. ABSO RB less fa t from fo o d . Need 77 over­ w eig ht people to try new p ro du ct from d o c ­ tors at Cedar Sinai H os­ pital. Safe, fu n , guar­ anteed. Patty, (303) 238 3868. TRAVEL T R A IL E R S B uy F a c to ry D ire c t and Save! L ig h t­ w e ig h t, super insula­ ted, fiberglass travel trailers, 13', 16' and 19' 5th wheels. Call toll-free 1-800-346-4962 HUD DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING ANO URBAN DEVELOPMENT ATTEN TIO N! M O B IL E H O M E S FOR SALE AFFORDABLE H O U S­ ING? 1700 sq. ft. to p quality 3 section m anu­ factured hom e. C om ­ pare to site b uilt or m o­ dular! S tatew ide instal- ation included. $39,995. Santiam Homes, (503) 769-7744, S tayton. HOMES FOR SALE PAYING RENT. You can save m oney ow n ing this 2 or 3 Bed­ room hom e. C om ­ pletely renovated. New Natural Gas Furnace, Good Roof, N ew W all to W all Carpet, Fenced Yard, Ready to o ccup y. $300 p e r m o n th P .l. FHA M ortgage. Seller pays m ost c lo ­ sing costs. A p p ro x i­ m ately $800 to ta l m ove in costs. Help | C O M M E R C IA L P R O P E R TY FOR SA LE 28 SPACE MOBILE PARK, 16 m obiles o w n ­ ed by park. Located in M edfore, Oregon. De­ tailed package avail­ able. O w ner carry at 9% A .P .R . (503 ) 826- ! 2661 or 1-800-422-0341. CHALLENGER, Char­ ger, C oronet, Daytona, Super Bee, Dart, Bar­ racuda, Belvedere, Cu- da, Duster, GTX, Roadrunner, Satellite, Superbird. Invest, sell. Direct HOTLINE, (503) 774-1020, a.m ., p.m . Free parts locator ser­ B U S IN E S S O P P O R T U N IT Y ESTABLISHED RED­ MOND cabinet and specialty shop fo r 1 or 2 craftsm en. R eputation th ro u g h o u t Central O re­ gon fo r q ua lity, custom designs, crea tivity. By ow ner. (503) 923-0808 days; (503) 548-3057 evenings. B U S IN E S S FOR SALE BO W LING CENTER AM F 8 lane w ith excel­ lent restaurant, seats 50. Heart o f h unting and recreation area in Eastern, OR. Before 10 am or after 7:30 pm (503) 676-5442. vice. HELP W A N T E D NANNY POSITIONS S C H O O L IN G A V A IL A B LE : Care for ENJOY CHILDREN? children in their East or j S tudy at nationally re­ W est Coast hom e. cognized nanny tra in ­ Room, board, $120-200 ing school. Free na­ per w eek. One year tio n w id e placem ent, in ­ co m m itm e nt. Non- credible dem and. C on­ sm okers preferred. Call ta ct NNE, 2100 N.E. fo r interview , La Petite Broadway, Suite 3F, Mere, 1-800-621-1985. Portland, OR 97232. (503) 284-1240. Call M A R IN E S A LES collect. 28-FOOT FIBERGLASS CABIN CRUISER: T w in engines, video sound­ er, Loran C, CB, trailer. Extras, parts, e qu ip ­ m ent, electronics. P.O. Box 3376, Harbor, OR 97415; (503) 469 3518. HELP W A N T E D A W O ND ERFU L F A M I­ LY EXPERIENCE: S candinavian, Euro­ pean, Brazilian high school exchange stu ­ dents arriving in A u ­ gust. Becom e a host fam ily fo r A m erican in ­ tercultural S tud en t Ex­ change. Call 1-800- SIBLIN G . M O B IL E H O M E S FOR SALE FREE STATEW IDE DE­ LIVERY: Golden W est — Best fa c to ry build m odular hom e in A m e ­ rica. S tarting $ 2 0 /sq. ft. Also featuring S ky­ line, Fleetwood. San­ tiam Homes, H w y 22, S tayton; 1 (503) 769- C O PY E D IT O R Recent graduate from HELP W A N T E D 7744. the U niversity o f Hou- EXPERIENCE OF A stan w ith bachelor's LIFETIME: Learn about degree in journalism C O M M U N IT Y PU B — other cultures. Be­ seeks copy editing pos­ L IS H E R /M a n a g in g come a host fam ily for itio n . W hile at college, E d ito r/A d M a n a g e r a high school exchange reported awhile, then M ultiple award w inner, student arriving A ugust PERSONAL relized copy editing all catagories. Builds 19. Telephone Inter­ w as w here his talent ad volum e, readership, W o w ! I did it! I lost national Education Fo­ w as. W ith in a few paid circu latio n, q uality, 25 lbs. in 1 m on th. No rum : Yvonne Bokovoy, m onths, he was assoc­ profits. Effective co m ­ ! drugs! No exercise! (503)386-2223. iate editor o f the co l­ m u n ity /e c o n ., d e ve l./ D octor recom m ended. lege paper and looking business a ctivist. S ta ff Call, I'll tell you h ow ! HELP W A N T E D fo rw a rd to his Dallas m otiva tor, recrits qual­ Becky, 1 800-821-1989, M orning News intern ­ NEEDED IM M E D IATE­ ity people, trains, re­ ext. 1000. ship. This sum m er, LY: W elders, carpen­ trains, crosstrains, builds he's a D ow Jones ed­ quality, e fficiency, p ro f­ ters, electricians, plum ­ E D IT O R IA L iting intern at th e A u s ­ its; bers, managem ent po­ co ntrols costs. A w a rd w in n in g ex­ tin Am erican — S tate s­ sitions, technicians, Started letterpress, p io ­ publisher seeks m ana­ man. He w an ts to fin d neered o ffs e t 1959. m echanics, m achinists, ger, e dito r, or news w o rk in th e N o rth w e s t, Know s Oregon. C on­ drivers, equipm ent o p ­ desk position. I know along w ith his fiancee, ta ct: Dan M cG rew , erators. Entry level, all phases o f news, Emily S m ith (see re­ 843 S t. A nne D rive, degreed, up to $32.60 have w orked in other porter). C ontact: Oscar Salinas, CA 93901; hour. Call T ra n s c o n ­ departm ents. Publish­ M artinez, 1607 Fulton, (408) 758-4947. tinental, (308)647-5555. ed Sun-Enterprise three H ouston, Texas 77009; Fee. years, left fo r econom ic (512) 443-8680. COPY EDITOR reasons. Edited Sierra Recent graduate of Sun (Truckee, Calif.) P IC K U P S / Portland S tate U niver­ 17 m onths, left fo r R V S A LES C A N O P IE S sity seeks p osition re­ higher-paying job; laid PRE-OWNED 24' 5 5 0 C A N O P IE S quirin g use o f stron g BUN KH O U SE SPE­ CHEAP: Totem , S tam ­ o ff fro m last paper w ritin g skills and a bility C IAL: Large selectionl pede, Brahama. Save (Cresent City, C alif.) in to co m m un icia te w ell Track 84 m on th fin an cin g a- big at T otem . Free reorganization. w ith pub lic and peers. record o f im proving vailable, OAC. Ocean- m ou nt. Free price list. C on ta ct: J u s tin H u ff­ new s pro du cts. C on­ W ay RV. H w y 18-99W Phone free, 1-800 452 m a n - K e r r , 031 S .W . ta c t: H erbert E. S w e tt, D ayton J u n c tio n (Lin 9113, 9-5:00, 7 days. C aruthers, A p t. D, P.O. Box 683, Sm ith coin C ity c u t-o ff), M c ­ Totem M fg ., Salem, P ortland, OR 97201; River, CA 95567; hom e M innville, OR (503) (503) 224-3625. Oregon. (707) 487-1575; messa - 434 6505. ges (707) 464 2141. f ; 4, .Y . v *• -,*** . <-. ■ I f* ' : -x 4 « “1 4 ■*<> * I *»' •. 7. ••• 2 « • Ï-Ϋ ; V ‘ 4 . ;. '» V t I FA*' » . . $20,250 234 0501 o r 288 1678 stop trade deficit! Be­ com e an international trader! C ontact U .S. B U IL D IN G business organizations M A T E R IA L S & foreign businessmen POLE BU ILD IN G KITS. w h o have an interest in Com plete building pa­ helping you in export ckages, 1/s lid in g door, trade. Learn to locate 4 /co lo re d walls, 6 x 6 foreign country mar- ! poles, 24 x 36 x 10 kets. Locate U .S. pro- ; $1,749; 24 x 48 x 12 ducers & foreign b u y ­ $2,349 ; 30 x 60 x 12 ers. Call (208) 452- $3,249. M any other 3992 or w rite: W ashoe sizes. Labor and fin a n ­ Publishing Co., P.O. cing available. 1-800- Box 27. Payette, Idaho 331-0155, (503) 263- 82661. 1805 C L A S S IC A U T O S OR 97465. Sunday Oregonian. Then for details, see any real estate agent. Lower down. Lower interest. Our all new Double Play w ill help you come home a winner. HUD and your real estate agent. We're The Home Team.1'’ C O PY ED ITO R Recent Columbia U ni­ versity Journalism Sc­ hool grad seeks pos­ ition as copy e d ito r/ page designer. Three years part-tim e w eekly experience, daily in te rn ­ ship. D esig n/e ditin g concentration at Col­ um bia. Editor-in-chief o f Cal Poly's aw ard­ w inning daily new s­ paper; w on 1986 Cal­ ifornia Intercollegiate Press Association first place award fo r fro n t page layout. C ontact: Donald M unro, 145 M orningside Drive, Ben Lom ond, CA 95005; (408) 336-5262. B U S IN E S S O P P O R T U N IT Y fo r free brochure. OREGON COAST: Beautiful 4 bedroom , 2 bath; large fenced landscaped lot; near beaches, lake, rivers, h un ting , fishing. $38, 900. (503) 332-7505; Box 955, Port O rford, tg a H U D l ball game, Experienced editor needed fo r tw o P o rt­ land area publications. P hotographic expe r­ ience a plus b ut n ot necessary; layout skills also helpful. Please send cover letter w ith resume to: A ttn : Pub­ lisher, High Point C om ­ m unications, P.O. Box 8279, Portland, OR 97207. •/. 5Ti ED ITO R PERSONALS S P O R T S REPORTER Recent U niversity o f Oregon journalism grad­ uate seeks entry-level sports w ritin g position w ith a respected w eek­ ly or daily. Have about tw o years reporting ex­ perience. C ontact: Dennis Fernandes, 1232 Keasey, Roseburg, OR 97470. (503) 342-7252; 673-1828. FREE ESTIMATES Buy an FHA-insured HUD-owned home now and enjoy a lower down payment and interest rate with our all new Double Play offer. Now for a limited time, HUD has dropped the down payment to just 3% for owner-occupants and 10% for investors on all HUD-owned properties eligible for FHA Mortgage Insurance. Plus, HUD w ill pay up to 6 additional points to help cut your interest rate up to one full percent . . . or more! Check the HUD listings ad in the classified section of your Friday or P O S IT IO N O P E N J - .- J . /.J > • ■ > . J .- A* «