Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 26, 1987, Page 6, Image 6

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    Pane 6. Portland Observer, Auaust 26, 19«7
AIDS Death Sentence Refute
by Laurence Badgley, M.D.
Dr. Badgley is a Yale medical school graduate who treats AIDS
patients with natural therapies in his San Francisco and Los Angeles clinics.
He has video films of long term survivors and he will be in Seattle, Septem
ber 27 28, 1987, in Portland, September 25 26, 1987; in Los Angeles, Sep­
tember 18 22, 1987; and in New York, October 8 11, 1987.
With the Center For Disease Control reporting increasing numbers of
deaths and predicted deaths from AIDS, I feel it is time the American public
became better informed. Contrary to media reports by governmental social
support agencies, and AIDS diagnosis does not necessarily translate into an
automatic two year death sentence. There are survivors living beyond that
time who are free of the virus and who didn't use drugs to achieve wellness.
They used natural means to achieve their recoveries.
AIDS is, after all, a DEFICIENCY disease, in which immune function is
impaired. Does it make sense to treat a deficiency with drugs when sub­
stance abuse has in many of these cases been a part of a Person With AIDS
(PWA's) lifestyle? Drug induced illnesses are rampant in this country.
PWA's grew up on several courses of antibiotics administered for any num­
ber of health problems long before their diagnosis with ARC AIDS. These
20 to 30-year-olds were children in the mid 50's to 60 s and were treated
with antibiotics for flu, earache, sore throat, cold, and coughs. Antibiotics
Dr. Laurence Badgley, M.D.
were thought to be the panacea of the times. This was useless since there
are almost no prescription durgs against viruses. Being good businessmen
doctors have learned that patients expect a medication at the conclusion of
an office visit, and they dutifully comply. The patient is satisfied, the doctor
has pleased the patient, but what about the long-term consequences?
Antibiotics kill the normal bacteria living in the body. The work of
these normal bacteria benefit and maintain balance. When these good
germs are destroyed, they permit bad germs to enter the body and take
over. This is often the start of a continuum, the condition known as Can­
dida albicans or yeast proliferation in the body. This commonly manifests
as yeast infections of the genital area. As the condition progresses in the
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unchecked state, so do digestive problems, bowel problems, migraine,
asthma, hormonal irregularities, allergies, fatigue, lethargy, lesions and skin
rashes Mental-emotional symptoms include depression, anxiety, hyper­
activity irritiability, poor concentration, and loss of memory. Candidiasis
is not new, having been around for centuries. The declining vitality of seve­
ral generations due to suboptimal diets, along with associated factors such
as drug and chemical exposures have made us a nation of persons perdis
posed to disease. There are effective treatments for the Candida condition,
and they should be sought as early as possible when it is suspected. Cam
dida is often at the base of the continuum of those persons later diagnosed
with ARC/AIDS.
. , .
If non-drug treatment of AIDS is possible and effective, why isn t it
evident in the news? Media sources choose instead to healme stones about
drug "cures". These so-called successes build confidence, causing thou­
sands to wait for forthcoming "magic bullet" drug cures. The waiting time
is wasted and could be better used implementing healthier lifestyle chan­
ges. Often the journalists writing these "success" stories are dependent for
their news angles upon the prominent institutions whose opinions they re­
present. Dramatic drug "break-throughs” are journalistically speaking,
more news-worthy.
As an examples of how our medical system is skewed toward synthetic
therapies, I cite an article in the AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION
NEWS on November 7, 1986, proclaiming: AZT SUCCESS, DESPITE SIDE
EFFECTS. A healthy looking young AIDS patient is pictured and quote
"if I didn't know I was sick, I wouldn't know I was sick". The story is clearly
intended to portray success of the synthetic chemical AZT. Further reading
reveals another interpretation. Besides the AZT administered, (which
caused anemia) the patient also pursued "daily exercise, yoga, nutritional
counseling, a balanced diet of organic food, Chinese herbs, and weekly
acupuncture and massage". One has to wonder if these lifestyle’ changes
had anything to do with his recovery. I would conclude they had EVER
THING to do with it. The patient likely recovered in SPITE of the drug, not
because of it. I am seeing many survivors who do not use any drugs to
effect recovery, but they are all using lifestyle changes in habits, nutrition
and mental and spiritual outlook.
By 1987, science has finally proven that the immune system is intimate­
ly controlled by glandular hormones, nutirition, vitamins, minerals, and the
mind. Improper diets, attitudes and thoughts can damage the immune sys­
tem Science has also demonstrated how acupuncture, attitudinal chan­
ges, herbs, and proper nutrition can help to re-build the immune system. It
makes good sense to use these healing techniques in PWA's.
Why then do we continue to witness the predominent schools of medi­
cine and science maintaining, "AIDS is fatal"? They suggest that a cure is
dependent upon them, and they solicit funding in a clear cut case of institu­
tional egotism and greed. Actually, the positioning of medical schools and
drug syndicates fosters their continued control of the extremely lucrative
business of treating AIDS. Personal confirmation of this was displayed to
me recently when I organized a national forum where experts of natural
therapies for the immune system presented their views. A professional man
who believed in the premise volunteered his help, but was later swayed to
abandon his commitment when he received a job at a facility where AIDS
patients receive care. His new employers made clear that affiliation with
the forum was unacceptable, and depicted it as a threat to his employment.
Sadly, those persons in charge of dissemination of information to
PWA's are in similar circumstances. Their involvement is limited to educa­
tion about issues regarding the acquisition of AIDS, such as "safe sex
practices. They are part and parcel followers of the conventional medical
mentality of placing all hope in drug cures. Whenever these persons come
into contact with information about natural therapies, they usually discard
it out of ignorance. Recently, I was invited to give a lecture at one of the
biggest medical-nursing schools in the United States. The topic was Heal­
ing AIDS Naturally" and had been promoted to many departments by flyer
for over one month. The audience numbered about thirty and consisted of
clerical staff and secretaries. Not one doctor, nurse, medical student or
nursing student attended the lecture! These are the same people who are
attempting to chase down the myriad of germs that secondarily invade the
weakened immune systems of PWA’s. Yes, we do read that these profes­
sionals are helping by their attempts to counsel PWA's and their families,
but it is mostly around issues such as death and bereavement.
W ouldn't it be far better if health care givers were informed to teach
PWA's how to model the AIDS survivors and to teach ways to attaining
health through natural means such as nutrition, etc.? In my chn.cs m San
Francisco and Los Angeles, I am seeing survivors who have had AIDS for
five years and who are doing well. Instead, present polices of the govern
ment support agencies have programmed PWA s to enter the system an
die. This "pipeline" approach yields every-increasing death statistics which
serve as proof of need for the existence of these agencies. The more
deaths tallied, the more frightened the headlines and the greater the contri­
butions to the coffers of those who will realize the greatest gain As the
system flourishes with money, facilities and agencies, a host of well-paying
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jobs are created for legions of newly-arrived professionals.
Many health care providers argue against natural therapies because
they are uneasy about patients taking self-responsibility for their own pro­
blems. These practitioners often believe that by doing so patients would
become upset and experience guilt and shame. No one gets sick intention­
ally. A conscious decision to be ill is ridiculous. People slip into patterns
gradually or have long-term predisposing factors such as alcohol, poor diet,
promiscuity or substance abuse. Natural therapies help people to review
their lifestyles and to recognize their mode of living as causal in the role of
disease. With this knowledge and forewarning, the PWA's are blessed in
being able to make changes in their lives and to re-establish a healthy body
and mind.
Dr. Bailey will be interviewing Dr. Badgley on Monday, Ucto
ber 2.1987, 9:00 - 9:30 a.m. on KBOO.
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